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New Christian communities gathering

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New Christian communities gathering

2pm Saturday 4 February

Umbrellas Cosy Hub, Chesterfield

Leading or birthing a new Christian community can be a joyous but also exhausting and isolating experience. This afternoon is an opportunity for you to meet with others who are following similar callings in other places across or affiliated to Sheffield Methodist District. There will be opportunities to share stories, compare what you are learning, discuss what support you need, and celebrate what God is doing. We will also be joined by Matt Finch, Connexional Pioneering and Church Planting Officer, who will bring latest insights from New Places for New People across the country to help you in your context.

This event is for anyone who is involved in leading (in any capacity), or preparing to lead, a new Christian community. Not just the “person in charge”, if you have one. Please do invite other members of your team.

Umbrellas Cosy Hub, where we will gather, is one of the venues being used by our district New Places for New People Pilot project. They will share part of the story of their first few months with us.

Please register at if you are coming, so we can plan the event and catering accordingly

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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