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District News – 21 December 2021

This Week's News

Office News

The Office will be closed from Friday until the New Year. However, emails will be monitored over the Christmas period, and voicemails left on the office answerphone will also be picked up.
There will be no Newsletter next week.
May you all find some peace and rest over this busy period!

Advent Festivals

Churches & Circuits around the District are celebrating Advent in all sorts of wonderful ways. Local communities, schools & groups are joining in the festivities and learning about the true meaning of Advent and Christmas.

Read more here:


What is Encounter?

It is a place to deepen your awareness of God; an opportunity to reflect on your faith journey; a supportive small group environment for sharing and learning together; a place to help you discern your unique calling.

How do I find out more about Encounter?

Book via Eventbrite to attend one of the online taster evenings on 6th January or 12th January 2022
Contact either Tricia Mitchell ( or Sharon Nugent ( for more information or go to Encounter ( )

Coaching for Christian Leaders

21-25 March 2022

This short course is designed to develop coaching skills and will be especially useful for anyone who is coaching leaders. The skills you will learn will also help in everyday conversations and in the way that you work with teams or in meetings. This short course focuses on pioneer church planters and fresh expressions leaders, so the course is deliberately biased towards that setting. It will also be useful for anyone in Christian leadership.
Cost £450 including all materials, accommodation and food (grants may be available from the District Learning and Development fund )
Places can be booked by visiting:

District Safeguarding Update

From Monday 21st to Tuesday 4th January I will continue to respond to emergency calls and emails. If you have a practical safeguarding corners please get in touch. All other emails and calls will be dealt with in the New Year.

Christmas can be a lonely time of year for the most vulnerable people in our society. While others are out celebrating with mulled wine and mince pies or snuggling up under cosy blankets to watch the Christmas special of their favourite sitcom, others in more vulnerable positions are much less fortunate. Christmas can be an isolating time for the elderly, particularly those who live alone or have health problems that mean they can't spend the holidays with their family. You might assume that Christmas is the happiest time of year for every child, but for children whose families are in crisis or who are victims of abuse or neglect, Christmas can be one of the most upsetting times of the year.

Safeguarding is all about protecting the welfare of individuals at risk, which means looking out for the health and wellbeing of individuals in vulnerable positions. As the holidays approach, spare a thought for the steps you could be taking to care more for vulnerable people of any age, in your life.

I have complied a list of useful organisations and their contact details, should you need to signpost people to support services – this list can be found here and by clicking on the box entitled 'Help'.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and to thank all involved in safeguarding, throughout the District, whatever your role.

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill
District Safeguarding Officer.

Events and other Dates for your Diaries

CYF Gatherings (workers with Children / Youth / Families)

  • Are you a Children/Youth/Family worker?
  • Feeling isolated or fancy having a chat with others in the same work?

The next Zoom drop-in session will be on Wednesday 19 January from 10am
No need to register in advance
Contact Victoria ( if you would like to know more

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Course

Have you ever considered becoming a Mental Health First Aider? We are delighted to be able to offer the opportunity for you to complete the 2 day MHFA adult training course online. At the end of the course you will be a Mental Health First Aider, equipped to listen to and to be better able to signpost people to the help they need for their recovery. For more information about the course visit: Become a Mental Health First Aider MHFA England

Course dates: 24th January, 25th January, 31st January and 1st February 2022
Time: 7pm – 9.30pm
Cost: £50 (RRP £300 – the course is subsidised by the Methodist Church)
Registration deadline: 14th January 2022
Please note that by booking you are committing to paying for a place, attending all sessions and completing pre-course learning. We are limited to 16 places for each course and anticipate it being booked quickly.

For further information please contact the Revd Carla Quenet information: / 07772 979670

Job Vacancies

Community Pioneer

Derbyshire North East Circuit

We are seeking a pioneer to lead the establishment of new Christian communities in the post-industrial village of Barrow Hill and in south Chesterfield, neighbourhoods experiencing significant economic deprivation as "left behind places".
You will undertake and enable authentic evangelism, transformational discipleship practices, and nurture self-sustaining leadership from within these new Christian communities.
You will be committed to being church at the margins, working in partnership, growing community and forming contextually relevant church.
You will be at the centre of one of the first pilots for the national Methodist New Places for New People movement.
Further details at

News from Other Organisations

Christian Aid – Save the Date!

Changemakers – Supporter Conference

20-25 February 2022
Sign up from January 2022 via:
Last year nearly 800 people joined us for an incredible week of online sessions to help them prepare for Christian Aid Week.
Join us again this February to....

  • Connect with our partners across the world
  • Hear stories of fundraising success from your local region and beyond.
  • Discover how you can be a changemaker in your church and community in 2022.

And finally ...

Derbshire Rural Chaplaincy's "Thought for the Week" for Advent, a reflection by Revd Stella Mills. It can be downloaded here: 4th week in Advent

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District