Registration is now open for the Spring Gathering. The focus for this gathering is on how to be a leader (in any capacity) through this season of great change and uncertainty without running yourself into the ground!
Our keynote speaker is Revd Nel Shallow, and in the afternoon she and others will be running workshops exploring the topic in more depth.
Full details, including the link to register, can be found here: With God's help
There will also be market-place stalls. Get in touch with Katrin in the District Office if you would like to book a space.
It is with great sadness the Doncaster Circuit received news of the death of our retired Minister Rev'd Ian Mutton. Rev'd Mutton worked in the circuit during the 1980's and 1990's. He retired to be close to his daughter in the Manchester area. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
The third episode of the district podcast is now available to stream on Soundcloud, Spotify, iTunes, Amazon music and the district website.
In this episode we meet Debbie Evans, a pastoral lay worker, worship leader and local preacher in training in the Barnsley Circuit. You will hear Debbie share her faith journey and how God was there to support her through her nursing career, through Covid and how her life changed when her father was diagnosed with cancer. Being a Local Preacher or working for the Methodist Church didn't appear to be on Debbie's agenda, however one day she decided to walk into her local chapel and everything changed and she felt like she was "Home."
If this podcast prompts any questions or you'd like to know more about worship, leading and preaching visit or drop and email to or we'd love to hear your feedback about this and the other podcasts in this series.
The Spring Newsletter is out now and can be downloaded here.
They will be holding a Garden Party at Epworth Old Rectory on Saturday 18 May. Cost for the afternoon £5 plus the donation of sanitary items for local foodbanks/women's refuge as part of MWiB's period poverty campaign.
Tickets must be booked in advance of the event through the MWiB website:
Booking will be open from 28th March to 13th May
Congratulations to Bents Green Church on receiving the Bronze award.
As part of our commitment to caring for God's creation Bents Green church are re-wilding the "Knowle Lane" part of our garden. We have planted some wildflowers to encourage bees and butterflies and we are letting most of the grass grow to see what flowers will emerge.
We realise it doesn't look as neat as it did in previous years but we hope you enjoy seeing what happens when nature is allowed to take over and maybe you might like to try doing the same in some part of your own garden?
If you missed the last one, then it's not too late as, for the first hour of the next CTDM session on Monday, 11 March 2024 at 12 noon, there is an open invitation to all to gather with our guest, Neil Johnson, who will talk about his ministry with the Street Community of Birmingham city centre.
Rev Dr Neil Johnson has served as a Methodist minister in different contexts for over 30 years. After working as a Superintendent and Deputy Chair of District, Neil is now the pioneer minister of Street Banquet in central Birmingham. He has written several books about the faith traditions of British politics and is a member of the UTU academic team.
Please contact Jill in the office for the Zoom log in
The Methodist Church is offering digital training sessions at lunchtimes throughout year. They are all free, last just an hour and you can book onto them via Eventbrite. The next session is on Wednesday 17th April where Deacon Eunice Attwood, Church and the Margins Officer and Deacon Kerry Scarlett, Vice-President of the Methodist Conference will explore issues around digital poverty.
Then on Wednesday 10th July our own District Communications Officer Sam Roberts and District Mission Enabler Neil Harland will talk about Podcasts alongside Trey Hall.
You can also watch the last session about Online Communities here
A reminder that the revised safeguarding policy and procedure from the Methodist Church now requires the District Office to hold records of all who have completed the Foundation Module. Thank you to all who have been sending these in. A scan or photo of the sheet is sufficient for now.
The next two drop-in sessions will be on Wednesday 13 March at 1pm and 4pm Each should last no more than 1 hour and will go over the basics involved to complete the annual checklist. They will take place over zoom:
Some new resources have been added to the guidance page on the District website, including a QR code to easily access the Connexional Privacy notice from a mobile device.
Join us at our Annual Youth Event at Hesley Woods Scout Activity centre. Our theme this year is 'Hidden Treasures' where do we find hidden treasures in our normal day. The morning will be filled with worship and workshops. Then followed by a subway lunch. The afternoon we'll join in with the onsite activities including zip line archery, climbing tower, peddle karts and the cube. The cost is £10 per person (leaders also pay) which covers some of the costs for the day. Bookings close on mid-day on Wednesday 13th March.
You can visit the exhibition at Church of Christ in Darnell until Friday afternoon. It will then be moving to Staincross in Barnsley, where it will be open from 11-22 March. Exact opening times can be found here: Breadline Exhibition
It has been good to see photos of people engaging with it on social media, and also via Lent study groups.
The Peak Wesley Way is a contemporary opportunity to engage with the ancient spiritual practice of pilgrimage within the beauty of the Peak Park. It began as a vision of members of Peak Methodist Circuit to share our stories with small groups who are spiritually curious and intrigued by spending time in the ancient holy places, indoor and outdoor. The pilgrimage is for groups of friends or family with a shared quest for adventure, wanting to connect with a simpler greener lifestyle, or needing space to broaden life experiences. Thanks to support from many circuit members, people from beyond our congregations and district officers we are now ready to invite you to book your pilgrimage. Please visit, follow us on Facebook or Instagram, and tell your friends! Is this the next step of your journey?
This course is aimed to train you as a MENOPAUSE CHAMPION and only open for workforce working in Health and social care in South Yorkshire. The course will enhance your knowledge in awareness about menopause but NOT sign you off to be a trainer.
The 3 hour, online training session covers:- why we're talking about menopause now
The course includes interactive discussions on reasonable adjustments and supportive conversations.
Find out more
The days are getting longer and the weather is getting (slowly) warmer – and at Cliff College, that means we're getting ready for Cliff Festival! We'd love for you to join us from 24-27 May 2024 on the Cliff College site, where together we'll be exploring the journey of the exodus and God's faithfulness to his people and his promises. Come and encounter God through a weekend of music and art, Bible studies and seminars, prayer and conversations. Day and weekend tickets are available now at
HOPE Weekend is an annual social action weekend for church based youth groups from across South Yorkshire and the East Riding. It's a chance for young people to show their Christian faith in action in their communities. HOPE Weekend started out as HOPE Doncaster in 2019 after a youth group went to Hope Bristol and wanted to replicate the project in their own community. HOPE Doncaster returned in 2023 with over 40 young people taking part.
This year we want more churches from across the Diocese to take part, so we're extending the project across the whole of South Yorkshire and the East Riding and relaunching as HOPE Weekend. This year's event will take place 21st – 23rd June 2024.
Find out more
Full details can be found here:
Closing date : 8 March
The successful candidate will have a leading role in relation to property and financial management, operations and compliance, and administration across the circuit.
The primary aim will be to reduce the management and administrative burden on ministers and volunteers, releasing their time and energy for mission and ministry.
We are searching for an individual who has strong interpersonal skills and experience on the wide range of issues that charitable bodies and churches are faced with today. Ideally you will have a knowledge and experience of Methodist procedures and structures or a willingness and ability to learn quickly.
Closing date – 11 March
More details here:
Whirlow Spirituality Centre exists to encourage, support and resource spiritual development of individuals and communities in the Christian faith. It is based at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit.
The Centre is located on the edge of Sheffield, close to the Peak District, and is run in partnership by Whirlow Grange Ltd and the parish of All Saints Ecclesall in the Diocese of Sheffield.
We are seeking applicants who bring experience in finance and centre management for the Administration and Operations role and in events management, volunteer support and communications for the Events and Communications role.
Both roles will be accountable to the Chaplain as team leader and will be employed through the PCC of All Saints, Ecclesall. Office accommodation is provided at the Whirlow Spirituality Centre and applicants will be required to work from the centre on Tuesday mornings and two other mornings a week.
£27,500 FTE pro rata for 16 hours a week = £11,733.33 (£14.10 per hour) annual salary plus employer pension contribution of 8.5%.
More information about the Centre can be found on our website at
For more details about these jobs contact: Alison Richards, Chaplain, Whirlow Spirituality Centre, Whirlow Grange Close, Sheffield S11 9SY Tel: 0114 235 3704
Closing date for applications: 9am Friday 8th March 2024
Interviews to be held on:
Wednesday 20th March 2024 for Events and Communications Coordinator
Wednesday 27th March 2024 for Administration and Operations Coordinator
Our prayer today is written by Tara Goodall who is the Wellbeing Officer in the Yokrshire North and East District.
Lord, it's Mothering Sunday again.
It can land with each of us in a different way, we might be blessed, we might be sad, we might be numb, we might be filled with joy.
We thank you that you are our Parent God – Mother God as well as Father God, thank you for your maternal love for each of us, your children.
We pray for all:
Lord, meet us where we are, as your children and pour out your love and blessings on each of us, we pray.
In your name,
Registered Charity no. 1129363
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255
Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB