"Journey to Bethlehem" – Bakewell Methodist Church Christmas Festival of Nativities:
Told through more than one hundred nativity scenes, Bakewell Methodist Church in the Peak Circuit shared the Advent story with around 400 people in just four days.
Rev Fran Johnson explains: "During the planning stages, we hoped and prayed that the Festival of Nativities would be something that would be inspiring and speak to all, young and old; something that would reach out to the wider community of the Peak district and surrounding areas. We told the story from the prophet Micah's message of Bethlehem as Jesus birthplace, through to the flight of the Holy family into Egypt.
"We had intended to hold for a 4-day festival telling the Christmas story, and during those days almost 400 people visited from the community, circuit and district churches and from further afield. We counted up 144 different Nativity scenes on display, and different people playing Christmas music added to the atmosphere. I sat beside a visiting lady with dementia, who quietly sang along to 'O Holy night' with tears in her eyes. On another day I listened to a lady who said she had been put off church since being made to go as a child, but this had changed her mind and she would find a church.
"Such was the response that the church family, and those who visited, requested that we not take down such a special display, as many more would come – and they did, people returned, bringing family and friends, and it stayed up until Epiphany.proclaiming: "The Good News of Great Joy for All People"
Comments shared from people who visited,
I was the first visitor on day two of the event and as such was able to sit quietly in the front of the church and take in the magnitude of this marvellous display. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so palpable that I wept tears of pure joy, 'The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us.'. Thank you all for this most precious gift – Christmas.
This is wonderful, to be in a church seeing something so beautiful that tells what Christmas is all about – so much meaning.
The life -size Nativity created an atmosphere that was so special that it took my breath away – God's presence was real.
The display made the historical event come alive.
The actual decoration of the Church with so many expressions of the circumstances around the birth of our Saviour was inspirational.
For me, the life-size figures at the front actually took on the character and essence of those they portrayed. So spiritual. Thank you.
Many church-folk and observers expressed admiration for the displays and the silhouettes surrounding the Sanctuary.
It brought our worship alive during the whole Advent and Christmas season. We were surrounded by the presence of God.
Fran added: "What a joy and privilege it was to be a part of bringing home the Christmas story! Thanks be to God."
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0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255
Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB