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District News – 3 September 2024

news 2district  gathering websitegoboka rwandawhirlow calendarworld meth conf 2024shelter swimbookcase

Happy New Year!

Welcome to the start of the Connexional Year. Some things will be different and some will stay the same, but God is with us throughout all!

This Week's News

District Gathering – Hidden Treasures

If you haven't booked your place yet, what are you waiting for? We hope this will be an exciting time of learning, sharing and worship, looking at the different hidden treasures that can be found across the District and beyond.
Do come and be inspired by the possibilities!
Book your place now!
Registration will close on Friday 6 September at noon

Goboka Rwanda Trust

In 2008 Heather Thomas, a member of Bakewell Methodist church, visited Rwanda as a Youth Leader with a group of young people from the Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District of the Methodist Church. On her return, she felt called to do more to help the people that she met, and thus started a life-changing journey when she might have been looking forward to a quiet retirement.
In 2009 she set up the Goboka Rwanda Trust (Goboka is a Kinyarwanda word meaning "to help and support"). The Trust has a simple strategy based on the principle that that the people who know best what is needed in countries like Rwanda, are those living there.
Read the full story here: Goboka Rwanda Trust

Whirlow Spirituality Centre

Whirlow Spirituality Centre is a Christian day retreat centre. A safe place of quiet and peace for reflection, where all are welcome.
A new addition to the Autumn programme is'A letter from Autumn' on the 22nd September:
"This afternoon, nut tree leaves blow acrossas if autumn had written us a long letter" Don Thompson
Join us for a time of reflective worship leading into a simple communion as we turn from summer into autumn. What might be written in a letter from autumn to you?
Visit their website to find out what is on offer.

World Methodist Conference 2024

The World Methodist Conference took place in Gothenburg, Sweden from 13-18 August. Naomi Prince, the District Administrator of the Yorkshire North & East District attended as one of the delegates of the Methodist Church in Britain.
She has written an excellent report on her experience which you can download to read here: World Methodist Conference It certainly sounds like she had an amazing time!

Single Friendly Church Network

You might have seen that Singleness was a key topic at the Methodist National Conference in July?
The national Christian charity 'Single Friendly Church Network', which encourages all churches of different denominations and theologies to welcome and value single people, is coming to Sheffield
What: Single Friendly Church Network information session
Where: 1554 Coffee, Entrance of Sheffield Cathedral, Church Street, Sheffield, S1 1HA (look out for purple signage)
Date: Thursday 19th September 2024
When: 10am – 12pm or 2pm to 4pm – please state your preference when registering
Details: A chance to drop in and meet Liz, Church Engagement Officer, and ask her any questions about their work, their free resources and how to become more single friendly in your church. Drop by for 10 mins or as long as you like and at any time during the 2 hours.
Register: Churches from any recognised Christian denomination can register for it here:
Questions?: Email or go to

Shelter Sheffield

Shelter Sheffield are holding an open water swim on 7th September at Thrybergh, Rotherham. Take on the challenge and enjoy all the benefits of cold water swimming (including boosting your immune system, improving circulation, reducing those aches and pains and improving your mental health), whilst supporting Shelter. By signing up you'll be helping Shelter to fight for home and end the housing emergency.

Heritage Open Days at St Andrew's Psalter Lane Church

Date: Friday 6 September 10:00 am
Location: St Andrew's Psalter Lane Church, 31 Psalter Lane, SHEFFIELD S11 8YL
Description: Take a short tour of the church, chat with our stewards about our history or simply enjoy the quiet space and wonderful light of our building.
See for more information

BookCase seeking new home

Wickersley Methodist Church have come across this rather lovely old bookcase which they can no longer use.
The measurements are:
H 142cm. W 86cm. D 65cm /H 56". W34". D 25 1/2"
It tapers to the top!
Contact Jane Shore on 07449 120051 if you are able to rehome it!

District Officers Updates

Join us in shaping a greener future for the Sheffield Methodist District!

We're looking for passionate individuals to help develop and implement our District Environmental Policy, driving sustainable change across our communities, churches and sites. By working together, we can promote renewable energy, reduce waste, and inspire others to care for our planet. Whether you have experience in sustainability or simply a strong desire to make a difference, we welcome your fresh ideas and enthusiasm. Email us at admin@sheffieldmethodist to get involved and help us build a brighter, more sustainable future.


