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District News – 21 May 2024

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This Week's News

Gill on Tour

Gill Newton latest blog talks about her travels to Guernsey, Cardiff, Lemington Spa, Devon, Bude, Launceston and Truro. Find out more here

Hub at Hope offers work placements to Cliff College students

The Hub at Hope is offering Cliff College students a chance to experience first-hand what pioneering ministry is all about as part of their Mission and Evangelism Placement.

Church of Sanctuary Conference

Saturday 8 June from 10am

This free conference and networking event, organised by the Church of Sanctuary, Churches' Refugee Network and City of Sanctuary, will explore how churches are responding to the call to offer sanctuary to those fleeing persecution and seeking asylum.
Join the various workshops on the day to delve deeper into key issues and explore how you, your church or faith organisation, can take action in becoming more welcoming to those in need.
Full details, including registration, can be found here: Church of Sanctuary Conference

Chaplains Gathering | Tuesday 11th June, 6pm

We are holding our first gathering for chaplains within the Sheffield District. Whether you're in a paid or voluntary role, we invite you to join us for a time of networking and sharing. This is also a time to thank all our chaplains for their hard and valuable work. This will take place on Tuesday 11th June at 6pm at Central Methodist Church, Aston.
Full details including how to register can be found here: Chaplaincy Gathering

Hidden Hardship Devotional Study Guide

This guide is written for Christians across the UK whether they are living in rural or urban areas: the UK is one of the most unequal societies in the world and there is hidden hardship amongst affluence in every community across the country. Hardship is not simply a problem of 'elsewhere'. It emerges from the research project, Hidden Hardship, and draws together people's everyday experiences of hardship, Bible passages, theological reflection, and prayer.
This can be seen as a follow-on from the Life on the Breadline Lent study and is available to download from the Hidden Hardship project website. Hidden Hardship

The Well – Strategic Forum

17-18 June 2024, Cliff College

This two-day event is for anyone (lay worker, minister or volunteer) who is responsible for working strategically across a Methodist district, with a focus on ministry with and for children, youth, young adults, families or intergenerational settings. It will be a chance to share your district's vision for this work and map your provision, alongside exploring key areas of the current Connexional plan for ministry to children, youth and families (as agreed by the Mission Committee and Methodist Conference). The hope is that this Strategic Forum will provide opportunity to align the work that is happening across the Connexion so that we can support one another and work more closely and cohesively. Together we will co-create a plan for The Well – and any future Connexional training and events. We will also hear from keynote speakers to help us all learn together, and share in worship, fellowship and networking.
If you think you know someone who should be a part of this conversation, please ask them to register here: If you have any questions, please contact Lynne (

Call for Stories

The 50th anniversary of the first ordinations of women as presbyters in the Methodist Church in Britain will be marked on 2 July 2024. To celebrate this milestone we would like to hear your stories to share on the Methodist Church website.
If you'd be interested in contributing, please email and we'll get back in touch with the details of what we're looking for.

Urban Theology Union

Certificate of Mission 3vangelical for a Post-Christian World

Have you experienced the saving health of Jesus and, at the same time, felt dread at the "E" word (E-for evangelism)?
The Urban Theology Union's Mission Evangelical for a Post-Christian World is designed for the Odd Evangelical.
We focus on Mark, your calling, and your community.
Led by Rev'd Dr Rob Hoch-Yidokodiltona, we offer three modules, five sessions each:

  • Module A: Mission 3vangelical: Mark's Jesus & the World God so Loves | Autumn 2024
  • Module B: Mission 3vangelical: Personality, Provocation, and Repair | Winter 2025
  • Module C: Mission 3vangelical: Going to Your Galilee |Spring 2025

Interested? Do get in touch with us ( and we will tell you more!

Menopause training

We're coming in to the final few months of the Mission Menopause scheme, which offers free training for VCSE organisations across South Yorkshire.
Any member of staff or volunteer can attend the online training run by the NHS Integrated Care Board, learn more about menopause and become a Menopause Champion
All of the training is online and you can book directly via this link – SYICS Health & Wellbeing Training Hub – Booking by Bookwhen.
The final sessions are:

  • Tuesday 18th June
  • Wednesday 17th July

To become a Menopause Champion, you need to book on 'Menopause Advocate Part 1, 9am – 12pm' session.
If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch. My number is 07458 301830, email

The Deakin and Withers Fund

This Fund, administered by South Yorkshire's Community Foundation, allows women nationwide to apply for a grant of up to £880 to ease financial difficulty and hardship. The money can be used to pay utility bills or for household items, but it cannot go towards anything that has already been paid for, or holidays.
Full details, including criteria on who can apply, can be found here:

District Safeguarding Update

Understanding and Responding to Church-related Abuse

If you watched the Connexional webinar on hearing the voice of survivors of abuse (14.5.2024) you will have heard Andrew Greystone use the parable of the Good Samaritan to talk about the Churches response to survivors of abuse.
In Falling among Thieves: Understanding and Responding to Church-related Abuse, Andrew seeks to outline a theological understanding of church-related abuse, and the church's role in 're-dressing' the victim. The text is preceded by a Foreword from Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York, who both applauds and responds to Graystone's words.

Andrew Graystone comments:
"I'm haunted by the scores of people I have met whose lives have been wrecked by their encounters with Christian leaders. In almost every case, the way the church has responded has caused as much harm--and often far more--than the original abuse. Over the years that I have been walking this road, the leaders of the contemporary church have failed to deal with this reality.
Abuse happens in every hierarchical institution--but there is no excuse for the church responding to its victims in such damaging and destructive ways.

