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faith hope and the journey

Faith, Hope and The Journey is the Podcast from Sheffield Methodist District.

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Faith, Hope and The Journey is a collection of stories from South Yorkshire, North Nottinghamshire and North East Derbyshire as people from our district share their faith journey and talk about how they are using their gifts and talents to do God's work.

Series 2 – Episode Two – Creative Christmas

Revd Mark Carrick from the Derbyshire North East Circuit shares his faith journey and talks about sharing the Advent story in new and creative ways. This is an extended episode which explores Mark's life and talks about how story telling and creative artwork has been and continues to be a great way to engage with people of all ages.

Series 2 – Episode One – 3Generate and The Youth President

The Methodist Youth President Bea Hulme joined us for a chat and we talked all things 3generate, what it's like to be the Youth President and making "spirit led" decisions.

This year more than 1,500 children, young people, leaders and volunteers attend 3generate at Birmingham NEC in October. Around 150 where from our district and everyone enjoyed exploring different styles fo worship, activities including gaming, VR headsets, indoor climbing, caving and a lot of sports.

A 60 second highlights video from 3gen

Episode Ten – Mission Planning

In the final episode of our first series of Faith, Hope and The Journey we talk to Revd. Julie Coates and Daphne Sidney about the importance of mission planning and what impact it's having the Trinity Circuit.

Growth of the Grove

For seven long years falling masonry closed off the large sanctuary at The Grove in Retford. The building was split into two disconnected parts. It would have been easy to assume that the ceiling would never be repaired and the church eventually be forced to retreat from their town centre site entirely. The Church though had other ideas and with a growing sense of mission and an exciting future ahead the Church secured a grant to restore the ceiling. The congregation developed further their mission planning activity and 'The Growth of the Grove' became the project aim and working title. The Church felt a call to be a people of God with a story to share, operating from a multi-purpose sacred space dedicated to God. To fully implement this mission, they needed to complete the modernisation of their historic premises and an ambitious fundraising programme began. With support from many organisations, including a £20,000 district grant, building works have recently started and it is hoped a Church with a fresh and new focus will be fully open to the wider community in early 2024.

Episode Nine- Worship Leading

In this episode we meet Mel Hall, a Worship Leader from the Barnsley Circuit. Mel talks about her faith journey and how the Alpha course played a major role in this, plus also highlights the need for websites to be up to date (have a listen to hear why) Mel shares stories about her life, her career, her friends and how God is guiding and inspiriring her.

If you feel inspired by Mel's story and would like to find out more about the Alpha Course you can here If your church would like to run an Alpha Course contact Neil Harland on for a New Beginnings grant.
Also if you would like to know more about becoming a Worship Leader, speak to your Minister or get in touch with us at the district.

Episode Eight – Cornerstone, Chesterfield

In this episode we meet Angela Walker, the Manager of Cornstone Christian Bookshop and Coffee Shop at Central Methodist Church inChesterfield. She talks about how Cornerstone has grown and developed over the years and how it's much more than just a book shop or a place to grab a quick cuppa.

Cornerstone is a quiet and relaxed environment run entirely by Christian volunteers, fully wheelchair accessible, Dementia Friendly and is proud to be a Derbyshire Safe Place. Inside you will find a warm welcome anda wide range of Christian books and Bibles,Children's Books and Bibles,Daily Bible reading notes,Greetings cards for (almost) all occasions andTeas, coffees, cold drinks and light, wrapped snacks.

If you are in Chesterfield, pop in and see the team, it's open 10am until 3pm.

Episode Seven – Warm and Welcome Spaces

There are lots of examples of warm and welcome spaces in our district and we have been fortunate enough to record two conversations with people about the fantastic work ongoing in their churches.In this podcast you will hear from Jackie Bailey, from Dore Methodist Church and Richard Wells from Trinity @ Killamarsh in Sheffield. Jackie and Richard share stories of helping their local community, the importance of offering good hospitality and how working with others can lighten the work load and offer more of what local people are looking for. Our church buildings are for more than a Sunday morning – how is your church actively involved in your local community?

Episode Six – The ONE Opportunity Programme

District Children and Youth Coordinator, Vic Loveday and ONE Opportunity Programme Intern Gen talk about their faith journeys and also about the ONE Opportunity Programme.

Gen is one of three young people from the district who are currently Interns and he's using his gifts and talents to create a youth group for older teens in the Barnsley Circuit, find out all about it in this episode. Vic talks about how the scheme was created and how much of a difference it's making to our district.

You can read more about the ONE Opportunity Programme and find out how to apply here.

Episode Five – Eco Church

Dave Fisher is from Hathersage Methodist Church in the Peak Circuit and in this episode he talks about how COP26 kick started the churches Eco Church journey. It is the aim of the Methodist Church to have net zero emissions by 2030 and following the Eco Church programme can help to achieve this.
Eco Church looks all aspects of church life including:

  • Worship and teaching
  • Management of church buildings
  • Management of church land
  • Community and global engagement
  • Lifestyle

and awards churches bronze, silver and gold awards.
Find out more here

Episode Four – Family Fun Church

Ed Siddall is a Lay Pastor and Grace Perkins is a Children and Families worker in the Rotherham and Dearne Valley Circuit. In this episode they share their faith journeys and how as a circuit, Rotherham and Dearne Valley, reach out to families as part of their mission and explain how offering family fun church and a meal across different churches in the month is creating a warm and welcome space for kids to be kids.

Find out more about Family Fun Church and other family groups in the Rotherham and Dearne Valley Circuit on their website

Episode Three – Local Preaching

Debbie Evans is a pastoral lay worker, a worship leader and local preacher in training in the Barnsley Circuit. In this episode you will hear Debbie share her faith journey and how God was there to support her through her nursing career, through Covid and how her life changed when her father was diagnosed with cancer. Being a Local Preacher or working for the Methodist Church didn't appear to be on Debbie's agenda, however one day she decided to walk into her local chapel and everything changed and she felt like she was "Home".

Find out more about worship, leading and preaching here

Episode Two – The Peak Wesley Way

You will hear from Sheila Travis who shares her faith journey and about how The Peak Wesley Way was created as a way to help save local chapels in the Peak District.

The Peak Wesley Way is a contemporary opportunity to engage with the ancient spiritual practice of pilgrimage within the beauty of the Peak Park. For centuries travellers and holiday makers have been drawn in by the arresting magnificence and splendour of the Peak District. However, few people have been privy to the hidden gems of the quaint, unpretentious local Methodist chapels and their treasured histories. Each chapel set in its local village has its own story to tell.

The Latin root of the word Pilgrimage means, 'strangers through the foreign fields'. The Peak Wesley Way offers a life changing experience to small groups of up to six people of all faiths and none who are spiritually curious and intrigued by spending time in the ancient holy places, indoor and outdoor. The pilgrimage is for groups of friends or family with a shared quest for adventure, wanting to connect with a simpler greener lifestyle or needing space to reflect.

Find out more and to book your pilgrimage visit or connect on social media
Facebook @PeakWesleyWay
Instagram @peak_wesley_way
X @PeakWesleyWay

Episode One – The Metal Methodist
You will hear from Revd. James Morley and Kate Ibbotson who share their faith journeys, about their love of heavy metal music and how The Metal Methodist Community was created.

The Metal Methodist seeks to be a safe and inclusive space to explore a love of heavy metal music and the Christian faith, particularly from a Methodist perspective.
Visit where you will find music, radio and video resources. You are also welcome to join the Metal Methodist Page. For those seeking to take the Metal Methodist Way of Life deeper there's also a Metal Methodists Group.

Once you've listened to any of the podcasts we'd like to know what you think or to answer any of your questions. Please email or

In life and faith, we value and appreciate different perspectives, and encourage you to consider what your perspective is too! If anything in this podcast gets you thinking, you'd be more than welcome to get in touch with us for more information or a conversation.

The podcast is edited by Matt Collins of MC Online Events and the music is Summer Adventures by Sergii Pavkin from Pixabay

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District