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District News – 10 May 2022

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This Week's News

Camping Sunday

A fresh expressions family group in the Peak Circuit is taking mission to a whole new level when they celebrated Camping Sunday. How are your small groups meeting, offering discipleship or bearing witness? Have you tried something new lately, or are you considering a change?

God is Calling you Out and About

God calls us into mission – to open our hearts and open our doors, and take the good news of the gospel out and about. What one small thing can you do to take the good news about and about this month?
Watch this video of a poem calling us out and about:

You can download the video and also 5 prayer videos from Thy Kingdom Come here.

Please share with us how you are sharing the good news – email

Springs Dance Company

Springs Dance Company has available for churches to book this autumn its exceptional new work A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance.
Based on Ecclesiastes 3: There is a Time for Everything, the performance sensitively embodies a kaleidoscope of grief and joy through open-hearted professional dance.
This stirring yet joyous arts event offers the viewer a chance to feel connected to others asthey reflect on grief and the joy and celebration of life.

Plus for Advent, its much-loved production Journey of the Magi. Share the joy and wonder of Christmas with your church and local community through this exhilarating, critically acclaimed performance. The show offers a bridge between contemporary life and Jesus's birth, comparing our own personal journey to Christmas day with the journey that the wise men took.
For more information about these and other productions, visit their website:

GDPR Update

The deadline for the annual return from churches and circuits is 31 May. The process has been simplified with an online form to complete and information about this has been circulated to churches and circuits. Guidance for those taking a lead at church or circuit level is available on the District Website : gdpr-annual-checklist-guidance
Additional information can be found on the Data Protection pages :
If you have any questions about this please contact Katrin (

MHA Sunday

Please join us for MHA Sunday – 12 June 2022 to give thanks and fundraise for our specialist care and support services at MHA which continue to bring hope and support to people in later life. For further information please follow this web link: or contact the Area Support Chaplain on

District Safeguarding Update

The penultimate session of How to Support Your Church Safeguarding Officers is on Wednesday 18th May at 7.00pm. In this session I will be explaining the Methodist Churches safeguarding expectations in regards to Lettings.

Booking is free but essential – book here. The presentation will be available to view after the event. for those unable to attend but keen to support your church safeguarding officer.

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at

Many thanks
Alison Hill -District Safeguarding Officer.

Local Events

Major Oak Pop Choir

Date: 17/05/22 19:30
Location: The Crossing Church & Centre, Newcastle Street, Worksop S80 2AT
Description: ADULT TICKETS £8, UNDER-16S £4
available from The Crossing Welcome Desk, or order from 01909 475421/email

Doncaster Swing Orchestra

Date: 18/06/22 19:30
Location: The Crossing Church & Centre, Newcastle Street, Worksop S80 2AT
Description: High energy music from superbly talented young musicians conducted by Mark Sabin.
from The Crossing Welcome Desk, (Newcastle Street Worksop S80 2AT)or order from 01909 475421 / email

Whirlow Spirituality Centre

Contemplative Walking – first Thursday (June – Sept) -- Whirlow Spirituality Centre

Whirlow is widening its opportunities for contemplative practice by offering Contemplative Walking on the first Thursday evenings of June – September. No need to book, just turn up at 7pm.

Please note we have had to cancel the workshop Changing Climate: Eternal Summons on May 28

Cliff Festival 2022

Date: 01/06/22 19:00
Location: Cliff College
Description: Join us on the Cliff College site for teaching, worship, conversation and activities for people of all ages. In our morning Bible studies we'll be exploring the book of Colossians, and each evening we'll consider different aspects of the rule and reign of God in our world. Come and encounter the living God in community with other Christians; come and be encouraged in your faith; come and be filled with the Spirit.
Tickets are available now:

Unconscious Bias Training for Church Leaders

15 June – 7pm

Have you ever felt shut out from a particular group or conversation? How did that happen?
Do you think you yourself have ever excluded others from your own group's activities and conversation – perhaps without even noticing that you were doing it?

Sometimes we are handicapped by our ignorance, prejudices and blind-spots; these tendencies can prevent us treating people fairly and showing God's love equally to everyone.

This course is a short introduction to this important area of our lives. It helps us become more aware of how our thinking and feeling sometimes lets us down in these ways. As we become more alert and honest about this, we can learn strategies which help us make wiser choices about how we see and respond to other people.

Designed for ministers and church leaders in particular, it's suitable for anyone interested in understanding how we judge others.
Full details here:

Cliff College Summer School

Date: 25/07/22 11:00
Location: Cliff College
Description: The theme for Cliff's 2022 Summer School is 'Missional Engagement'. There will be two streams available -- choose from The Spirit and Church Growth, taught by Rev Ashley Cooper, or Navigating the Culture, taught by Dr Ben Pugh. Come and join other Christians from around the country in learning, prayer and worship, fellowship and excellent food, all on the beautiful Cliff College site in the Peak District. Book now via our website:

Worship: Leading and Preaching Summer School

1 – 5 August 2022

This intensive week course gives those already training to be worship leaders and local preachers in the Methodist Church the opportunity to do the 'Explore' sessions from the course together as part of an encouraging and supportive community from around the country. There will also be opportunities for discussion about building portfolios and other aspects of the course, and we will share worship and fellowship together.
Find out more and book your place now at

Aurora Ministry Courses

The Aurora Youth and Children's Ministry Courses are starting again in September. They're a 8 month course aimed at volunteer and paid Youth and Children's Workers, run in partnership between Sheffield Methodist Circuit and the Diocese of Sheffield. Over 200 people have been through the courses over the past 8 years, with many people recommending the course to others in their Churches. For more information, and to request a application pack, please visit

Job Vacancies

Operations Assistant

Salary: £20,000 p.a. pro rata
Hours: 18.5 hours per week (based on FTE 37.5 hours)
Term: Fixed term for 12 months
Place of work: An office base is provided at The Terminus Initiative upper rooms, Lowedges.

The Terminus Initiative delivers the People Keeping Well programme in Beachief & Greenhill ward under contract to Sheffield City Council. This addresses health inequalities in selected areas of the city by engaging communities in the planning and delivery of interventions to improve health and wellbeing.

The role of the Operations Assistant is to support the work of the Health living centre and the wider Terminus team by providing administration and operational support. This post is funded through Sheffield City Council's People Keeping Well Programme.

For an application pack please contact Joy Arnott (Health Improvement Manager)

Deadline for application is 5pm on Monday 6th June. Please send applications to

Interviews will be held in person on Friday 17th June

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District