The final call to join us for a day of learning, sharing and worship at Central Methodist Church, Chesterfield. The booking deadline has been extended to noon on Friday 1 September.
Book your place here:
It isn't too late to be nominated for either a place at the 2024 Methodist Conference, or to be a representative on the District Leading Team. More information, including nomination forms, can be found here: Stepping Out
The Food Bank is moving in to The Christian Centre during August September, and will be ordering a pair of Gopak long tables for sorting. (We've had to leave behind the ones we were using.) But in the meantime, while building alternations are happening, we need to borrow a couple of long tables please.
Or it could be three short tables. We could collect. We will obviously return when the changes are complete in 6-12 months.
If you could help, please email
David Harris, a Local Preacher in the Sheffield circuit writes:
During lockdown, I wrote weekly 'thoughts' and sent them by e-mail to people who had requested them. Towards the end of lockdown, over 160 people had chosen to receive them. Several people have asked me to consider starting these again.
So, from September, I hope to produce 2 each month until the end of the year, and then review the situation!
If you would like to receive these 'doodles' between September and Christmas, please drop me an e mail, and I will be delighted to add you to the list.
The London District have produced a number of resources including an Advent and Lent course, both of which are suitable for small groups and individual study.
Watching and Waiting: a four-week Advent course that encourages us to engage in mission and discipleship as a way of life.
Woven: A Lent Course: a six-week course written by former District Chair and President of the Methodist Conference (2018/19) Revd Michaela Youngson, reflecting on our personal relationship with God and our responsibility as Christian's to engage with the world as it is.
The booklets are free to order via the link below and will be sent out within 4 working days of receiving your order and there is no charge for postage and packaging. Please do note that although the booklets are dated 2020, the content is not specific to any particular year and can be used at any time.
Methodist ministers, Philip Richter and Andy Lindley, have just co-authored a new book, with professional photographer and former Anglican military chaplain, Steve Radley, called, Letting Photos Speak: visio divina and other approaches to contemplative photography. The book is for anyone who takes photos, on standard cameras or smartphones, and who wants to explore personal meaning and well-being through their pictures. Steve tells how he found photography particularly helpful in managing his memories of war. He reveals how his camera offered him post-traumatic growth and a new appreciation of life
Stephen led a regional retreat on this topic last November, so this may be of interest to those who attended (or those who wish that they had).
Letting Photos Speak is available from bookshops and the Darton Longman & Todd website (until the end of September you can get a 60% discount with the code 'SUMMER!').
There are still dates available for Springs Dance Company's much loved Christmas production Journey of the Magi.
Share the joy and wonder of Christmas with your church and local community through this exhilarating, critically acclaimed performance. The show offers a bridge between contemporary life and Jesus's birth, comparing our own personal journey to Christmas day with the journey that the wise men took. With sparkle and songs to keep the children entertained and bags of good humour for the grown-ups, Journey of the Magi delights audiences of all ages and offers a chance to reflect and refocus.
Further information can be found on the Springs Dance Company website page, by emailing or by calling 07775 628442.
Thank you again to all who have responded to the emails sent out checking that the information we currently hold on our database is correct. There still about 150 people yet to confirm or update our records, but it has been the summer and folk likely to be away. Checking that the data we hold is accurate and up to date is an important principle of the General Data Protection Regulations, so please do respond so that we can continue to be compliant.
Those who received the draft version of the District Directory may have noticed that the contact list at the end is much shorter. We are limiting it to District Staff and Office Holders, and Circuit Offices and Superintendents. If there is a legitimate reason why you may need to have access to contact details beyond this list, please get in touch.
Katrin Hackett – District Administrator.
"The Youthscape Essentials course is a helpful resource for those working with teenagers in our churches. No matter how long you have been working with young people there's always something useful to pick up from taking part in this training." Simon, Lancashire
If you're wanting to grow your confidence and skills working with young people in churches and community projects then this programme is just what you're looking for. Youthscape Essentials offers the opportunity to spend time in community with other workers and volunteers, exploring together insights into the lives of young people, relevant skills and character development. It's a perfect course for anyone involved in or interested in developing ministry with young people (aged 11-18). The material has been developed and piloted in a Methodist Circuit in partnership with Youthscape. Find out more here:
Victoria Loveday – Children and Youth Co-ordinator
We believe this is the first Community ECO Festival in Barnsley and have received an enthusiastic response from many groups and organisations as well as our local politicians.
The event is free for stalls and the public; donations will be invited for refreshments. Funds raised will be shared between Toilet and Tap Twinning and ECO activities at Emmanuel Church.
We have activities for children and young people; packs to inspire crafting as well as opportunities for free food from Olio!
On 5th September, you are warmly invited to join our usual Reflective Communion Service, where we shall be formally welcoming new Whirlow Chaplain Alison. You are welcome to stay on for refreshments following the service.
The God Of Surprises: Finding God In The Unexpected
Friday 29th Sept – Sunday 1st October
Held at St Oswald's Community just 4 miles from Whitby, this mostly silent retreat will be led by experienced retreat leader Jacky Stride and Whirlow Chaplain Alison Richards. There are optional opportunities to share experience in threes, and join in the rhythm of prayer of St Oswald's three times a day. Suitable for new and experienced retreatants.£175 full board in single occupancy rooms.
Join the South Yorkshire UCAN Local Group, as we gather to pray, share resources and encourage each other in our ministry!
Our next meeting is on Thursday 14 September when we will be looking at "What works well" – sharing some tips and tricks in word processing (other office programs may be included). Come and share your experiences!
Arrive from 9.00am for a 9.30am start, at All Saints Church (where we met last time). As before, there will be some pastries, fruit, tea and coffee for breakfast.
Sign up here if you would like to come: members and non-members both welcome!
Yorkshire Churches Day (YCD) is a chance for every place of worship in the county to open up and showcase the amazing history and heritage found inside their buildings. Whilst the main day is Saturday 16 September, some churches are opening at other days and times as well.
Join us for an exclusive tour of Victoria Hall's history and architecture, finishing in the spectacular main hall for activities based around what we've seen and learnt. Family friendly, refreshments available.
Opened in 1908, Victoria Hall is a hidden gem in the heart of Sheffield- join us for an exclusive tour of our Grade II listed building, finishing with refreshments and activities in the main hall. The tour will be an exploration of Victoria Hall's architecture and design elements, leading you through the many layers of our history and into rooms not usually open to the public.
The activities in the main hall will be a family-friendly way to engage with architecture, history, and design. Why not build your own version of Victoria Hall, or design your own stained-glass window?
Event Times; Friday 15 September: Tour 14.00, Drop in 15.00 – 17.00
Booking Details; Pre-booking: Required via Eventbrite here
The main hall drop-in is open from 15.00, but the 14.00 tour must be booked
We will be open to visitors from 10.00 am until 4.00 pm on Friday 8th, Saturday 9th, Friday 15th and Saturday 16th September.
You can take a short tour of the church, chat with our stewards about our history or simply enjoy the quiet space and wonderful light of our building.
This year we celebrate 25 years as an Anglican-Methodist partnership -- we hope that the openness of the building reflects the open approach of our congregation. Have a look at the display of photos from our special celebration service in May, when we had some very special visitors and LOTS of cake!
Within this light and spacious church, you can see our beautiful New Creation Window, designed by Rona Moody as part of major modernization and refurbishment work. You will also find our rare Bernard Rice window (the Lady and the Lamp) and the recently re-mounted School of William Morris window.
Volunteers will be on hand to tell you about the church and refreshments will be available.
Our garden is also open to all -- and if you look up, you will be able to see our spire, which is currently undergoing some much-needed repair work. Inside the church, there is an informative display about this work, including a reconstruction of part of the damaged spire before work started.
Shirley House, which is also part of our premises, was built in 1885 and is home to the offices of several businesses. Why not pop in, while you're visiting the church, to see the magnificent stained glass window depicting War, Peace, Agriculture and Commerce?
Full details here:
Appreciating Church is running a conference on 30th September 2023, with a theme of "Appreciating the tough stuff". It will be a day full of inspiration and wisdom from AI practitioners, including speakers and interactive workshops. It will be a hybrid conference, with an online (Zoom) and onsite (Priory Rooms, Birmingham) conference running in parallel. Much thought has been given to the hybrid nature of this conference, and will be tailored, separately, to both parties of attendees.
The cost of either conference is £130 .
There are still a few places left on the next Regional Retreat for Ministers and Lay Employees within the Methodist Church at The Briery, Ilkely.
The theme is Creative Journeying and will be led by Donna Worthington. Donna is an experienced retreat giver trained in Ignatian spiritual direction, labyrinth walking and storytelling. She studied Theology at Cambridge, and completed an MPhil at Manchester University. She has written several plays, two of which explored the Lindisfarne Gospels, and Christian contemplative prayer. She has led retreats and workshops examining the Gospels through theatre, dream-prayer and dance-prayer.
To book online via EventBrite Deadline – 12 September (for viability)
Nether Green Methodist Church seek to appoint a part-time Property Manager who will be responsible for all aspects of property management on behalf of the church and who will be the agreed point of contact for property related matters.
Key areas of responsibility include:
Hours: 7.5 Hours per week (Worked flexibly to meet the needs of the project).
Rate of pay: £16 per hour.
Home based with the requirement to visit the church on a regular basis and to attend meetings in person as necessary.
Next steps: For an application form or for an informal conversation about the role please email Philip Godfrey at
Closing date: 31st August 2023
Interviews: w/c 4th September 2023
We are looking for a new Lay Stationing Representative to work within the Sheffield Methodist District from August 2024.
If so – this role could be for you.
Day by day, O God, we praise you, feel you near and prove your faithfulness.
Daily we long to live according to your word, daily to know you as all in all.
Mary Bosanquet, Methodist Preacher (1739-1815)
How can I show you my love, Lord? What will be meaningful and significant as a measure of my response to you my Creator, my Sustainer, my Saviour? I cannot calculate what loving you involves. So I will give you this moment, this place, the thoughts I have, my plans for today, my hopes for tomorrow.
How can I love my neighbour? Help me to look for the best in each person I meet and to do what I can to bless them today. I will not fret about the shallowness of my love, but trust in your grace at work in and through me, even me.
Andrew Fox, Deputy Chair, Shetland District.
Registered Charity no. 1129363
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255
Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB