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Worship & Preaching

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Worship: Leading and Preaching

Worship: Leading & Preaching is the authorised training course for Worship Leaders and Local Preachers in the Methodist Church. It is designed to equip us for mission and ministry in a changing world, and to embrace new ways of being a church, new technologies and innovative ways of learning.

We aim to enable people from all backgrounds to develop the understanding and the skills they need to lead worship and speak of God in ways that are relevant and appropriate. Our calling as worship leaders and local preachers is to proclaim the love of God in Christ Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. W:LP is based on blended learning, uses a wide variety of media and is designed to be flexible for people to use in whatever the circumstances of their busy lives.

The training comes in two parts: a flexible study course delivered by a team of tutors from across our district, and a local mentor who will walk alongside you as you gain practical skills and experience.

Three principles underpin the study course:

  • Student-centred – the student is responsible for their own learning (accompanied by their tutor) and for engaging with the course in ways that are most appropriate to their context.
  • Reflective practice – the course aims to develop in the student the habits of theological reflection which will serve them throughout their ministry. The aim is not to teach (and examine) a fixed body of knowledge.
  • Portfolio assessed – students compile a portfolio to demonstrate their progress in learning. This is locally assessed by their tutor. There is no "marking" of assignments, and no grades are issued. The student progresses when all assessment criteria are agreed to have been met.

Some of our circuits also run shortened training courses for people who feel called to lead worship in their church, but not to preach.

Whether you are exploring a call to preaching or to worship leading, speak with your minister, who will be able to explain next steps for you.

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District