Saturday 5 April 2025 from 9:30am
Join us for a morning of learning, sharing and worship with a buffet lunch provided. It will provide an opportunity for you to renew existing connections across the District and to meet new people.
Our theme will be To Boldly Go... Faith Beyond Church. Most followers of Jesus spend the majority of their time engaged in activities beyond church: working, holding family responsibilities, pursuing hobbies, supporting charities and community groups, travelling, resting. What does our worship, teaching and collective endeavours say into faith beyond church? How do we better equip people to live out their discipleship and mission in their own unique contexts beyond church?
Within the District Gathering we will hold the life of Methodism across our district in prayer, renew our relationship with our wider Connexional church, and make any formal decisions required of us as a district – the work of the representative synod.
This event is free and open to all, but we do need to know who is coming, so please book in!
Our deepest sympathy goes out to the Revd Romeo Pedro, superintendent of the Sheffield Circuit, on the death of his father this morning. May he be upheld by our prayers as he travels out to Nambia to be with the rest of the family.
We have just learned with sadness of the death of Doreen Wright, widow of Revd Brian Wright. Doreen lived in Woodland Acre home and was a regular attender at the monthly service held there, where she "sang her heart out". We hold David, her son, and all the family in our prayers.
The funeral of Revd Louise Carr yesterday was also live-streamed on the Barnsley YouTube channel. If you were unable to join them, the video will be available for the next few days. It can be found here:
Peak Methodist Church at Calver are delighted to have received a New Beginnings Grant from the Sheffield District to start a new Bereavement Group at Calver Chapel, and are pleased to announce our first course.
Peak Methodist Church at Calver Chapel will be running The Bereavement Journey® programme starting on 24th February.
The Bereavement Journey® is a place to talk – 7 Sessions of films and discussion for anyone who has been bereaved, whether grieving a death now, or wanting to explore a previous bereavement that may be unresolved. This course is for bereaved adults to do their own grief work with the benefit of peer support.
The final, 7th session, provides a Christian perspective to commonly asked faith questions in bereavement. This is optional, making The Bereavement Journey suitable for anyone of any faith or none.
For more details and how to register for The Bereavement Journey at Calver Chapel please email or phone 01433 631376
Places are limited and are by advanced registration only.
A short promotional film can be viewed on Vimeo: Bereavement Journey Promo
The Rose Choir collaborates with Harlequin Brass and Escafeld Chorale for a fundraising concert at Sheffield's Victoria Hall, featuring the second performance of 'A Northern Requiem'. This new piece for choir, brass ensemble, and soloists commemorates the 1984/85 Miners' Strike, a pivotal event for the local community.
'A Northern Requiem' blends text from the Roman Catholic Requiem Mass with poetry that reflects on the Miners' Strike and the coal mining industry's decline. The program will also present brass works and showcase our soloists' talents.
This concert aims to support the Rose Hill Arts Centre initiative, which strives to establish a community-led arts venue that promotes artistic expression and community involvement. Our goal is to nurture a self-reliant arts community within the historic Rose Hill United Reformed Church, and we are currently fundraising to purchase this prospective home for our centre.
Buy your tickets here :
Calling everyone who updates circuit and church websites, social media and shares stories in newsletters. You may find it useful to join this Facebook group created by the Connexion Communications Team
It's for anyone who is interested in all things digital – from novice to experienced, it's a place to gather and learn, share and resource each other.
The Worship Resource Pack for our Lent 2025 campaign, Soul Food is now available to download from the Methodist Church website. This resource helps you plan services throughout Lent to join in with this campaign.
We would love for you to join us for our next forum meeting on Tuesday 11th February 11am-12pm. It would be great to hear about the work that is happening in our communities. Kathryn Rawling (Dementia & Wellbeing Manager at Sheffcare) and Abbey Hayes (Head of Nursery Services at Sheffield College) are both going to speak about their exciting new project in Sheffield, linking nurseries with dementia care homes.
The Zoom link is attached, or failing that the meeting ID and passcode is also attached.
Meeting ID: 574 968 5772 /Passcode: 8KWkq2
Kate Dales – MHA Communities Manager
Monday, 10 February 2025, 10.30-11.30am (on Zoom only)
You are warmly invited to UTU's next Urban Gospel Coffee Time. Make yourself a drink, pull up a chair and get comfortable...Hosted by Andrew Crowley(RC Deacon, Chair of Sheffield Interfaith)/Erica Dunmow (Methodist Local Preacher).
