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District News – 02 February 2021

This Week's News

Special Synod – God In Love Unites Us

The Sheffield Methodist District is holding an additional Representative Synod on Saturday 27 February 2021 at 9.30 a.m. in order to discuss and vote upon the resolutions contained within the "God In Love Unites Us Report."

Whilst only Synod members will be able to vote on the resolutions, this is such an important conversation in our shared life that we are offering an open invitation to anyone to attend. This will hopefully enable everyone who wishes, to participate in or listen to, the conversation and debate.

If you would like to take up this opportunity, please register your interest by following this link:
Once you have registered you will receive an automated email with the link you need to use to join the Synod. The email includes the phrase "If you have any questions please email". This statement refers to questions about the process of registration/joining the meeting. It is not a request for questions which you would like considering in the Synod."

SIMPLIFYING PROCEDURES for such a time as this

Yes really... simplifying procedures is integral to our calling and our mission. Sometimes we joke about our needless committees, our repetitive paperwork and our arcane procedures. But perhaps we shouldn't. Read the latest blog from Neil Harland, our Mission Development Support Worker to find out why.
Join us on Zoom to pray for all those who give their time to make our churches, circuits and district run smoothly, at 1pm on Thursday or 8pm on Monday. A recording of last week's prayers is available on YouTube.

District Safeguarding Update

Domestic Abuse

New Domestic Abuse Policy and Procedures
The new Domestic Abuse Policy and Procedures is due out in February/March this year (subject to Methodist Council final approval). I will send more information directly to people in Pastoral Charge and Circuit Safeguarding Officers as soon as I know more.
Bright Sky – Domestic Abuse Support

Bright Sky is a free app and webpage that provides support to those in an abusive relationship as well as those that may be worried about someone else. The app (and webpage) is currently funded by the Home Office alongside the Vodafone Foundation, with both Thames Valley Partnership and Hestia working together to help get it to those that need it most. Key features include: nationwide service directory of local and national specialist support, risk assessments (based on CAADA DASH), journal function, educational tools such as online safety guide, consent, myths, types of abuse etc. One of its most prominent functions is that it is dual pathway, you have the ability to 'get advice for myself' or 'get advice for someone else'
Download the Bright Sky app on Google play and Apple Store.

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill
District Safeguarding Officer.

Human Resources Officer

We are delighted to welcome Andrew Crawford as our new HR Officer for both Sheffield and Yorkshire North & East Districts.

He joins us after a career working in sport and es tablishing his Barnsley-based retained-HR service.

Andrew said: "I'm available to support you with HR advice and provide guidance for any employment related issues or concerns you face."
You can find out more about Andrew here

You can contact Andrew by email: or phone: 07483 106005.


Positively Rural 3 Mission Communities and the Rural Voice.

Thursday 11 February 1:00 to 2:30pm

The next online gathering focusing on rural life and mission. We will share good practice and consider how we move forward positively.

Speaker: Revd Richard Teal, President of the Methodist Conference
Richard says of himself 'Brought up on a tenant farm in the Yorkshire dales from a non-church background. Worked in the textile Industry before training for the Methodist ministry.
Served in Circuit ministry in Gateshead, Berwick upon Tweed and Beverley. Chair of the Cumbria District before recently returning to Circuit ministry in East Yorkshire. President of the Conference. I have a heart for the rural church and community. Married and have two sons in Agriculture.'

To book your place and obtain joining instructions, follow this link:
Registration deadline: Monday 8 February

GDPR Support

Katrin is offering some on-line sessions to help support churches (and circuits) with managing their GDPR compliance. They are intended to be informal meetings of mutual support rather than formal training.

Registration is required so she knows who many to expect!
You can check the dates and register for one (or more) of these by following this link:

Leaning Network Regional Retreat

Wednesday 10 March

As previously indicated the next Regional Retreat for presbyters, deacons and lay employees will be an online day retreat on Wednesday 10 March.

We are delighted that Nick Helm, formerly of Whirlow Spirituality Centre in Sheffield, will be leading our reflections on 'All Shall be Well?' Life, Suffering and the Love of God with Julian of Norwich'. It promises to be a very enriching experience.

Details and booking information are on the flyer here.
It will be free of charge but booking is essential so please click on the link here to register and secure your place by Friday 5 March

Learning and Development

Looking for different ideas to mark Lent this year?

Wanting some new materials and resources to look explore and share with others?

Here are some downloadable ideas and resources for you to search, including items for worship

Count Your Blessings

What will you be doing this Lent? We'd like you to join us for 40 days of making life better for children across the UK.
We've created an inspiring calendar of activities. Each day, you'll be asked to do something meaningful. It might be giving money to those in need, saying a prayer for a child, or spreading the word about our work. So, download your copy from our website:

40 Acts

This is a community of over 100,000 people across the globe who have decided to do Lent differently.

For 10 years they have asked the question, "What if Lent could be about more than just giving stuff up?".
So, 40Acts includes 40 challenges and 40 ways to make a difference.
See more:

Online courses at Cliff College

'Through Women in the Bible I have been inspired to look at the difficult issues with fresh eyes and a better understanding. I have been encouraged to look again at those passages in the Bible which seem to criticise women and look down on them, and find they do nothing of the kind.'

'I've just finished Studies in Ephesians, and I must say WOW! I listened to each section at least three times, there was just so much in it.'

If you haven't checked out Cliff College's online courses yet, what are you waiting for? We have a variety of courses available, all self-paced so you can work through the teaching in your own time. See a full list of available and upcoming courses on our website:

For more information, email

Lay Leadership Skills

Monday 22 February 2021

Join the Learning Network Yorkshire Plus Team for a day exploring leadership for lay people working in the Methodist Church: youth; children; family; and community leaders; class leaders; lay missioners; and local pastors.
We'll be exploring the themes of:-Leadership styles and skills

  • Leading meetings
  • Managing volunteers and Encouraging participation
  • Team and group dynamics

Register in advance here: Bookings will close 72 hours beforehand.

Job Vacancies

Community Outreach Manager for The Terminus Initiative – Sheffield

Are you passionate about seeing people's lives turned around and creating safe spaces for all who need support and encouragement? Are you a 'people person' with vision who can identify the needs of the community and offer strategy to meet those needs? Could you work alongside community agencies, representing the local churches through the Terminus Initiative, in order to show God's love in a practical way? If so, then we would love for you to join us. We are looking for an enthusiastic person of faith for this missional and management role in the Lowedges community and surrounding area.
There is a Genuine Occupational Requirement for the holder of this role to be a Christian.
To view our full job description please click here:
To download an application form, please click here:
APPLICATION DEADLINE: by 5pm on Friday 12th February.
To apply please submit an application form with a covering note to:
As well as a formal interview there will be an informal meeting of trustees and employees and a presentation.

News from Other Organisations

CLC Bookshops

Why did CLC Sheffield close? Read the full story here: I can't believe the bookshop is closing....

Methodist News

Easter Celebration CD

After the success of The Methodist Church's Christmas Service CD, we are delighted to announce that we will be producing an Easter Celebration CD which will be available to order from Monday, February 1st. The service can be used as part of your worship or to give to those who aren't able to access online worship. It includes Easter hymns, readings and a reflection from the President of the Conference. You can pre-order your free copies via Methodist Publishing from next Monday until Monday 18 February at 3pm (P&P applies) Please note: the CD will be distributed week commencing Monday 8 March. Pre-order here.

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District