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District News – 18 May 2021

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This Week's News

District Safeguarding Update

A very big thank you to everyone who attended the Virtual Safeguarding Conference last week. The conference was a huge success and we are so grateful to all the superb speakers who gave up their time to enlighten us.
All the session were recorded and we will release the links to the District YouTube channel in the next couple of day – more details will be published in next week's newsletter.
Personally I would like to say an extra big thank you to Katrin Hackett and Sam Roberts who's help, before and during the event, has been invaluable!

Safeguarding Standing Orders Simplified

For some people the style in which the Standing Orders of the Methodist Church are written can make them difficult to understand. Six leaflets that seek to provide a simpler explanation of the standing orders relating to safeguarding are now available for downloading or printing. These leaflets do not change the standing orders but have used simpler language to explain key areas of the Church's safeguarding legislation. They are intended to be given to anyone who becomes involved in a safeguarding matter and provide an explanation of how the safeguarding process works in the Methodist Church.
The leaflets are:

  • Safeguarding Standing Orders – A Simplified Guide
  • Safeguarding Standing Orders – The Safeguarding Committee
  • Safeguarding Standing Orders – The Church and Public Protection
  • Safeguarding Standing Orders – Duty to Obtain Disclosures
  • Safeguarding Standing Orders – Safeguarding and Suspensions
  • Safeguarding Standing Orders – Safeguarding and the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act

These leaflets can be accessed at Safeguarding Standing Orders Simplified
Donald Urquhart, Safeguarding casework supervisor

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at

Roadmap for churches in a post pandemic world – Stage Three

Stage Three is upon us. No more windswept walks, cold outdoor coffees, pints in the pouring rain. The indoor rule of six is here. Maybe the last 15 months have just been a bad dream and everything will be back to normal soon.
Or maybe life's not that simple. Find out more in stage three of our Sheffield Methodist District Roadmap

Connexion magazine

Many of you are likely to be in the mailing list for the Connexion Magazine. The latest issue features two familiar names from our District: Rachel McCallam and Revd Inderjit Bhogal. If you haven't received a copy – you can read it online here:

Busk Aid

Please help support Sheffield Christian Aid committee raise vital funds for Christian Aid by subscribing and listening in to their YouTube channel: Sheffield Busk Aid 2021.
The link is here:

There will be new videos every day for the rest of May and you can catch up on previous videos easily if you subscribe. Please listen in and share widely! Thank you for your support.

GDPR Training

Thusday 27 May – 10am

It is now some 30 months since the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force on the 25th May 2018 along with the Data Protection Act 2018 which effectively implemented GDPR in the UK.
All Managing Trustees should be aware of their responsibilities under this to ensure that their data protection practices are robust. They need to show that they are complying with the regulations so TMCP have drawn up a checklist which, if completed, will serve as proof of this compliance.
The original deadline for completing and returning the checklist has been extended this year to August 2021.
I am aware that a number of churches have not yet started to complete this task. To help support them – I will be setting up a number of training sessions to go through what is required. The first session will be on Thursday 27 May at 10am. Registration is required and you can book online via this link:
More dates will follow, but please do not wait until the last minute! Thank you.


Whirlow Spirituality Centre

In addition to the regular events which take place at Whirlow, there are also a number of special events as follows:

Cold Calling – 22 May

An opportunity to share your story with others who have been bruised, perplexed or discouraged by their experience of the discernment process for ordination.

Listening Threes: An introduction – 25 May

The Listening 3 is a different and unique way of sharing and this workshop will offer an opportunity to hear about and then practice it

Praying with a Labyrinth – 16-19 July

Come to walk and / or pray a Labyrinth at Whirlow this summer. Between 1pm on 16 July and 3pm on 17 July, various labyrinths will be available on site. Drop-in to use them in your own time or book to attend a special workshop on 17 July.

Passing through – 21-25 September

Passing Through (thanks to Dick Blakeslee for the title) provides an opportunity to come together, unhurriedly, and articulate experiences of 2020/ 21.

Full details of all of these can be found on their website here: What's on

Ministry with Older People – Whole Person Healthcare

Wednesday 26 May : 1-2:30pm

Our next ministry with older people webinar will be 1 – 2:30pm on Wednesday 26 May. This webinar hosted by Sheffield Methodist District is for anyone of any denomination involved in ministry with older people, including volunteers, lay workers and clergy. It will be an opportunity to share experiences, ask questions, and explore new resources and approaches to support you in your ministry in your context.

We will be joined by Revd Jonathan Edwards, Vice Chair and Advocate for Parish Nursing Ministries UK, formerly the General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain. Jonathan will help us explore the Parish Nursing approach to caring for people's overall wellbeing, incorporating body, mind and spirit.

Book your space by Sunday 23 May at

Eco Church Festival with 'Churches Count on Nature'

Saturday 12th June

The free online festival celebrates God's creation and is linked with 'Churches Count on Nature' week, including sessions for children and young people. It will also provide space to pray and reflect on the climate and nature crises in the lead up to COP26. Interactive workshops and sessions will be of interest to all who wish to actively care for God's creation.
Hosted by Sheffield Diocese, with contributions from Sheffield Methodist District members.

Learning Opportunities

Online Safety Webinar

17 June from 10am via Zoom

This will be led by Karl Hopwood. Karl is an independent online safety expert, sitting on several advisory boards and councils. He works across Europe developing & promoting safer online behaviours.
More details including how to register can be found here: Online Safety

Climate Change Emergency: Resources for a Green Church

Saturday June 12th, 2021, 9.30am-3.00pm

Registration via
Inspiring keynote speakers to stimulate your imagination, develop your understanding of the Bible and reinvigorate your worship life. Engaging workshops with pioneers who are already bringing together faith and action for a better world.
Revd Philip Bee
JPIT Yorkshire Convenor

Methodist News

Helen Kim Memorial Scholarship

The Helen Kim Memorial Scholarship is a leadership development program from the World Federation, for young women with an interest in women's leadership and global social justice. The role involves leadership training, working with other HKMS from all World Federation areas, opportunities for travel and for engaging with women in the UK and around the world.

Nominees must be aged between 18 and 30 years of age (at August 2022), and a committed member of a Methodist, United, or Uniting Church.

The applicataion pack can also be downloaded from the MWiB website:

If you have any queries about the role, please email: If you would like an informal conversation with the current British Unit HKMS, please email:

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District