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District News – 10 November 2020

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This Week's News

Premier Digital Conference

Saturday 14th November 10am – 4.30pm

The Premier Digital Conference is taking place online this year.
The conference aims to equip the Christian community for online ministry. There are over 30 speakers and helps you to understand how to make online and offline hybrid church work for you. It will also explore the theology of digital as well as offering a chance to learn new skills. Topics for discussion include social media, websites, podcasting, use of WhatsApp, pastoral care online, digital prayer and much more.

To find out more and book your place visit this website:
The District will help pay for you to attend, all we ask is that you share your learning with other people please.
To be reimbursed, please send a copy of your booking confirmation along with your bank details to the District Office. Reimbursement will be by bank transfer.

'Christmas is NOT Cancelled!'

Tuesday 17th November 2020, 7.30 – 9pm

Come and join this webinar, there will be opportunity to find out more about the Methodist Church Christmas Campaign as well as time to share ideas of how we will be telling the Christmas story outside of our church communities this year.

The 'Christmas is not cancelled!' webinar will have 2 key foci:

  • "#GodIsWithUs" Christmas Campaign 2020 with Holly Adams

The Methodist Church-wide Christmas campaign in 2020 "#GodIsWithUs" seeks to share people's stories about their walk with God in this extraordinary year. There will be lots of resources available so come and hear how you can join in.

  • Sharing and generating ideas

What ideas have you had to share the wonder of Christmas with people... even, and perhaps especially, with those beyond our church communities? Come and share ideas and be excited and inspired by others.

Everyone is welcome but booking is essential. To book your place please click on the following link:
Bookings will close 24 hours before the event

For booking enquiries please contact:
Katrin Hackett – 0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255 or
For event enquiries please contact:
Revd Carla Quenet – 07772979670 or

We look forward to welcoming you!

Safeguarding Update

As I'm sure everyone is already very aware that last month IICSA (Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse) published its investigation report into the Anglican Church.

I have been asked if the Methodist Church will also have a report. We think there might be a report on the Methodist church but nothing to the extent of the Anglican one. The Methodist church, several years ago now, conducted the Past Cases Review. Since that time the denomination has been working hard to right any wrongs identified in that report and are therefore in a better position than others.

That being said we can always improve and we should always be striving to better.
Farrer & Co, synonymous with the highest quality legal advice and service, have written a briefing paper where they analyse the findings from the IICSA's report and draw out 10 key areas of safeguarding for all faith organisations to review. Many of IICSA's findings are useful lessons which are transferable to other religious settings. Maria and Caitlin also add their analysis and suggestions for creating safer organisations and end with a note summarising recent commentary from the Charity Commission.

If you would like more information please drop me an email as
Alison Hill (DSO)

Invitation to apply to Harry Bottom Charitable Trust

The Harry Bottom Charitable Trust provides grants to charities & organisations who support only
the Sheffield, Rotherham & Barnsley areas including small surrounding areas.

Due to recent circumstances, the Trust has found a significant decline in applications. They wish
to circulate their name to reach out to any organisation that needs support throughout this period
& in the future.

Full details of what can be requested and how to apply can be found here: Harry Bottom Grant Letter

All We Can

Let's make this Christmas extraordinary!

Your church might like to use All We Can's Nativity – An Extraordinary Christmas – available as a video or as a script to use in your online church services over the coming weeks. Or you might like to join us for the Big Church Sing – Christmas Special – live on YouTube on Sunday 29th November at 4pm. Find out more and download additional devotional resources for the season at

You can buy an Extraordinary Gift for your loved ones this Christmas season and help transform the lives of some of the world's poorest communities. Let's celebrate. Let's give and let's change lives together – start your shopping at


If you have an event you would like publicising, please let me know. It is good to hear about things happening across our District.

Service of Accreditation

Sunday 15 November at 6pm

Derbyshire North Circuit will be holding a live-Zoom meeting to welcome Jack Key as a fully accredited Local Preacher. You can join the meeting via this link:

Training and Learning

Lay Leadership Skills

Monday 22 February 2021

Join the Learning Network Yorkshire Plus Team for a day exploring leadership for lay people working in the Methodist Church: youth; children; family; and community leaders; class leaders; lay missioners; and local pastors.

We'll be exploring the themes of:

  • Leadership styles and skills
  • Leading meetings
  • Managing volunteers and Encouraging participation
  • Team and group dynamics

Register in advance here:
Bookings will close 72 hours beforehand

Methodist News

God is with us

The Methodist Church Christmas campaign for 2020 #GodIsWithUs seeks to share this good news through twenty-four stories of individuals and their experiences of this extraordinary year. Each day of Advent we will share a testimony from somebody connected to the Methodist Church reflecting on what hope has looked like for them this year and how they have experienced God with them.
There are a number of resources available from Methodist Publishing to help support this. Visit to find out more.

Methodist Property: how to streamline transactions and improve efficiency

The planned date of the "Methodist Property: how to streamline transactions and improve efficiency" training session originally booked for Thursday 12th November 2020 has been postponed until Thursday 4th February 2021. This training session is to be hosted by Capsticks who are one of the firms on the Methodist Church's Panel of Solicitors.
Read more

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District