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Missional Grants

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Missional grants

One of the ways we equip our circuits and churches to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out their discipleship in worship and mission is through making available grant support for New Places for New People, Transformational Mission projects and making Properties Fit For Mission. These grants are funded from annual contributions from circuits to our District Advance Fund.

If you are considering applying, contact Neil Harland our Mission Enabler ( as early as possible. The Mission Enabler's role is to help you explore, develop and articulate your vision, so that your mission might flourish.

We also recommend the Methodist Mission Planning Toolkit as an excellent resource for reflecting and acting on what your Christian community might be called to prioritise. Further guidance for new Christian communities/ New Places for New People is available in the dedicated section on our website – New Christian Communities

Grants will be considered and awarded by the District Leading Team (or a panel appointed by it). We are attempting to view grants not as a competitive process, but a means of together discerning how to best use financial resources that God has provided, creating a permission-giving culture that takes holy risks.

Further details of how to apply and how funding will be prioritised are included in the application forms available for download from this page. (Please note that these are Word documents, so will not open in a new window, but will be automatically downloaded to your computer)

Significant property redevelopments usually require approval for the work to be undertaken through the Methodist property consents website. This is at present a separate process to applying for District grant funding. Contact our Mission Property Enabler ( as early as possible in any potential property development.

All grant holders are required to evaluate their project on completion (Properties Fit For Mission) annually (Transforming Mission), or six-monthly (New Places for New People).

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District