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Joy at Brightholmelee


When Church members at Brightholmlee met with their newly assigned minister in September 2023 they explained their vision for the future and how they wanted to install a new kitchen stating "We want to put this chapel back to being the heart of the village and its surrounding hamlets and estates. We want this building to be a resource for the village. We want the church to live again as the beating heart of the village. We want it to be a sustainable worshipping community in the heart of a vibrant community"

Work began and in January 2024 the new community kitchen was ready for use, local people where invited in for coffee, cake and to have their say on what they needed the church to offer.

Rev Ian Lucraft explains the journey: "We sat there that morning with the kettle on wondering whether anyone for the community would come, but then over 40 people arrived, full of ideas, from all over the village, old and young. From this we where able to draw up a list of 12 priorities.

"First off, we would create a Community Café, on Wednesdays, which the church was already wanting to do. Then the young people wanted play equipment in the park and a youth club night in the community centre.

"Three and a half weeks later the café opened. The church decorated the hall in those three weeks, and completed the kitchen. A new group of women volunteers organised themselves as a core team with more volunteers. Posters went up. The school magazine invited people. But, again, we were sitting there anxiously. We should not have been. Over 60 people came that first Wednesday. As we write, over 80 came last Wednesday. We are not serving full English and selling it cheaply to families that want a cheap breakfast. We are making a space for people to meet, make new friends, offer themselves to the village in service, discover the church is open and welcoming. Proposing new ideas. It has become an engine of volunteer action.

"When we all met again in February, we decided to form a Community Development Association, create a charity, open a bank account, and make the various powers know we are here, and on the move. They have all responded with delight. The Town Mayor said she had never encountered such energy.

"It has changed us. People in the community tell us how there is a new expectation in the community and sense the making of a vibrant community. People who come tell us how much they value the church being alive and welcoming to them. And the congregation has a new belief that we can do this.

What are the highlights a year on?

  • Six new members joined the church last Easter, and 2 or 3 more are waiting in the wings for this Easter.
  • The church's toddler group, which was down to two toddlers and a question mark hung over it, is now filling the hall; "Careful where you walk.!"
  • The church has appointed a 2 day a week community worker for three years to work with the church and community, who is already developing new activities and relationships that will enhance the sustainability and purpose of the church in the village.
  • One group has begun work with the City Council over parks provision and youth provision.
  • Planning is underway for a regular men's discussion group, which will encourage men to talk with each other, and consider issues of spirituality.
  • A volunteer in the Café, is starting a crafting session for older people. Crafting OK; space to talk YES!
  • Another sub-set of the church and community volunteers is planning a local history workshop group.
  • New planters are being sourced for the village green, to replace the old broken ones.
  • Our main partner group, the local drama group, who have rehearsed and performed here for over 20 years, is joining in with us to create a project with more space, better access, compliant services, and re-vamp of the worship area.

"We could not have imagined the energy this outreach has created in both the community and the church. We have found a body of volunteers who want to make things happen and are thrilled that the church wants to be in the mix and help them do it. They want to reach out to the growing community as new estates are being built within their area."

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0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

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Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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