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District News – 01 August 2023

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This Week's News

Happy Yorkshire Day!

Apparently 1 August is Yorkshire Day, which seems a good time to share the wonderful welcome that Revd Kerry Tankard (Chair of Yorkshire West District) gave to the Methodist Conference, which will be meeting in Leeds next year.

Gill on Tour

Gill has been busy traveling around the country and beyond. Her first trip was to Vienna, experiencing multi-lingual worship and some challenging discussions at the celebrations of 50 years of the Leuenberg Agreement. Then back to Yorkshire North and East District, including a visit to the Great Yorkshire Show. Sadly the weather meant that a lot of the events planned for the Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival had to be cancelled, but she was still kept busy visiting the area. The month ended with a trip to Leeds.
You can read her full blog here: Gill on Tour

Thank you!

Thank you so much to everyone in the district who donated to the collection made for me on my induction as the President of the Conference. I was overwhelmed by the number of gifts presented to me by the Conference representatives on our final evening together in Birmingham, so simply wanted to thank you all for your kindness and generosity. The photograph on the right shows just some of the wonderful gifts I received, and I very much look forward to putting them to use!

Methodist Youth President 2024/2025

We're looking for the Methodist Youth President for 2024/2025. If you're interested then you need to be between the ages of 18-23 and a member of the Methodist Church.
This is a great role and opportunity to travel round the UK and overseas, to learn new skills and leadership, and be the face of the younger generation of the Methodist Church
Full details can be found here: Youth President

Victoria Hall receives Funding Boost

We are thrilled to announce that Victoria Hall has received an amazing grant to help improve the building!

This funding will allow them to make some brilliant improvements, including making the main hall more accessible with the installation of lifts and much more. Keep your eyes peeled for some exciting updates over the coming months.

District Updates

Safeguarding Review

Huge thanks to all those churches who completed the safeguarding review. The online form has now closed and we will not be accepting any late emailed forms, but will be looking at the responses received to plan how we can support churches and circuits with Safeguarding in the next Connexional year. We already know that we need to make it clearer on where to find important documents!

Advanced Module Training

The schedule for 2023/24 is now out. Emails have been sent to those who we think are due to renew their training, and the information is also on the District Website here: Safeguarding Training
As with last year, there are two routes for the Advanced Module. You choose either (not both!) online or face-to-face.

Face to Face sessions
These sessions last about 5 hours. Some preparation beforehand is required. The Foundation Module must be completed before attending the Advanced Module for the first time.
Dates and venues 2023/24

  • Saturday 27 April – Broom Methodist Church (Rotherham & Dearne Valley Circuit)
  • Wednesday 8 May – Chapeltown Methodist Church (Sheffield Circuit)
  • Saturday 15 June – Peak Circuit (venue to be confirmed)
  • Wednesday 3 July – Bolsover Methodist Church (Derbyshire North East Circuit)

Use this link to register for your preferred date and time:

Online Sessions
The course is split into two parts:

  • Self-Study/e-learning – E-learning (units 1-5a) – approximately 4 to 7 hours which can be completed in smaller sections. Alongside the e-learning, participants complete a Workbook which they then take to the Gathered session.
  • Gathered Session – (Unit 5b) – a 2 hour facilitated session to consolidate learning from Advanced Module (online) e-learning held on Zoom.

The Online Gathered sessions are being held jointly with other districts. This gives a larger group of dates you can choose from.
Dates of the Advance Module Online Gathered sessions 2023/34
Sessions will run from 10am – 12 noon or 7pm-9pm on each date

  • Wednesday 4 October – hosted by Yorkshire North and East
  • Monday 23 October – hosted by Yorkshire North and East
  • Wednesday 6 December – hosted by Sheffield
  • Thursday 25 January 2024 – hosted by Sheffield
  • Wednesday 21 February 2024 – hosted by Sheffield
  • Tuesday 5 March 2024 – hosted by Sheffield
  • Wednesday 4 June 2024 – hosted by Yorkshire North and East
  • Thursday 20 June 2024 – hosted by Yorkshire North and East

Use this link to register for your preferred date and time:

Warm Spaces – what have we learned?

We awarded 41 warm space grants last winter in response to the cost of living crisis. Approximately 1,900 people attended warm spaces run by our churches, of whom 600 were not previously known to us. The majority of groups had new people accept invitation to join other activities run by the church, and the most warm spaces will continue in some form. Thank you to everyone who responded to the cost of living crisis by providing the unconditional hospitality of a warm space. Read more about the impact of what you collectively did and lessons for community engagement in this news story on our website : Warm Spaces


Whirlow Spirituality Centre

There are just a few places are left on the Whirlow Autumn Retreat (Friday 29th September-Sunday 2nd October), at St Oswald's near Whitby, which will be led by Jacky Stride and (new!) Whirlow Chaplain Alison Richards. Feedback from previous participants always praise the setting and leadership, as well as the food, which is known to be plentiful, delicious and catered to all needs
The Franciscan Retreat Day on 14th October, led by Adrian Scott has only a few places left. Book now to avoid disappointment!

Learning Network Events

Line Management Training

Are you a new line manager or an existing line manager that wants to revisit the basics?
Line Management Training is designed for any new or existing line manager. This one-day offering covers the basics of line management, including management styles and models, key skills and the the employment cycle. Participants will join colleagues from across the Connexion at this online training day. The minimum number to deliver this training is 12. We will confirm your place when the booking closes.
There are a number of dates available, but do book early as places are limited!

Lay Orientation

A day for new Lay Employees to meet, explore their role, understand Methodism and get to grips with key employment practices and much more!

There are two dates available in September and October 2023
Book here:

Lay Leadership Skills

A day exploring leadership skills for lay people working in the Methodist Church.

We'll be exploring the themes of: leadership styles , leadership skills, leading meetings, managing volunteers , encouraging participation and team and group dynamics.
Wednesday 7 February 2024 from 10am. Book your place here: Lay Leadership

Urban Theology Union

Certificate in Theology and Discipleship for Mission 2023-2024

Join our 23-24 Cohort for the CTDM to participate in

  • scholarly readings of Mark's Jesus movement led by the founder of UTU, Rev'd Dr. John Vincent
  • sharing of stories in faith journey, evolution, change and discovery
  • perspective building through liberation theologians, including Black liberation and Indigenous theologians.
  • gain insight from guest speakers who are embedded in mission provide practical insight into what works,
  • how to adapt, and how to flourish as a Kingdom Community.
  • Our 15-sessions culminate in student led plans for local mission.



Pilgrimage Manager

The Peak Circuit seek to appoint a Pilgrimage Manager who will become the primary public face of the Peak Wesley Way: making it widely known, overseeing all practical arrangements so that pilgrims receive excellent welcome and opportunity for life changing experiences, and co-ordinating our growing team of volunteers and contractors. Bringing an entrepreneurial approach to mission: the Pilgrimage Manager will develop the pilgrimage as a financially self-sustaining way of making a positive impact on the lives of pilgrims, local village communities and the Circuit.

Information Pack and application form available here: Pilgrimage Manager
Closing Date: 13 August

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Girls' Brigade Ministries (GBM) is recruiting for a unique and exciting role – Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

The CEO will be joining us at a time of great opportunity as we embark upon delivering against our five-year strategic mission plan. The successful candidate will need to be someone called by God to ensure that GBM is equipped and resourced to be able to continue to remain a relevant and vibrant mission organisation beyond 2023. The CEO will be backed by an enthusiastic group of trustees, lead volunteers and a committed staff team – working together to ensure that GBM through fun and friendship, empowers children and young people to seek out opportunities, serve their communities, and follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

The role can be based at the GB Support Centre in Derbyshire, or home based with work at the office to an agreed pattern. The postholder will need to be able to travel and to work weekends and evenings. This is a permanent part-time position (21 hours a week).

The salary will be £42K, pro rata (£25,200).
Full details here:
Closing Date: 4 August

Gleadless Valley Foodbank

  • Do you have some spare time?
  • Could you donate a few hours of your time a week.

Gleadless Valley Foodbank based in Gleadless Valley Methodist Church, Blackstock Road, Shefifeld, is looking for volunteers, working Thursdays 10 – 1 and/or Fridays 10 – 2.30 in various roles.
If interested please email Debbie on

District vacancies

There are a number of District Roles which have (or are about to) become vacant.

Manses Committee Secretary (volunteer position)

We are looking for a new Manses Committee Secretary to work within the Sheffield Methodist District.

  • Have you got great organisational skills?
  • Do you enjoy writing reports?
  • Are you able to lead a group of people?

If so this role could be for you.
More details can be found here:

Lay Stationing Representative

We are looking for a new Lay Stationing Representative to work within the Sheffield Methodist District from August 2024.

  • Have you for an interest in people and their situations?
  • Are you a good listener and do you have a genuine concern about presbyters and deacons fulfil their calling and reach their potential in the right "station"?

If so – this role could be for you.

And finally ...

From the Methodist Prayer Handbook 2022/23

We believe that every living thing was created by you, God, and that you pronounced creation to be very good.
You entrusted your creation to humankind, allowing plants and creatures to evolve and adapt over time in human care.

Jesus, you instructed us to love God, and to love our neighbours, as much as we love ourselves.
To fulfil that commandment effectively, we also need to care for the whole of creation, as all living things are dependent on one another for survival.

We have lost our way and caused damage instead of love and care.
Please forgive us and show us again how to love, to renew; to recreate the beauty and bounty of your world.
Hilary Evans, former President, Methodist Women in Britain 2021/22

Lord Jesus Christ,
Wisdom and Word of God,
dwell in our hearts, we pray, by your most Holy Spirit,
that out of the abundance of our hearts, our mouths may speak your praise.

Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District