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New Christian Communities Gatherings

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New Christian Communities Gatherings

Leading or birthing a new Christian community can be a joyous but also exhausting and isolating experience. This morning is an opportunity for you to spend quality time with the growing network of fellow pioneers following similar callings in other places across or affiliated to Sheffield Methodist District. Our new Christian communities gatherings are opportunities to share stories, compare what you are learning, discuss what support you need, and celebrate what God is doing. They are for anyone involved in leading (in any capacity), or preparing to lead, a new Christian community. Not just the "person in charge", if you have one.

Our next gathering will be on the morning of Saturday 23 November

Central Methodist Church, Lodge Lane, Aston
Our guest speaker will be Deacon Eunice Attwood, Methodism's national Church at the Margins Officer. If you have ever met Eunice you will already know of her passion for being church with new people who have been marginalised by wider society, through poverty or for other reasons. And her highly engaging teaching style.

Rotherham & Dearne Valley's Family Fun Church will be our hosts. They will share their testimony of being church for families with young children and will lead us in worship. You can hear more about their story in episode 4 of our podcast Faith, Hope and the Journey.

Book your place here:

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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