It has been so great to be able to host the Coat of Hopes in our District. It is currently enjoying the Peak Circuit's hospitality, being walked along part of the Wesley Way before resting at Edale.
Next Monday it can be found at Wesley Hall Crookes, then on Tuesday 6 August it will be part of the event outside Sheffield City Hall to mark Hiroshima Day.
The Lord Mayor will be present in her role as part of the International Mayors for Peace Network. There will be brief speeches, a message from the Mayor of Hiroshima, songs form the choir for peace and a minutes' silence to remember the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Finally, on Thursday 8 August at 9.45 am we will hold a short farewell on the steps of Victoria Hall Methodist Church (Sheffield) to thank the Coat for its time with us and to bless it on its way to Rotherham (Broom Methodist Church), Doncaster (Tickhill Methodist Church) as it travels on towards Lincoln.
Do come and join us!
On Saturday 13 July 2024, members of the Crossing Methodist & United Reformed Church & Centre in Worksop (in the Sheffield District) took part in their local Pride, rejoicing with people inside and outside of the church.
This year's PRIDE was bigger and better than ever, with thousands of people pouring into the streets, parading with 'Dottie' the Drag-on Bassetlaw PRIDE Sculpture, and celebrating love and diversity in all its fabulous rainbow colour.
Deacon Emily donned an inflatable unicorn costume which was definitely a talking point, and several people were surprised and moved to know that she herself is in a same-sex marriage with Lisa – being present and welcoming at our stall was a real privilege, and we can't wait to return next year!
Read the full story on the Methodist Church website here:
The report for local churches about the business of the 2024 Methodist Conference has been published and can be downloaded here:
Join Neil Harland (District Mission Enabler) and Rev Carla Quenet (Learning Network) on Zoom over four evenings to explore this easily readable book. Written by David Male, National Advisor for Pioneer Development for the Church of England, the book succeeds in doing what it says on the tin: explaining how and why to start a New Christian Community in practical simple language.
This Book Club is for you if recognise that some of the people you know are very unlikely join your church, no matter how good it is, but may engage with a different expression of Christian community, tailored to the form and and time that works for them. Especially if you feel you haven't much by way of time, money or theological qualifications to devote to this task.
We will meet 7:30 – 9:00pm on Tuesdays 1, 8, 15, 22 October on Zoom. The first 10 people to sign up get a free copy of the book
The year 2024 is the 350th anniversary of the birth of Isaac Watts, known worldwide as the "father of English hymnody". To mark his connections to this region, the East Midlands Synod is holding A Celebration of Isaac Watts, on Saturday 21 September from 2.30-4.00pm, with gathering praise from 2.00pm.
Melton Mowbray URC will host the event, commemorating his links with the Melton district. The event is free of charge but capacity is limited, so you are advised to book early by visiting (alternatively, call the Synod Office: 0115 960 9241).
We are nearly into August, and the office is certainly warming up! Most of the District Staff team will be taking a well-deserved break at this time. So you may have to wait a bit longer if you are trying to get hold of any of them.
I will be away from 19-26 August, at the Greenbelt Festival. I will be at the Festival Reception Desk from Monday to Thursday, so do come and say hi if you are there as well. I'm sure I'll bump into a few folk over the Bank Holiday Weekend!
This is the time when ministers will be movingon to new homes. We wish Lisa Quarmby, Mike Jones, Tracey Harris and Adrian Perry every blessing as they move to new Districts. Sean Adair will be staying within our District, but moving to a new home as he engages in study.
Deacon Alison McCauley is sitting down and moving out of our District, while Jonathan Gichaara and Margaret Mwailu are also sitting down, but will continue to be part of our District.
We thank them all for their time in our District and every blessing on this new stage in their lives.
We welcome Revd Gill Newton back from her time as President of the Methodist Conference. We are looking forward to hearing about her experiences at the District Gathering on Saturday 14 September. Register now for your free tickets now at (as we are providing lunch, so need to know numbers)
This will be her final year as Chair of our District!
Looking forward to hearing what events are being planned across the District!
We seek to appoint a Church Community Development Worker at Brightholmlee Methodist Church on a part-time 3-year Fixed Term Contract.
Main Responsibilities:
We encourage enquiries and conversations about the post to the Rev Ian Lucraft. Please, in the first instance, direct these by email to
For an application form, please email Mrs Gill Adams at
Closing Date: 21 August 2024
The Methodist Church is seeking volunteers with a special interest in the Conservation of Historic Places of Worship for the Methodist Church's Connexional Listed Buildings Advisory Committee.
Do you have expert knowledge of the ecclesiastical historic built environment? Non-conformist architecture and heritage? Expert knowledge of the conservation of our fixtures of architectural and historic significance? Or knowledge of Methodist liturgy and worship in a historic Place of Worship? Do you want to be part of an expert group and use your skills and gifts to help reimagine and re-purpose our historic places of worship for growth and sustainability?
Full details here:
God of all that is, seen and unseen
At the beginning of this day,
make me attentive to the treasure you have in store
and give me grace to be surprised.
When the way is dark or unclear,
be the glint to guide me on.
In the midst of this day,
enable me always to work toward your light
and give me strength to be patient.
When life is difficult and progress slow,
help me to know how much I am treasured by you.
At the end of this day,
show me again the treasures you and I have unearthed together
and give me a thankful heart.
Pru Cahil, Deacon, North Lancashire Circuit
Registered Charity no. 1129363
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255
Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB