In the brick wall outside the Stocksbridge Christian Centre is a foundation stone recording the fact that the church part of the building was built with the proceeds of the sale of Parkwood Springs Methodist Church. Parkwood Spring was the closely knit community on the hillside where the Ski Slope was later built, facing out over Kelham Island and the city. You could only get to it through a narrow railway tunnel, which is still there.
The Christian Centre is celebrating its recent redevelopment of the church, with a service on Sunday 8th December at 3.00 pm. The preacher will be the Chair of the District, Rev Gill Newton, for whose support we have been most grateful.
We would like to invite as special guests anyone who was once a member at Parkwood. I know I met someone in recent years, but cannot remember where! So if you know of anyone, would you please show them this article from the Newsletter, and ask them to contact me for an invitation if they are able to come.
Thank you
Ian Lucraft 07428 744 014
Better Buses for South Yorkshire will be holding a face to face Workshop on November 16th at SADACCA
This will provide an opportunity to explore how we can build the biggest possible response to the public consultation on franchising which will run from October 23rd to mid January 2025.
Reserve your place
There will be other consultations taking place across the South Yorkshire area – see the image for more details.
Public transport is in desperate need of a shake-up across South Yorkshire. It is the poorest people in society who rely most heavily on it. Without a reliable, accessible and affordable bus system we are not going to be able to get people out of their cars and reduce air pollution, congestion and climate change. This is an opportunity for churches to be proactive, in the interests of South Yorkshire people and indeed the planet!
The Methodist Recorder has published an article by Revd Jonathan Haigh about Victoria Hall, its history and the work that takes place there now. In particular the vision of being a place of safety and sanctuary for all. (see image for full article)
Jonathan would like to invite all to a service to celebrate the awarding of Church of Sanctuary status for Victoria Hall Methodist Church on Sunday 9th February 2025 at 6pmn followed by food provided by the City of Sanctuary. The President of the Methodist Conference will take part in the service, along with Rev Inderjit Bhogal.
It would help with the planning if you can RSVP to Jonathan,, stating your name and office and how many people will be attending with you.
The deadline is Friday 10th January 2025.
On September 21st Emmanuel Methodist Church, Barnsley, celebrated their second ECOFest, with many different organisations and groups, from private, voluntary and public sectors.
Whilst the ECO Church group reflects and plans what might come next, we extend huge thanks to everyone who baked, served, volunteered, spoke, organised, 'meeted and greeted'; celebrated, and collaborated. We hope and pray that it will lead to change which cares for and sustains our planet.
Read the full story here
This will be taking place on 2-4 June 2025 at Wydale Hall.
Our theme this year is 'This is me!'
American Quaker, Parker J. Palmer in his book 'Let Your Life Speak', asks the question, 'Is the life you are living, the life you are meant to live?' We want to do explore this by; reflecting on our gifts and skills discerning how we best listen to and hear from God examining what we mean by vocation and calling.
This is an opportunity to consider and celebrate the work we do in intentional ways and ultimately learn to treasure our relationship with God.
The retreat will be a glorious mix of spiritual and social, creative and active, playful and provocative. With time together and space to reflect alone or with others.
Places are limited, so book early:
Safeguarding Sunday will be observed this year on 17 November 2024 when churches will reflect on, and talk about, where they may have got things wrong in the past, think about how they are supporting those who have been hurt or harmed, and highlight and celebrate all the good work that is being done behind the scenes to protect vulnerable people and create safer cultures and communities for all both now and in the future.
Churches that have taken part previously report:
One participating church said, "It makes safeguarding sound every day and accessible for people in the church, not a big scary or threatening thing, just a normal part of what we do, which is exactly how it should be."
To take part Churches can register for a free digital resource pack at which makes running a service easy, including, prayers, sermon notes, activity ideas, children's resources and loads more.
As ever, if you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill – District Safeguarding Officer.
On the 2nd and 3rd November 7th Doncaster Boys Brigade and Girls association will be celebrating 80 years since it's founding. We would love to invite you to the following events
Saturday 2nd November 12noon-5pm at St James's Church St Sepulchre Gate – Archive Exhibition
A Free event showcasing the history of 7th Doncaster over the last 80 years. Light refreshments will be available throughout the day.
Saturday 2nd November 6:30pm at St James' Church Hall – Old Boys Reunion
A chance for Ex- members of Boys Brigade to come together, reminisce and celebrate. This is a Ticketed event and tickets are £10 a head. Please purchase your tickets from or email
Sunday 3rd November 10am at St James's Church – Parade Service and Childrens Party
A special service thanking God for 80 years of faithful service, This will be followed by an 80th "Birthday Party" with music, games and fun.
All are welcome to attend.
£12 at Whirlow Spirituality Centre
We will be creating simple journals / journal cards, pockets and tags – all using recycled materials, which can then be used as cards/gifts or as an aid to bible journaling.
All materials provided.
Full details here:
Our next gathering will be on the morning of Saturday 23 November at Central Methodist Church, Lodge Lane, Aston
Our guest speaker will be Deacon Eunice Attwood, Methodism's national Church at the Margins Officer. If you have ever met Eunice you will already know of her passion for being church with new people who have been marginalised by wider society, through poverty or for other reasons. And her highly engaging teaching style.
Rotherham & Dearne Valley's Family Fun Church will be our hosts. They will share their testimony of being church for families with young children and will lead us in worship. You can hear more about their story in episode 4 of our podcast Faith, Hope and the Journey.
Book your place here
The next Ebor Lecture will be held on Wednesday 4 December 2024 at 5.00pm. This is a free event and can be accessed online and onsite. Booking details are below, with a brief resume of the speaker, Chine McDonald:
The booking link for Chine McDonald is now live!
Chine McDonald is Director of Theos, religion and society think tank. Previously Head of Public Engagement at Christian Aid, with two decades of experience in journalism, Chine is author of 'God is not a White Man: & other revelations' (2021) and the forthcoming 'Unmaking Mary: Shattering the Myth of Perfect Motherhood' (2025). She studied Theology & Religious Studies at Cambridge University, and is a Canon Theologian at Chester Cathedral.
We would welcome expressions of interest for the following roles.
Follow the link for a full role outline
Creator God
Today in a fractured world we pray for peace and justice,
Your peace, not built on our broken promises and failing courage,
But your deep peace, through your creative power and embodied in the service and sacrifice of Jesus.
May we follow Christ, seeking your justice, acting in solidarity and hope,
Even when the way seems unclear and the powers of our world don't reflect your Kingdom,
Your Peace, Your Justice, Your Kingdom, Your world,
In Jesus name
God of grace and hope,
Where the warmth of a smile eclipses the sinister sneer -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where an act of kindness undermines an evil deed -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where a word of peace silences the terrorist's threat -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where difference is diversity in place of disunity -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where youth is innocent and age is wisdom -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where love is real and faith is kindled -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Praying that praise and protest
would be partners in our living and in our praying,
that your kingdom may come among us.
Andy Fyall, District Chair, Nottingham and Derby District
Registered Charity no. 1129363
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255
Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB