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District News – 24 November 2020

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This Week's News

Safeguarding Update

Marcus Rashford had done a wonderful thing. Using his status as a football star he has shone a spotlight on Child Poverty. Using the topic of free school meals, we have been encouraged to look a little deeper into the subject of child poverty and we are challenged to consider how we respond.

For this month's Safeguarding newsletter I have followed Marcus's lead and provided an up to date picture of child poverty in this country and given some suggestions of how we can act, to move this priority forwards. : Child Poverty

Alison Hill
District Safeguarding Officer

Furlough scheme – further details announced

Further details of the HMRC furlough grant scheme, which now runs until March 2021, have been announced. One important change is that that we have less time to submit grant claims to HMRC – the deadline is within two weeks of the month end. We have updated the guidance on our website.
Do continue to contact Rob Cooper or Katie Roberts Katie Roberts with any staffing queries.

Mixing with the Methodists

Bolsover Methodist Church has a Big Building Project going on. They have produced a recipe book to help raise funds towards this.
It is A5 size, spiral bound and costs £3.50 each. There is a mixed collection of 32 recipes, covering soups, cakes, biscuits and savouries, with notes pages.
You can order at, with payment by PayPal using this email address. Include your address for posting. Donations also welcome! With thanks for your support.

St Agatha's Trust responding to Covid Crisis

St Agatha's is able to help existing projects to stay safe, and to provide funds in emergencies, as well as encouraging new initiatives, with grants of up to £500.

St Agatha's Trust has remained active in recent months, helping support new ventures including an allotment (outdoor) project for young people run by Xalt in North Sheffield, and alternative education projects run by the Datic Trust and SALTed, also in Sheffield. These Covid aware projects have managed to keep contact with service users during current restrictions.

For further information contact Martin Manby (chair) at: Application forms ( on our website ) should be sent to Mrs Sheila Kennedy (secretary) at:

Saltmine Theatre Company

Christmas isn't cancelled! This year whilst everything we love and expect might look different, Saltmine Theatre Company believes that people need the true joy and comfort of 'Immanuel' – Almighty God in human form on chaotic Earth – more than ever before.

We feel called to reimagine our show Hark! A Nativity Story, our innovative take on the story of Christmas featuring an angel looking for a lost message, a shepherd looking for a sheep and King Herod looking for an evil laugh, for this new season. This is an opportunity to provide an exciting creative element to your Christmas programme that cannot be cancelled and which brings joy whilst sharing the familiar Saltmine Christmas heart with added wow factor.

You can watch our promotional video for the re-creation of Hark: HERE


Cliff College Christmas Drive-in

Wednesday 9 December

This Christmas, we want to share the good news of Jesus with our local community. Join us on Wednesday 9 December for a free evening of carols, live nativity, mince pies & refreshments, all from the comfort and safety of your own car.

More information and booking details are available on our website; spaces are limited, so book now!

Training and Learning Opportunities

Regional Webinars

These are proving to be very popular with around 100 people attending. You can see the recordings of previous webinars here:

27 January 2021 – Transformational Leadership:

introducing six core practices essential for seeing transformation in the local church, with Dr Nigel Pimlott, Learning & Development Officer for East Central Region.

23 February 2021 – Being an Inclusive Church:

ensuring no-one needs to ask 'Am I not a Methodist too?' with Bevan Powell, Connexional Equality Diversity & Inclusion Adviser.
Please note that for admin purposes, bookings will close 72 hours before the start time

Schools Chaplaincy Course

Christians & Sheffield Schools, The Diocese of Sheffield and The Methodist Church run a training course for those interested in school chaplaincy. The programme will include: understanding chaplaincy; school expectations and boundaries; children & spirituality (SMSC); characteristics of Generation Z; chaplaincy in a multi-faith setting; safeguarding; mental health; loss and bereavement and identity matters.

The course will run online on 29th April, 12th May, 13th May, 26th May, 9th June & 23rd June from 9:30am -12noon and (hopefully)will meet in person on 1st July , from 10am – 3pm .
Hosted by Fiona Walton & Rachel McCallam with many guest expert voices contributing.
Cost is £50 and booking is essential.
The District L&D group may be able to offer a grant towards the cost of attending - L&D Grants

Job Vacancies

HR Officer

2B People Consultancy will unfortunately need to end their lay employment support for our district in December. We are immensely grateful for the expertise and practical support that Rob Cooper and Katie Roberts have provided to so many of our circuits and churches. We are therefore seeking a part time HR Officer to join our district team. Please share details of this post with anyone who may be interested. HR Officer Advert

News from Outside Organisations

Christian Aid

Christian Aid carol singing is going virtual!

A special YouTube channel has been set up with a new video going live every day from 1 December. For more information, including how to subscribe and donate – visit it here:

Methodist News

All We Can

Let's make this Christmas extraordinary!

Your church might like to use All We Can's Nativity – An Extraordinary Christmas – available as a video or as a script to use in your online church services over the coming weeks. Or you might like to join us for the Big Church Sing – Christmas Special – live on YouTube on Sunday 29th November at 4pm. Find out more and download additional devotional resources for the season at

You can buy an Extraordinary Gift for your loved ones this Christmas season and help transform the lives of some of the world's poorest communities. Let's celebrate. Let's give and let's change lives together – start your shopping at

MHA Chaplaincy

MHA have appointed 12 part-time Area Support Chaplains across the UK. Part of their role is engaging with the wider church, sharing good practice in ministry amongst older people. Area Support Chaplains are available to present and share resources to Circuits and Districts. To make contact with your local MHA Area Support Chaplain please email

Chaplaincy Everywhere

New Chaplaincy Officer

Let me introduce myself. I'm Gary Hopkins and I joined the Connexional Team at the beginning of September and part of my role is developing support for chaplaincy in the Methodist Church. It's certainly been strange starting a new job during Covid-19 – not being able to meet physically with the people I work with or others involved in chaplaincy.

National Gathering of Chaplains

Monday 7th December 2020
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
To find out more and book your place:

Christmas worship on CD

A collaboration by colleagues in the Connexional Team, with support from StF+ and many others, is behind a unique Christmas worship experience on CD – also available for download. It features specially recorded carols from – amongst others – Gareth Moore, Matt Beckingham and the National Methodist Choir, and the Jazz Church Big Band with the Huddersfield Community Gospel Choir. Music is interspersed with interviews, readings and prayers by contributors from right across the British Connexion; and a reflection by Methodist President the Revd Richard Teal.

Offered as an easy-to-use resource for those who won't be able to access Christmas worship this year in a building or online, you might also want to order them to give to church members or neighbours to listen to. The CD is free. Order your copies here.

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District