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District News – 10 January 2023

This Week's News

There Is Room Campaign

During Advent and on our journey to Epiphany, we, as a District shared stories, bible readings and prayers showing how there is room for everyone in God's kingdom and how everyone is welcome to join us in our church spaces. We did this through daily videos created by each Circuit and shared via social media and YouTubeplaylists. You can re-watch any of the videos here

Thank you to everyone who took part and who shared and engaged with what had been created.

We'd like to know what you thought to it please? Here is a short survey that will only take around 5 minutes to fill in if you can spare us the time.

Save the Date

A District Gathering with the theme "How to be a Just Church in an Unjust World" will be taking place on Saturday 22 April at Victoria Hall Methodist Church, Norfolk Street.
Join us for a day of learning, sharing and worship with a buffet lunch provided. It will provide an opportunity to renew existing connections across the District and to meet new people.
Details on how to book your place will be out soon!!!

District Youth Day

Join us on Saturday 25th March 2023 at Hesley Woods for a fun day of workshops, worship and on-site activities. This event is for anyone aged 8 -18, but they must attend with Youth Leader/Minister.
Full details including how to book here!

Exploring Vocations

Did you know there is a wealth of resources on the Methodist Church website around vocations? These excellent resources are intended to help each and everyone of us explore what God is calling us to be and do – and that means everyone, not just those exploring a call to ordination. If your role offers you the opportunity to facilitate everyday conversations around what God might be calling people to, then watch this short video and learn what amazing user-friendly resources are available to support you. We all 'have to find the metre for our poem, the key in which to sing our song to God.' (Rowan Williams)
Video link:

Starting the year right

Following on from their Advent "at home" Retreat, our friends at Whirlow Spirituality Centre are now sharing an Epiphany Reflection – a mini retreat as we step into 2023.
You can find it in full here:
Do take a moment to explore what else there is to offer at Whirlow!

Regional Retreat for ministers and lay employees

The next Regional Retreat for presbyters, deacons and lay employees is at Wydale Hall in North Yorkshire from 9-11 May 2023. You will see from the flyer that there will be opportunity for reflective walks, long and short, led and self-directed, in the beautiful grounds of Wydale Hall and the surrounding countryside. Why not start the year by booking yourself into what promises to be an enriching time of refreshment and renewal!?
Full details including how to book your place here:

District Office updates

Statistics for Mission

A reminder that the Statistics for Mission site is now open to update your church membership numbers and average worship attendance. Currently 64 churches have submitted their statistics – well done!
The site will close on 28 February!

Safeguarding – Advanced Module Training

The Advanced Module is required training for all safeguarding officers, all those with an active preaching or pastoral ministry, local preachers, worship leaders and and those involved in pioneering ministry (the full list can be found here: Required attendance ). It should be renewed every 4 years.
There is the option to complete the training online or via face-to-face.
Full details of both options can be found on the District Website:


Lay Employee Community of practice zoom gathering

19 January from 10am on Zoom

The next online gathering will be held on 19 January from 10am with the theme "What does Good Employment Look Like?". It will be facilitate by Izzy Milburn, the Darlington District Lay Employment Advisor.

You can register to join here:

There is a place on the registration form if you have any specific questions around employment.

Lay Employees Retreat

5-7 June 2023 at Wydale Hall

Lost, Found, Reclaimed
Over time things change – but is that always for good?
Lost, Found, Reclaimed takes as its starting point "The Lost Words" book, written as a response to the removal of everyday nature words – among them "acorn", "bluebell", "kingfisher" and "wren" – from a widely used children's dictionary, because those words were not being used enough by children to merit inclusion.
In this retreat we will be exploring some of the things that have been lost; what might we want to reclaim or rediscover; but also what new things have we found that aid our work.
Full details here:


Circuit Lay Worker – Glossop & Tameside

You will provide pastoral support at three churches within the circuit, be involved in engaging with existing activities of these churches, encourage new opportunities for mission and Christian engagement and promote other ventures that engage with people across the varied communities in our circuit as appropriate.
This is a full time post of 35 hours per week and is for a fixed term until 31st March 2025with an annual salary of £21k.

If you are interested in this new post, then please email for a job application pack

Completed applications should be returned by email to by 5pm on 26th January 2023

Mission Development Officer (Ref MDO)

The East Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church is seeking to appoint a MIssion Development Officer.

This is a full-time post for 37.5 hours/week(including evening and weekends) on a permanent contract.
Salary: £40,000 per annum for a lay person or a minister from outside the URC.

The purpose of this role is to help equip churches in their missional discipleship and growth and to facilitate the sharing of good news, practice and opportunities across the Synod and beyond, holding the whole-of-life discipleship ethos of Walking the Way at the heart of their work.

More information in the advert here.

For an application pack (no CVs) please contact:

Mrs Chris Willis
East Midlands Synod Office, 1 Edwards Lane, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 3AA
Tel: 0115 9609241

Closing date for applications: 28th February 2023

And finally...

Plough Sunday reflection

All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above.

Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, for all his love.

Plough Sunday is a traditional English celebration of the beginning of the agricultural year. It is traditionally held on the Sunday after Epiphany and this year it is celebrated on Sunday January 8th. Historically, work in the fields did not begin until the day after Plough Sunday – on Plough Monday.

Although the nature of farming has changed over the centuries, Plough Sunday is quite rightly seen as an opportunity to celebrate farming, the work of farmers and importantly to pray God's blessing on the farmers and their land.

In the Bible in the second letter to the church at Thessalonica, St Paul tells his readers to "stand firm and hold the traditions which you were taught ...", so whilst current debates continue surrounding the advantages or disadvantages of ploughing vis a vis drilling or "Min-till", it is still important we use the tradition of Plough Sunday as an opportunity to thank God for the land and for our farmers who work tirelessly to care for crops and livestock to feed us. At the same time we can reflect on Plough Sundays in times past and give thanks for those we've shared them with over the years who have enriched our lives but are sadly no longer with us.

Living God, we bring you our thanks for those whom we love who have died. We thank you for our memories of all the special times we shared together, shared experiences, shared touch, shared laughter – those moments when our shared humanity revealed to us something of your divine love. And the other memories, the regrets, the loose ends we had no time to tie up, the words we wish we'd said, and those we wish we'd left unsaid; the things we wish we'd done or left undone – we let go of them into your hands, knowing that in your heavenly love all is understood, all is forgiven, all is well. Amen.

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District