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District News – 12 April 2022

This Week's News

Sad News

We were very sorry to learn of the death of Edward Burroughs last week. Edward was a former District Property Secretary and a valued member of the Property Panel. He was most recently a Steward, Worship Leader and Treasurer at Bawtry in the Doncaster Circuit, where he had been a member for many years. As we give thanks for Edward's witness and work, we pray also for his family.

Being present at festivals and events

Is your church or circuit considering joining in with a local festival, community celebration or event this summer? Engaging in events and festivals is not only a missional opportunity to speak naturally with people beyond the bounds of our buildings and regular activities. It also can change the culture of a church as it meets God as it steps out into mission. After two years on pause, event organisers may be keen to entertain conversations with new partners at this time. If you already do something like this, or are thinking about doing it for the first time, Neil Harland would be interested to hear your thoughts and experiences.

Chaplaincy Everywhere

This training course has been cancelled due to the low numbers signing up to take part. It is hoped to run something similar in the future. For this reason, please do not leave it to the last minute before expressing interest in something – there is often a cut-off date to determine viability.

New DLT Members Wanted

If you watched or attended the Spring Synod, you would have heard McCauley Allcock tell his story about become a member of the District Leading Team, and how valuable he has found the experience.
We are seeking two more Lay members to join the team. Full details can be found here: District Leading Team

New Places for New People

If there are those you know who are interested in pioneering or circuit leaders who would like to know more about New Places for New People, please invite them to the next NPNP Hub on 6th June. There is more information here: New Place for New People

You can watch short videos about exisiting projects here:

Local Events

Good Friday Meditation

Date: 15/04/22 12:00

Location:St Andrew's Psalter Lane Church, Psalter Lane, Sheffield S11 7YL
Description: Words, prayer, silence and music from Carmen Flores and Tamaki Dickenson of the Villiers Quartet.

Exhibition of Crosses

Date: 16/04/22 10:00

Location: Bamford Methodist Church Hall, underneath the church
Description: Bamford Methodist Church (opposite the Anglers Rest) Bicentenary Exhibition of Crosses
Coffee morning, home made cakes available.

Writing For Wellbeing -- The Water of Life

Date: 05/05/22 00:00

Location: Zoom on 5th May and at Whirlow Spirituality Centre on 7th May
Description: This guided therapeutic writing workshop on the theme of 'The Water of Life' will inspire creativity and build positive connections this Eastertide. Both led by Leonie Martin.
Attend via Zoom on the evening of 5th May
Book here:
Attend Whirlow 7th May 11.00 -- 14.30
Book here:
Alternatively all details and booking for both workshops on

Changing Climate: Eternal Summons

Date: 28/05/22 10:00

Location: Whirlow Spirituality Centre
Description: As wild fires and floods rage across the globe, many of us feel like helpless onlookers, wondering "Where is God in midst of this crisis?"
We might feel anxious, overwhelmed, guilty, despairing -- or perhaps empowered yet hesitant about whether and how we can make a significant difference.
This £35 workshop, led by Jo Musker-Sherwood, takes place some months after the UN's climate change conference in Glasgow -- what, if anything, has changed? It will be an opportunity to explore experiences of and feelings about the state of the planet and to discern the place to which God might be calling us. It will seek to draw from the depths of our faith to find the courage needed to respond to this urgent call.
Jo was the Founder Director of one of the UK's fastest growing climate charities and is now an eco-anxiety researcher working with leading climate NGOs and experts.

Cliff Festival 2022

Date: 01/06/22 19:00

Location: Cliff College
Description: Join us on the Cliff College site for teaching, worship, conversation and activities for people of all ages. In our morning Bible studies we'll be exploring the book of Colossians, and each evening we'll consider different aspects of the rule and reign of God in our world. Come and encounter the living God in community with other Christians; come and be encouraged in your faith; come and be filled with the Spirit.
Tickets are available now:

Cliff College Summer School

Date: 25/07/22 11:00

Location: Cliff College
Description: The theme for Cliff's 2022 Summer School is 'Missional Engagement'. There will be two streams available -- choose from The Spirit and Church Growth, taught by Rev Ashley Cooper, or Navigating the Culture, taught by Dr Ben Pugh. Come and join other Christians from around the country in learning, prayer and worship, fellowship and excellent food, all on the beautiful Cliff College site in the Peak District. Book now via our website:

Other Events

MPP Webinars

They happen at 13.30pm on fourth Tuesday of each month and will be recorded for those of you who can't make them. So, here is who is coming. Please remember to click the link to register. It is really helpful for the speakers to know the numbers to expect.

26th April Rachel Lampard

Rachel heads up Walking with Micah a two year project that seeks to explore how the whole church can seek and speak of justice for the world. She has asked to join us for a session to share her thought but also ask us what justice looks like in pioneer contexts

24th May Martyn Atkins

Martin has been a leading figure and thinker in the Methodist- both as someone at the heart of the structures (as the Secretary of Conference) and teaching widely on pioneering and mission.

Walking with Micah

10 May 7-8:30pm / 17 May 2-3:30pm

Are you interested in shaping the future of a justice-seeking Methodist Church? Are you involved in chaplaincy?

As a chaplain, you have invaluable insights into the world the Methodist Church works with and as we look to the future of our justice-seeking work, we want to hear from you.

The Walking with Micah project is enabling conversations to listen to experiences of injustice and shape work in seeking a more just world.

We're asking questions like

  • What does a just world look like?
  • What are the biggest barriers preventing us from living in this just world?
  • What are the key steps we can take in moving towards this vision of a just world?

Join the conversation!

Working Out Worship

Are you involved with organising, planning for worship, or leading worship?

Join 1 or all 4 of our Zoom training sessions on 'Working out Worship' – each session focuses on different elements, aspects, styles and approaches to leading worship.

Local Arrangements – 5th May, 7-9pm

Ever found yourself stuck arranging a service locally and felt a slight panic? You're not alone! Planning for local arrangements doesn't have to be scary – in this training session we'll look at the simple steps of planning a service, different aspects and approaches to worship you might want to keep in mind, signpost you to some great resources and think about planning ahead.

Creative Worship – 19th May, 7-9pm

What does it mean to be 'creative' in worship? Is creativity a style of worship or something we should aim to incorporate into every part of worship? Ever found yourself saying "I'm not very creative", or "I wish our services had more creativity?".
Whether you can't get enough of creativity or find yourself intimidated by it, this training session is for you!
In this session, we'll explore our Creative God, what creativity is and how each of us can benefit from creativity to meet our own unique learning styles.

Intergenerational Worship – 16th June, 7-9pm

What does it mean to be truly 'intergenerational' in worship? How do we integrate different styles, approaches, and levels to ensure that we are engaging and meeting the needs of all ages?
In this session, we will explore what it looks like to be an intergenerational church, what it looks like to worship intergenerationally, signpost to some resources and look at how we can be inclusive and engaging in all that we do.

Hybrid Worship – 30th June, 7-9pm

Is your church engaging in a form of digital hybrid worship or hoping to do more digitally? So much change has happened in the way we worship over the past two years, and many of us are still continuing to adapt to a "new way" of doing worship.
In this session we will look at how hybrid worship is: inclusive, accessible, engaging, and most importantly – Church! We will look at ways in which we can best facilitate hybrid worship in a way where everyone feels included, loved and enabled to worship God.

For more details and to book in, visit:

Dreaming Beyond: For Those Serving in Rural and Small Churches

Wednesday, June 15, 2022 -7:30 PM 9:00 PM

Toss it away? No way! This time we'll learn about a repair caféthat builds relationships as they fix stuff. An allotment team sowing seeds and growing people. We'll also discover how churches can connect with the exciting possibilities of social prescribing.
Come along and be equipped, challenged and inspired!
We'll be joined by Tizz Tizzard, Intergenerational Mission Enabler for the Southampton District, Rev Margaret Dudley and Rev Phil Wagstaff, Rural Officer for the South East District and other special guests.
Register here: Dreaming Beyond

Other News

Action for Children

Action for Children are looking for volunteers to become fundraising superstars and join an Action Squad.

More information here:

They are hosting a FREE online Q&A on Wednesday 20th April 2022 at 2pm. If you want to find out more about Action Squads and to register to the join the Q&A email Emily Beahan

Derbyshire Rural Chaplaincy

Revd Stella Mills reflects on Easter – a time of new life. At Easter, Christians rejoice that the new life of knowing Jesus through faith and learning is celebrated through the wonderful generosity of God in bringing heaven to earth through the resurrection of Jesus so that we can be part of that everlasting Kingdom based on faith, here and now. Because of Easter, we can give thanks to God for Jesus, for his forgiveness and direction and love for each one of us.
You can read the full reflection here: Easter Reflection

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District