A new kitchen at Brightholmlee Methodist Church in Sheffield kick started a community project two years ago and the energy it's created has surpassed all expectations.
Read about the journey here.
The Methodist Church is thrilled to announce the launch of Wholehearted Monthly, a free, online mission webinar starting in March on the second Tuesday of each month, 7:00pm – 9:00pm GMT/BST. People from all traditions and countries are welcome.
What is wholehearted monthly?
Think community organising rally meets immersive spiritual laboratory. It's for anyone committed to a vibrant friendship between "Church" and "World" -- and a desire for both to flourish. Each month, testimony from local innovators, input from a renowned guest speaker, and wisdom-sharing in networks around Gospel justice, inclusion, evangelism, and growth. Registration at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wholehearted-monthly-tickets-1082365166349?aff=evangelismgrowth
Speakers for the first three gatherings are:
Get your seat at the online table here:
We are piloting a new way of holding face to face training sessions for new preachers and worship leaders. We have noticed that it can be very difficult for people to commit to a full week at Cliff College, so we are holding weekend sessions across the country that people can come to – it's far easier to find a couple of days in our busy modern lives.
But we need a venue. So far, venues have been rather south; surely we here in Sheffield District can show just how hospitable we can be too. This is what we are looking for:
Somewhere easy to reach by public transport for people who may be coming on the train
The tech and the knowhow that we can use in the training sessions
A most excellent and welcoming Sunday morning service that delegates can go to
Does this sound like something you could help us with?
Please get in touch with Siggy Parratt-Halbert parratt-halberts@methodistchurch.org.uk
The Urban Theology Union's Women's Caucus is about raising the profile and voice of women in UTU.
But essentially this is not a project or another task on the interminable to-do list but a place to be: a place to be women who are community activists, church leaders, professionals with other roles, theologians, mothers, carers, supporters, nurturers. We meet together to share stories, to realise we are not alone, we are not unique in our struggles and failures, to encourage and inspire each other with insight and example. Our experience is that out of the simple act of being together things grow and things happen.
Do you want to join us for an hour on Wednesday,19th February 1.30-2.30pm on Zoom? Just bring yourself. You will hear women sharing their stories, and you can share your own, or as much of your own as you wish. And together we may be surprised at the wisdom that transpires.
If this is not for you then please pass on the invitation to someone else.
Please contact Jill (office@utusheffield.org.uk) for the Zoom link.
Richard Armiger, Head of Ministries and Learning, is delighted to be able to share the news from Cliff College on the appointment of their new Principal. The Revd Dr Andrew Stobart has been appointed Principal of Cliff College for a two-year fixed term beginning 1 September 2025. Andrew is currently the Academic Vice-Principal at the College.
We offer Andrew our congratulations on this appointment.
The Bible is beautiful. It contains wisdom, humour, great stories and deep comfort. But it is a strange book, and not necessarily easy to use.
Part of the challenge is that the Bible is full of paradoxes. It doesn't always make sense in a simple way. For example, in different places it makes different claims about who God is and how God acts and what it looks like to be part of God's family.
Sunshine and Showers: The Bible's beautiful strangeness explores six Biblical paradoxes and encourages us to keep reading the Bible. Good news can appear when we embrace the mystery and give it space to breathe.
Download the print and digital resources
And don't forget about Sunshine and Showers: prayer's beautiful messiness
Are you looking for more in your faith? Or feeling called to walk alongside others in their journeys of faith?
Over ten days from May to November, Sheffield Diocese's Spiritual Growth and Transformation course offers a process of prayer, listening and reflection through which participants are supported in drawing closer to God. The course is ecumenical, enriching the experience for all who take part. It has been a turning point for many, in their own lives and in their support of others. It also forms the first part of a programme for the formation of Spiritual Accompaniers.
You can find more information and the downloadable course leaflet at https://www.sheffield.anglican.org/learning/courses/spiritual-growth-transformation/
The deadline for applications is 31st January 2025.
In the wilderness, Jesus reminded us that people don't live by bread alone. Each week during Lent, we'll reflect on what sustains us, based on the lectionary Gospel passage for Sunday.
For more information from the Methodist Church visit : https://www.methodist.org.uk/for-churches/soul-food/
The District Leading Team met last week and approved a £17,000 grant over five years towards a Lay Worker for Hospitality, Pastoral Care and Children to be based at St Andrews Psalter Lane Church LEP in Sheffield, also spending some time with Highfield Trinity Methodist Church.
Despite the distractions of urgent and expensive repairs to stabilise the roof and spire on their listed premises, St Andrews have spent the last year engaged in a detailed mission planning process, centred around Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations. Alongside this they have noticed "God doing a new thing among them" with a renewed sense of energy and engagement alongside a hunger for spiritual nourishment and social justice. This new role will allow them to extend their ministry of hospitality through effective outreach, nurturing pastoral care to the young families who are part of their congregation, and fostering our relationship with the sister congregation at Highfield Trinity Church and its vital work.
We are delighted to welcome Revd Helen Cameron and Carolyn Godfrey to our District as they find out more about the many different projects that take place in the circuits.