Administrators and office workers

Tue 17-Sep-2024 9:00am – 10:30am

Join the South Yorkshire UCAN Local Group, as we gather to pray, share resources and encourage each other in our ministry!
Please arrive from 9.00am for a 9.15am start, there'll be some pastries, fruit, tea and coffee.
Focus: Canva; How to Make the Most of the Design Software
Canva is a great tool for Churches, especially as we quality for the pro version for free! It can however be a bit of a minefield to get started. Steph Osman, Operations Manager at All Saints Church Ecclesall and CIM graduate, will show you the basics and give you the tools to create visually appealing promotional material for your Church that retains your brand image.
Sign up here if you would like to come (members and non-members both welcome!)

How to Pioneer (even if you haven't a clue) Book Club

Join Neil Harland (District Mission Enabler) and Rev Carla Quenet (Learning Network) on Zoom over four evenings to explore this easily readable book. Written by David Male, National Advisor for Pioneer Development for the Church of England, the book succeeds in doing what it says on the tin: explaining how and why to start a New Christian Community in practical simple language.
This Book Club is for you if recognise that some of the people you know are very unlikely join your church, no matter how good it is, but may engage with a different expression of Christian community, tailored to the form and and time that works for them. Especially if you feel you haven't much by way of time, money or theological qualifications to devote to this task.
We will meet 7:30 – 9:00pm on Tuesdays 1, 8, 15, 22 October on Zoom. The first 10 people to sign up get a free copy of the book

Coat of Hopes

We were disappointed that Walk 13 from Sheffield to Winterton (via Rotherham and Doncaster) had to be postponed due to illness.
It has now been re-arranged to take place from Friday 14 – to Wednesday 9th October.
More details will follow, or email yes@coatofhopes to find out more.

Whirlow Spirituality Centre

'Entering the Round Zion of the Water Bead'
5th October 2024| 9:30-4pm | £20 | Whirlow Spirituality Centre
A day of poetic exploration with Adrian Scott exploring the spiritual and lyrical vision of the poet Dylan Thomas. As the year moves towards its ending, we will do what Dylan did in his famous Poem in October and take stock: to look back down the paths of our past and appreciate who we have become in the present and how we can move into the future with honesty and appreciation.
Full details here:

UCAN – Online Training Days

UCAN (UK Church Administrators Network) run training sessions. I attended the Amplify session last year and found it extremely helpful. They are now offering the same course online!
Hosted over 2 consecutive mornings from 09:30-12:30, Amplify Your Impact is aimed at all those working in church administration and operations. Across the 2 mornings, we will be exploring how administrative functions can be aligned and optimised to have the greatest impact on our church's Wildly Important Goals.
Come to talk about time management, implementation, evaluation, effective workflows, and cohesive team. How can we identify what is the best use of our time, and provide the most administrative value? How can we Amplify our Impact?
The day will be packed full of shared wisdom, practical tools, and know-how.
Online Area Training Day: 9 & 10 October 2024 :
Online Area Training Day: 24 & 25 October 2024 :


Administrations and Operations Coordinator

Whirlow Spirituality Centre

The role will be accountable to the Chaplain as team leader and will be employed through the PCC of All Saints, Ecclesall. Office accommodation is provided at Whirlow Spirituality Centre and applicants will be required to work from the centre on at least two mornings a week, to include Tuesday mornings.
Annual Salary: £27,500 FTE pro rata for 16 hours a week = £11,733.33 (£14.10 per hour) plus employer pension contribution of 8.5%.
You can read more about the centre on our website and download information and an application form for the role at Vacancies -- Whirlow Spirituality Centre
For more information about this job contact: Alison Richards, Chaplain, Whirlow Spirituality Centre, Whirlow Grange Close, Sheffield S11 9SY Tel: 0114 235 3704
Closing date for applications: 12 noon on Sunday 6th October 2024
Interview date to be confirmed – likely to be the week beginning 21st October 2024

And finally ...

A prayer for the elderly and their carers

Dear Lord,
We pray for elderly, housebound individuals, who are often very lonely.
We praise and thank you for their carers, who come into their homes and brighten their days by showing tenderness, kindness, and giving much needed practical support.
Make us more sensitive to the needs of both groups and move our hearts and minds to seek ways in which we may become involved.
Increase our awareness of the conditions under which carers do their work; often earning so little for such a valuable contribution and help us seek social justice for them.
Eileen Simmons, chaplain and local preacher

A prayer for the poor and the lost

Blessed is your cross, O Jesus, way for the lost, guide for the seeker and strength for the weak. Blessed is your cross, O Jesus, healing for the sick, freedom for the slave and clothing for the naked.
African hymn (10th century)

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District