If you would like to read Falling among Thieves: Understanding and Responding to Church-related Abuse, then please click here. You will need to scroll down the page until you reach the right article.

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill -District Safeguarding Officer.


District Celebration

Sunday 9 June from 4pm

We are holding a District service on 9 June from 4pm at Grove Street Methodist Church, Retford, to celebrate all those involved in children, youth and families work (including schools).We want to thank each and everyone for their dedication to this important work.
A service for everyone to come along to with friends and family to share this special day.
To help with catering, please book here:

An Evening of Poetry

Tuesday 11 June 7:00 pm – Church of Christ in Darnall

Church of Christ in Darnall is delighted to host and welcome Daniel Danish and Goat Star books to present an evening of poetry to the heart of the community.
Crimson Pashmina is a bilingual English and Spanish edition of the poems of Pakistani poet Danial Andrew Danish, who comes from Faisalabad to present his poetry, a fusion of the social and the lyrical that reflects the poetic tradition of Punjab. Danial will read his poems in the original English and Rafael Penas Cruz, publisher and translator of the book, will read his Spanish versions. After the reading, we will have a talk open to the public about his poetry in the context of Punjabi literature as well as on how poetry can contribute to a better world.
All are Welcome to this FREE event
Danial Andrew Danish is a Pakistani poet and advocate for children's rights. Born on August 15, 1992, he holds masters degrees in English and applied linguistics. At present, he spearheads the 'Saint Andrew Church' project, addressing hunger and supporting persecuted communities in Pakistan. Crimson Pashmina is his first published collection of poetry. Through Danial's voice, this bilingual edition of his poems wishes to give a glimpse of some aspects of Pakistan as experienced by one of its young citizens. Also, we would like readers to discover the rich tradition of Punjab, reflecting on the universal character of both that tradition and of Danial's words, and to compare and consider how his poetry may relate to their own traditions, how the poet's voice accords with their own.

South Yorkshire Administrators!

Thursday 11 June from 9am at All Saints Church, Ecclesall

This session will be looking at dealing with conflict
Conflict comes when two people or groups disagree, and the disagreement causes friction. This is something we are likely to encounter both directly and indirectly. This session will start to look at some tools that can help with managing potential conflicts, both as an observer and as someone directly involved
This is being organised within the UCAN (UK Church Administrators Network) but is open to all!
Sign up here if you would like to come, so we know how many croissants and pastries to buy!


Office Manager

Derbyshire North East Circuit

The Derbyshire North East Circuit comprises 14 churches serving communities in and around the historic towns of Chesterfield and Bolsover, close to the spectacular Peak District National Park and within easy reach of the City of Sheffield.
We are excited to recruit for this new post of Office Manager. T The successful candidate will be responsible for overseeing the administration of the Circuit Office and acting as line manager to two, part-time administrators.
They will act as a point of contact for 14 local churches and the Circuit trustees, advising on such matters as property and financial management, compliance, and administration.
They will liaise with and manage key relationships with third-parties and provide assistance to the Circuit's Leadership Team.
Prior knowledge and experience of Methodist procedures and structures would be of benefit to the role.
How to apply:
For an informal discussion about the role before making an application, please contact Rev Mark Carrick at
Please submit completed applications by email before midday on the closing date to
Closing date: Friday, 14th June 2024
Interview date: Tuesday, 25th June 2024
Full details and the application form can be found here.

Personal Assistant (PA) to Vicar & Area Dean – Ecclesall

All Saints church is looking to employ a Personal Assistant (PA) to Vicar & Area Dean to provide administrative assistance to the Vicar in the roles of Vicar of All Saints Ecclesall & Area Dean of Ecclesall Deanery. The role will work with the Vicar, Ministry and Operations teams (staff and volunteers) to take forward, in many practical ways, the calling of All Saints, Ecclesall and with ministry and lay members across the Deanery to further its vision.
Closing date: 5pm, 24 May
Find out more:

And finally ...

A Sonnet for Pentecost by Malcolm Guite,

from his book Sounding the Seasons.

Today we feel the wind beneath our wings ,
Today the hidden fountain flows and plays,
Today the church draws breath at last and sings,
As every flame becomes a tongue of praise.
This is the feast of Fire, Air, and Water,
Poured out and breathed and kindled into Earth.
The Earth herself awakens to her maker,
Translated out of death and into birth.
The right words come today in their right order
And every word spells freedom and release.
Today the gospel crosses borders,
All tongues are loosened by the Prince of Peace.
Today the lost are found in his translation,
Whose mother-tongue is love, in every nation.
Sent in by Michael Wildgust

A prayer of thanks for hidden treasures

I wonder...
Why you, Lord, choose to hide your treasures and to invite us to join in the divine 'hide and seek'?
Why you, Jesus, choose darkness as the place where the richness of your light shines most strongly, most resolutely?
Why you, Spirit, choose to summon us by name – speaking into our lives with such intimacy and love?

Perhaps, Three-in-One,
you delight to find us seeking;
you enjoy the powerful impact of even the smallest of lights, piercing the deepest darkness;
you intend for us to know your voice, follow your promptings and to bear witness to your name.

Thank you for revealing your hiddenness, illuminating our darkness, and enabling us to know how much you have treasured us.
Philip Gough, District Chair, Lancashire District

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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© 2024 – Sheffield Methodist District