This group will meet monthly online at 10.30-11.30am on the 2nd Monday of the month, where the conversations will be on the coming Sunday's common lectionary Gospel reading.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 218 233 6614 / Passcode: 492244
RSVP helpful but not essential.
10am-3.30pm on Zoom
Greasy Chip Butty is the title of our other morning talk and the title of Julian Sullivan's recently published book. Its light hearted title belies the tough work of church ministry in deprived urban Sheffield which it depicts.
As we approach the 40th Anniversary of the Church of England Report Faith in the City commemorated here in Sheffield on 12 July (watch this space), Julian gives us an insight into the sights and smells that were behind this seminal publication.
Please contact Jill ( if you have not already registered for this event and would like to do so.
Tuesday, 25 February 202511.15am -12.40pm
Lower Hall, Victoria Hall,Sheffield S1 2JB
Please join UTU's Doctoral Seminar on Tuesday, 25 February, 11:15 to 12:40, for thoughtful presentations on topics that challenge as well as inform. All welcome.
This session will be led by Canon Dr Alan Billings, recently retired Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire (2014-24) and Dr Joseph Forde, the Honorary Research Fellow in Historical Theology at the Urban Theology Union.
This year will be our 10th Joined Up Conference and we're really looking forward to it – we've got some great workshops lined up, and our keynote and worship are being led by Nick and Becky Drake who are founders/authors of Worship for Everyone. The day is for anyone involved in serving children, youth, families or schools in any capacity and we'd love to see you there! For more details, or to book head to
The Cliff College site is an ideal space for a retreat – surrounded by God's creation and with a sense of peace and stillness. The upcoming day retreat on Saturday 1 March 2025, a few days before the beginning of Lent, is an opportunity to reflect on the past and to prepare for what the season of Easter might hold. The cost of £50 includes lunchtime and evening meals – book now on the Cliff College website at
Cliff College are seeking to appoint a qualified an experience finance manager to support the Head of Finance and line manage the Finance Assistant.
Key responsibilities:- To support the Head of Finance to deliver the financial strategy required for the flourishing of the College.
See the poster for details on how to apply.
Our friends in the Mid Derbyshire Methodist Circuit have two open job vacancies:
CAMEO Pioneer Worker
Young People & Families Pioneer Worker
Both posts are full time working 37.5 hours per week, paying a salary of £27,300. Check out the adverts for more information.
(Both roles close on 14/02/25)
We're looking for a passionate, driven individual to become a part of Shelter's fundraising team and play a vital role in our mission to combat homelessness, join us as a Regional Community Fundraiser in the Yorkshire region, you will work to engage local communities and raise crucial funds to support our fight for home.
As a Community Fundraiser for Shelter, you will play an integral role in driving our community fundraising strategy across Sheffield and the wider Yorkshire region. You will engage with a diverse range of audiences, including individuals, local businesses, schools, volunteers, and community groups, to build meaningful relationships and raise vital funds to support Shelter's mission.
Full details here:
Portfolio Readers, Dov1 Advisory Group and book scheme to help newly arriving transferring ministers
We are in need of more portfolio readers for the candidates' portfolios. This work is focussed in November / December, a moderation meeting in January online and a training/review meting in person in July. Ideally we need more lay people but if anyone is interested please encourage them to apply. The application form is here Portfolio Readers – The Methodist Church
We also need more members of the DOV1 Advisory group. This work is focussed on two to three days in June – to work as one of a team of three who meet DOV1 applicants online to hear their call to ministry and advise them on their next steps. Please contact Claire Potter ( for more information.
If there is anyone who might be interested in running a book scheme to help newly arriving transferring ministers to have the books they need, please ask them to contact Claire Potter
We're currently recruiting people to serve as Chaplains supporting staff in schools and other businesses.
If you're available on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis and willing to undertake chaplaincy training, get in touch with us.
For more information or an application form, email our People & Officer Co-ordinator using or give us a call on 07903 899751.
Among our worries or despair,
you are there.
Among those who are anxious or frail,
you are there.
In the times when we care,
you are there,
and in the times when we fail,
you are there.
In our calling, open our minds and our hearts to your ways,
so that we may know how to help those in distress.
Enable your Church to be a voice that can be heard,
a people who bring hope to those who feel hopeless,
and to have the courage to face challenges together,
by the power of your Spirit,
Ann Fox, superintendent presbyter, Tadcaster Circuit
Registered Charity no. 1129363
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255
Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB