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District News – 08 December 2020

This Week's News

District celebration service

We are looking forward to launching our new strategy for resourcing mission in January. Thank you to everyone who has helped us shape this over the last year.
To mark this occasion we are recording an online district celebration service, with contributions from across our district. This act of worship will go live on Sunday 3rd January via our YouTube channel and social media. You are also welcome to use it in full or in part within your church's own worship in January. Please contact Sam Roberts,, if you would like us to send you the service as an mp4 file and/or printed sheet before Christmas to give you time to get everything ready locally for January.

Look out for more information about our new strategy and how you can get involved over the coming weeks.

District Safeguarding Update

I have received the following from Connexion about Safeguarding training – if you have any follow up please let me know – Many thanks, Alison Hill DSO

Temporary change to Safeguarding Training requirements (3/12/2020)

Due to the travel and contact restrictions that have been imposed to cope with the spread of Covid 19, the Methodist Church has had to make many changes to its normal programmes and plans.

This has also had an impact for those members, officers and ministers who are required to undertake Foundation and Advanced Module safeguarding training every four years, due to the cancellation of face to face training courses.

It has therefore been agreed that, for all those who have reached the four-year point since they last undertook the relevant training, the current temporary extension for this will be extended until 1/6/21.

A new online version of the FM will be available early in the new year and work is at an advanced stage in preparing the materials for the AM.

We want to encourage all who are able to take up these new options whilst we await the resumption of face to face training opportunities.

We also anticipate that the development of the online courses will be retained post pandemic so that we are able to increase the capacity for offering training in different mediums. This should assist with helping to deal with the backlog of those who are now awaiting a new training course.

Jonathan Hustler, Secretary of Conference
Henry Lewis, Chair Safeguarding Committee

In Our Time

This week's 'In our Time' on Radio 4 is entitled 'John Wesley and Methodism'.

Melvyn Bragg interviews Professor Bill Gibson from the Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History. You can listen to the programme on Thursday (10th) at 9.00am or 9.30pm.


Ministry with older people: stories : songs : memories

1 to 2:30pm Wednesday 20 Jan

Our second webinar for anyone – volunteers, lay workers, ministers – involved in ministry with older people.
An opportunity to share experiences, ask questions and explore some resources for making and rediscovering memories using music and story.

Book your place now open for this free event (registration closes Sunday 17 Jan):
Contact with any registration queries

A recording of our popular first webinar is available at if-you-missed-it/community-of-practice-videos

Hosted by Sheffield Methodist District – open to all

Positively Rural 3 Mission Communities and the Rural Voice.

Thursday 11 February 1:00 to 2:30pm

The next online gathering focusing on rural life and mission. We will share good practice and consider how we move forward positively.
Speaker: Revd Richard Teal, President of the Methodist Conference
Richard says of himself 'Brought up on a tenant farm in the Yorkshire dales from a non-church background. Worked in the textile Industry before training for the Methodist ministry.
Served in Circuit ministry in Gateshead, Berwick upon Tweed and Beverley. Chair of the Cumbria District before recently returning to Circuit ministry in East Yorkshire. President of the Conference. I have a heart for the rural church and community. Married and have two sons in Agriculture.'

To book your place and obtain joining instructions, follow this link:
Registration deadline: Monday 8 February

December Simple Quiet Day from Whirlow

Create space to "be", relax, pray and renew spiritual resources.

Online (Zoom), 15 December, 11am to 4pm. £5.

The December Quiet Day will reflect on Homecoming and the God of Exiles.

Participants can use the weekly reflection and book a place at communion in the chapel of the Holy Spirit to start the day if they wish. A welcome and introduction at 11am precede a time of silence, followed by optional lunchtime and closing prayers.

The Simple Quiet Day is kept sparse to provide maximum space. For anyone new to silence, it is a good introduction.

Book here.

Revealing Jesus:

Come and hear more about the new Scripture Union Mission Framework and how your church could be involved on Wednesday 27th January, 7.30-9pm with Neil Jackson, Mission Enabler at Scripture Union.
The evening will be on Zoom and will be free to attend. Contact Jonathan Buckley on 07450 778678 or to book your place and access the Zoom details.

Joined Up Conference

Bookings for the Joined Up Conference in March have gone live!

The day is aimed at anyone involved in youth, children's or schools work; it's on Saturday March 6th and will be online and free. We have Krish Kandiah, Mark Russell and Susie Mappledoram as key note speakers and a variety of different workshops.

More information, and to book, at

Training and Learning Opportunities

Pastoral Care

The excellent training resource for Pastoral Visitors – Encircled in Care – is now available as a PDF download. Please note that the section on Safeguarding is now covered by the Creating Safer Space training modules.
If you would like to run this course, contact Katrin in the District Office for the accompanying worksheets.

