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District News – 23 December 2020


This Week's News

Office News

2020 will be remembered in history for so many things, but I hope people remember the sense of community, the sharing, the caring and above all else how God has been with us this year. I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who has shared stories, supported my work as well as the rest of the District Team and tried new ways of communication so that despite lockdown we have been able to continue our work in the name of God. 2021 is a new year, and time for a new missional strategy, I for one am very excited to see what we can achieve next year and beyond. From my family to yours, I wish you a very merry Christmas and all the best for 2021.
Thank you
Samantha Roberts
Communications Officer

Safeguarding Update

Christmas can be a wonderful time for many, but it can also be a time of loneliness and despair, especially this year. If you need to speak to someone please know that there are people who care and who want to offer their support.

Below are just a few of the UK helplines which will be staffed all through Christmas:
Useful helplines open over Christmas
NHS Volunteer Responders – 0808 196 3646
NSPCC – 0808 800 5000
Childline – 0800 1111
Samaritans – 116 123
Shout – Text 85258
Mind – 0300 123 3393
No Panic – 0300 7729844
Campaign Against Living Miserably – 0800 58 58 58
Drinkline – 0300 123 1110
Talk to Frank – 0300 123 6600
National Debtline – 0808 808 4000
Shelter – 0808 800 4444
National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247
National Rape Crisis Helpline – 0808 802 9999
Cruse Bereavement Care – 0808 808 1677
Macmillan Cancer Support – 0808 808 00 00
Age UK – 0800 055 6112
The Silver Line – 0800 4 70 80 90

More information can be found on the Sheffield Methodist District Website.
Alison Hill
District Safeguarding Officer (DSO)

For such a time as this

Our new strategy for resourcing your mission, for such a time as this will officially launch in January. Lots more information about this will be shared in the new year through this mailing, social media and other communications, beginning with our district-wide act of worship on Sunday 3rd January.
The launch will be underpinned by six weeks of praying together on Zoom through January and February, to which everyone from across our district is invited. Click on the links below for further details and registration for these short 20 minute gatherings:
1pm Thursday lunchtimes
8pm Monday evenings


Do get in touch with details of any events going on in your church/circuit. It is good to hear what is happening and can inspire others to do something similar.

Ministry with older people: stories : soul: memories

Wednesday 20 Jan 1:00 to 2:30pm

Our second webinar for anyone – volunteers, lay workers, ministers – involved in ministry with older people.
An opportunity to share experiences, ask questions and explore some resources for making and rediscovering memories with guest speakers Kathryn Lord (Stories for the Soul) and Yvonne Myers (MHA Workington).
Book your place now open for this free event (registration closes Sunday 17 Jan):
Contact with any registration queries
A recording of our popular first webinar is available at if-you-missed-it/community-of-practice-videos
Hosted by Sheffield Methodist District – open to all

Training and Learning Opportunities

L&D Book Club

The Learning and development Group is beginning a book club in the New Year and would like to invite you to join us. The book we are beginning with is the new book by Brian McClaren entitled, 'Faith after doubt', which comes out on Jan 5th: Grants are available towards the cost of purchasing this book, contact Katrin in the District Office ( for details.
Our first gathering will be on zoom on Tuesday 2nd February at 7pm and we will look at the introduction and first two chapters. We will plan to meet on the first Tuesday of the month throughout the year and plan together how much we want to read each month.
If you would like to be part of this please register using this link: :
More information can be found on the flyer here: Book Club


Cliff College are hosting Alpha, a short 11-week series which explores the questions of life and Christian faith.
It will be a friendly and relaxed meeting from the comfort of your own home as each Alpha will be held on zoom on Tuesday's 7-8pm.
It will start on Tuesday 12th January – Tuesday 30th March 2021 (with a break for half term on Tuesday 16th February).
Please do invite people along, you're very welcome to join too – for details of the zoom link please email Sophie or Tom
Details can also be downloaded on the flyer here: Alpha

Sight Loss Friendly Churches

Torch Trust, the Christian sight loss charity, are holding free 30-minute Taster sessions about becoming a Sight Loss Friendly Church (SLFC).

  • Thursday 21st January 2pm
  • Tuesday 26th January 2pm
  • Tuesday 23rd February 7pm
  • Wednesday 24th February 2pm
  • Thursday 18th March 2pm
  • Tuesday 23rd March 2pm.

These interactive Zoom sessions offer an opportunity to hear about all the benefits of this free resource, as well as a chance to meet the SLFC team and ask questions. Visit or email for more information & to book your place.


the event for young communicators in the Methodist Church
Are you a preacher or evangelist, a worship leader or small group leader?

  • An evening of inspiration and training
  • An opportunity to share with others
  • An opportunity to be equipped

February 3rd 2021 7pm-8.30pm Online for anyone aged 16-30
For more information contact or see the flyer here: Frontline

Job Vacancies

Communication Development

'Who Is Your Neighbour?' works with people to explore difficult issues about race, culture, identity and migration, helping communities become more resilient in dealing with difference.

We are looking for a Communications Development Lead to review our Communications Strategy and set up infrastructure to implement it.

  • Support the team through a branding process.
  • Oversee development of a website.
  • Establish a strong digital presence to support all areas of work and income generating activity.

The role is offered as a 50 day freelance contract to be worked over a 6 month period. We are currently working remotely.

Deadline for applications 8th January 2021
Interviews 22nd January 2021

For further information please contact

News from Other Organisations

Christian Aid

The Advent Carols for Christian Aid has already raised over £2000. You can see all the contributors (you may recognise some) on the channel here: and can make a donation here:

Action for Children

Starry Night virtual Carol service

Thank you to everyone who attended our Starry Night virtual Carol service. We hope you enjoyed the evening. We're thrilled to announce that we have raised over £31,000, which is an incredible result. It will help Action for Children to continue to support vulnerable children, young people and their families. Thank you

CLC Bookshops schedule and clearance sale notice.

Close 24th December at 2pm.

Clearance sale starts 10am Saturday 2nd January. Note that this is a clearance sale, not a general sale. Opening hours are 10am to 4pm Monday to Saturday. Final closure 4pm Saturday 16th. Don't miss the boat. If you can't make it, use the phone or email.

Methodist News

New Guidance for Property

Update 20 December 2020

Following the Prime Minister's statement on 19 December 2020, a number of significant changes have been made to restrictions during the Christmas Period and for the rest of 2020.
There are now four Tiers of restrictions across England, with Communal Worship still allowed in all four tiers, but with different restrictions for mixing and attendance in each.

Please read the guidance here,

Watchnight Service

See out this year and greet the new at 11.30pm on the 31 December with Wesley's Chapel, London. Join them for their annual watchnight service which will be streamed using this link.


The last 8 months have been unprecedented and have thrown up new challenges. As we learn to adapt to a 'new normal' way of life, we need to remind ourselves that somethings do not change.

We have seen the two year anniversary of the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 and although our main focus has been to ensure our premises remain a safe place for our members and users and navigating new recording systems of who is using our premises, we mustn't forget our data protection responsibilities. As Christmas approaches and we move into the New Year, we are letting you know that a new Data Protection Annual Checklist has been developed to help Managing Trustees across the Connexion check that they are on top of their data protection responsibilities.

It is important that every Local Church, Circuit and District works through the Checklist on an annual basis, completes it and then provide a copy to their District Data Champion. If there isn't a District Data Champion, then please provide a copy of your annual checklist to your District Chair. TMCP will be asking Districts to provide a list confirming that all Local Churches and Circuits have completed the annual checklist by 31st May each year. Managing Trustees should contact their District Data Champion in the first instance if they have any queries on the matters that need to be addressed under the Checklist.

All completed Checklists should be signed and dated by the Managing Trustees before the same are forwarded to the District Data Champion or, in the absence of a District Data Champion, to the District Chair; the first checklists will need to be completed by 31st May 2021.

Data Protection is important, and we rely on our Local Churches and Circuits, in conjunction with the District, to help us in demonstrating that we, as a Church, have complied with the accountability principle and other data protection responsibilities.

Test and Trace

Following the launch of the NHS Test and Trace app on 24 September 2020 and Managing Trustee comments on the application of our Test and Trace guidance in practice, we have updated the "Test and Trace Data Protection and What you need to do Focus Note", updated the FAQs included in our previous "Test and Trace – A Further Update article" and included these in the Focus Note so that the guidance is all in one place.

Please refer to the updated Test and Trace, Data Protection and What you need to do Focus Note.

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District