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Synod/District Gathering

Synod/District Gathering

The District Synod sets the policy for the District, serving as a link between the Conference and the Connexional Team on the one hand and the circuits and local churches on the other. It has oversight of all district affairs, formulating and promoting policies, through its various officers and committees to assist the mission of the Church, to give inspiration to the leaders in the circuits and to ensure the interrelation of all aspects of the Church's life throughout the district. The synod may bring matters to the Conference.

Within the District Gathering we hold the life of Methodism across our district in prayer, renew our relationship with our wider Connexional church, and make any formal decisions required of us as a district – the work of the representative synod.
Our Representative Synod, comprising over 100 ministers, circuit lay representatives and district officers, meets in September and April year. In addition to discussing formal business, Synod is an opportunity for us gather as a district to worship, learn and share stories.
All office holders are asked to contribute to the annual Reports to Synod book which is circulated at the April meeting. You can find the latest version on this page.

Details of the District Gathering are posted on this page and also publicised on our Social Media Accounts and District Newsletter to encourage early registration. Anyone is welcome to join our gathering, although only Synod members can vote on Synod business.

Presbyteral Synod is held in March, attended by presbyters from across our district.

Dates of future synod gatherings are included on our District calendar.

Contact Revd Sean Adair, our Synod Secretary, for further information about our synods –

Each year we produce a Synod Directory which goes to all members of Synod and other relevant people. Contact Katrin in the District Office to request a printed copy.

An annual Prayer Diary is also produced and can be downloaded from this page. If you would like printed copies to share with others, contact Katrin in the District Office.

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District