Emergency First Aid at Work

'There is a Emergency First Aid at Work Course on Monday 22nd February, 9am-5pm, at Hillsborough Trinity Methodist Church with Prestige Safety Services. There's currently a maximum of 8 spaces, although this may increases to 12 come February (depending on Covid restrictions at the time). £50 / person. Contact Jonathan Buckley to book your place on 07450 778678 or

Schools Chaplaincy Course

Christians & Sheffield Schools, The Diocese of Sheffield and The Methodist Church run a training course for those interested in school chaplaincy. The programme will include: understanding chaplaincy; school expectations and boundaries; children & spirituality (SMSC); characteristics of Generation Z; chaplaincy in a multi-faith setting; safeguarding; mental health; loss and bereavement and identity matters.

The course will run online on 29th April, 12th May, 13th May, 26th May, 9th June & 23rd June from 9:30am -12noon and (hopefully)will meet in person on 1st July , from 10am – 3pm .

Hosted by Fiona Walton & Rachel McCallam with many guest expert voices contributing.

Cost is £50 and booking is essential.


The District Learning and Development team are able to support learning and development activities through a grants scheme – more information including how to apply can be found here:
Learning and Development Grants

Job Vacancies

Health Improvement Worker

The Terminus Initiative is looking for a Health Improvement Worker to work 22 hours per week @ £19,714 pro rata (based on 37.5 full-time hours), fixed term until the 2nd July 2021.

The role will be based in and around Lowedges but may involve some initial homeworking subject to Covid restrictions.

The role offers the opportunity to work for a Christian-based charity and in connection with the city council and other community focused organisations. The roles objectives are focused around helping local individuals and families by planning and delivering interventions to improve health and wellbeing.

To view our full job description please click here:

Application Form:



Volunteer Roles

Supervision Zoom Support Volunteer

Are you passionate about Supervision and enabling Ministers flourish within their work? Are you interested in enabling and equipping others to do new things and explore opportunities through the use of Zoom meeting tools? Do you have an attention to detail? Then we may have a role for you.

The Ministries: Vocations & Worship team is part of the Methodist Church and committed to transforming people and the Church through Development. The team is looking for volunteers to expand its online support provision to ensure that Responsible Grace (the development programme for Supervisors across the church) can be delivered carefully and effectively.

More information can be found downloaded here: Support Volunteer

If you could be such a volunteer then please contact the Supervision Implementation Group through for a more detailed role outline/person specification.

To express an interest please use the same contact and enclose just a 150 word summary of why you think you could be involved by 15 December After that date someone from the team will ring you for a chat and talk about what happens next.

Thanks for thinking prayerfully about this.

News from Outside Organisations

FairTrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight is 22 Feb – 7 March. It isn't too early to start to plan how you might mark this in your church/Circuit. Here's the link if you want to sign up directly to be notified of resources.

Derbyshire Rural Chaplaincy

The December newsletter is now available and can be downloaded here: December 2020
If you would like a hard copy sending through, or you know anyone that would like to receive one please get in touch with Louise Latham by emailing: or call Louise on 07593 380311

CLC Bookshops

We were sad to learn that the bookshop in Sheffield will be closing – but you can still order online!

Check out this range of Calendars for 2021 – from only 79p each!

With 2021 fast approaching, now is the time to take a look at their great range of calendars! Including verses of Scripture, you will feel refreshed and inspired each month.

Take inspiration from this selection of incredible true stories and biographies!

Featured in this latest edition of Take Note are a choice of inspiring biographies and true stories, all sure to increase your faith! Offer prices are valid until 31st December 2020

Visit for their full range

Methodist News

Updated Guidance

The government has published guidance for the Christmas period in England, which includes a section on carol singing.

Carol singing is allowed indoors & outdoors by professional and amateur choirs. Guidance has also been released for Christmas celebrations.

Read the full guidance here


Children and young people are invited to submit prayers for possible inclusion in the Methodist Prayer Handbook 2021/21, which has the theme 'a place for all'. No one was excluded from Jesus' table and eating with him was a sign of the kingdom of heaven and an invitation to meet God and to be transformed. We recognise that we do not always offer such generous welcome or listen to the voices on the margins. Together, we want to pray to become a more inclusive and diverse Church, creating communities of greater respect and compassion.

In addition to prayers on the theme of the Handbook, people can also submit prayers of thanksgiving, adoration and confession and prayers on the themes of justice, times of life and times of day and the comforting presence of God for the opening pages of the Handbook. Prayers must be no longer than 120 words. Photographs that will help to bring the theme to life are also welcome – especially pictures with people in. Photographs should be sent in their original size. Please provide a caption and state where the photograph was taken.

The deadline for submission of prayers and photos is 11 January 2021

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District