A reminder about two events they will be involved in that you might be interested in attending:
We are holding another gathering for chaplains within the Sheffield District.
Whether you're in a paid or voluntary role, we invite you to join us for a time of networking and sharing.
This is also a time to thank all our chaplains for their hard and valuable work and will take place on Sunday 9 February from 1pm at Central Methodist Church, Aston. We will be joined by Carolyn Godfrey, the Vice-President of the Methodist Conference.
To help with catering, if you are planning to attend this, please fill in this online form by Friday 31 January.
All are invited to a service to celebrate the awarding of Church of Sanctuary status for Victoria Hall Methodist Church on Sunday 9th February 2025 at 6pm, followed by food provided by the City of Sanctuary. The President of the Methodist Conference will take part in the service, along with Rev Inderjit Bhogal.
It would help with the planning/catering if you can RSVP to Jonathan Haigh, revjhaigh@gmail.com, stating your name and office and how many people will be attending with you.
Kathryn Rawling (Dementia & Wellbeing Manager at Sheffcare) and Abbey Hayes (Head of Nursery Services at Sheffield College) are both going to speak about their exciting new project in Sheffield, linking nurseries with dementia care homes.
We're looking forward to hearing about their considerable experience and expertise in early years provision, and dementia care.
Please do forward this email on to anyone who might be interested to come along. We'll send out the Zoom link nearer the time, so if you haven't received this email direct from Helen (OaksAndAcornsSheffield@gmail.com), please drop me an email to receive the Zoom invite.
Join Christian Aid supporters in Sheffield to watch the livestream of Christian Aid's national conference. Hear inspiring stories of Christian Aid's work in Guatemala and see new resources for Christian Aid Week. Starting with tea and coffee at 10 and ending with lunch.
Find out more here
On Saturday 22nd March 2025 from 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. at Wesley Hall Methodist Church, Crookes, Sheffield, S10 1UD
The Conference is aimed at all those, ordained or lay, who are working or volunteering with people in churches and Christian organisations. However, it is open to anyone who is interested. The Conference aims to deliver a high standard of information based upon both science and experience while respecting and incorporating the Christian faith. We will do this through our choice of speakers and workshop leaders who will offer both practical and academic information. We hope participants will find information and inspiration during the Conference that will help them support others and themselves.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.
There will be a safe space and a Mental Health First Aider/Chaplain available during the day.
We believe that mental health should be treated equally to physical health. And just like physical first aid, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training should be kept up to date. The course is for anyone who participated in the MHFA Adult 2 day course within the last 3 years.
Usually the course costs £150, however if you are connected to the Methodist Church it's been subsidised to £40 (none refundable) Please don't let the cost deter you. If you need help paying for the course please contact us for more information.
Brec Seaton – seatonb@methodistchurch.org.uk
Carla Quenet – quenetc@methodistchurch.org.uk
To book: https://MHFArefresher270325.eventbrite.co.uk
The High Peak Partnership of Methodist Churches, a circuit of 12 Methodist Churches which reaches from Monyash to Disley, is seeking a part-time Circuit Operations Manager.
This is an exciting opportunity for a motivated individual to play a lead role in ensuring and facilitating the successful operation of the Partnership. The successful applicant will be responsible for directing, leading and guiding key operational matters of the Partnership, including ensuring the Partnership remains compliant with administration, property management, data protection, and safeguarding regulations, in order to facilitate its mission and ministry.
Hours are 21 per week, based either at a church within the Partnership or home based with one set day based at a church within the Partnership
Salary £19,110 per annum, plus pension scheme.
For further details and an application form, please contact highpeakcircuittreasurer@gmail.com
The closing date for applications is Wednesday, 29 January 2025. Interviews to take place week of 10 February 2025.
Sheffield Street Pastors is an initiative of the local churches, working together with the Police and the Local Council. The idea is simple; Street Pastors is a ministry to those in the pubs and clubs of our town, working to be a prayerful, listening and caring presence of Christians from local churches between 10pm and 3am at weekends. We're there to care, to listen and to help; to show the love of Jesus in practical ways.
Could you be a street pastor? Provide a caring, listening and non-judgmental presence in town centres between 11 pm and 3 am on weekends?
Role requirements;
For more information emailsheffield@streetpastors.org.uk or visit treetpastors.org/locations/sheffield/
We would like you to join us for the Sheffield Street/School Pastors Celebration Night, 6 pm on 1st February to learn more about the service and to meet the team. The evening will include a pie & pea supper. Book for free by emailing: sheffield@streetpastors.org.uk
God of all understanding,
the more I learn about your holy justice the more I realise that even my prayers can be
riddled with sin.
In praying for other people I have thought that I know best what they need.
I have taken the seat of judgement and found others wanting.
I have not challenged the ground of my own understanding, allowing prejudice and stereotypes
to flourish unchecked.
Forgive me.
Help me to kneel before your throne of grace with both confidence and humility.
Remind me to leave the judging and directing to you.
Enable me to pray for others not by way of the gulfs that divide us but via the love in which you hold us all in common, revealed to us in Jesus.
Rachel Parkinson, District Chair, Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District
Registered Charity no. 1129363
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255
Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB