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District News 29 March 2022

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This Week's News

Inderjit Bhogal Receives the World Methodist Peace Award

Inderjit Bhogal received the World Methodist Council Peace Award 2018 in Victoria Hall, Sheffield. Over 500 people gathered physically and online in celebration. The annual award is given to individuals or groups "who have made significant contributions to peace, reconciliation and justice" recognising the courage, creativity and consistency of the recipients.

People Seeking Sanctuary

30 March / 6 April

Apologies that I forgot to include the venue details in last week's mailing. It will be taking place at Totley Rise Methodist Church. Full details can be found on the EventBrite page:

Pray for Ukraine – Christian Aid

On Sunday 3 April, churches and Christians from across the UK and Ireland will come together in an act of witness.
You can join this action in the following ways:

  • Join with Christians across the country by reading out one of our prayers for Ukraine in your service on 3 April
  • Organise a visible act of witness with other local churches at 2pm
  • If you're nearby, join one of the acts of witness being organised in major cities by Christian Aid and CTBI. We'll share more details through our Facebook page in the coming days

Don't miss a thing related to this action by joining Christian Aid on Facebook

Brighter Lives mental health funding

Benefact Trust (the new name for All Churches Trust / Methodist Insurance Grants) have launched a new funding programme for Christian organisations to provide specialist mental health training or services. Please contact Neil Harland if you are considering applying, as there may be benefits in connecting work across multiple locations. It appears this programme will only be open for applications during 2022.

Leading your Church into Growth conference

Bookings are now open for the Leading your Church into Growth (LyCiG) Methodist conference, 24-26 June on Zoom. LyCiG are an ecumenical group of practitioners who have been offering very practical, down-to-earth, theologically broad training in the principles and practices of church growth for 25 years. This is the second year this training has been made available for Methodist church and circuit leadership teams who are longing for growth and wanting to take action, with very positive feedback from last year. Further details at

Before the Cross: A Quiet Day for Holy Week

Whirlow Spirituality Centre, Monday April 11 (£18 booking fee) 10am – 3.30pm

A day of learning and prayer exploring the artistic representations of the crucifixion. Both the Western emphasis on the humanity and suffering of Christ, and the Eastern approach of revelation of God and victory over death invite complementary devotional responses to the cross of Jesus. Led by Revd Chris Ellis spiritual director and keen amateur artist.

Details and bookings are here:

District Safeguarding News

Level of DBS Checks for Trustees

Conference Office Colleagues in the Office for Legal and Constitutional Practice received a query regarding the level of checks for trustees. Please note that the Safer recruitment policy states (on page 17):

'Trustees on the governing body of charities that work with children and vulnerable adults are eligible to apply for an enhanced DBS check if the charity provides regulated activities for those specified groups.
The Charity Commission 'strongly recommends that charities obtain the relevant DBS checks for which the 'trustee position is eligible.' In other words, the type of check undertaken should reflect the provision of services offered by the organisation. For instance, if a church does not provide any regulated activities for the groups identified, trustees would not be required to undertake an enhanced DBS check.
The Methodist Church requires that trustees undertake an enhanced DBS check where regulated activity for children and vulnerable adults is provided. This satisfies the criteria of the charity being a provider of services covered under the definition of regulated activities and, that trustees are suitable and legally able to act in their positions.'

Previous practice guidance published in 2018 recommended that 'a minimum of three checks should always be undertaken: the safeguarding lead person and two stewards. For the other members, the meeting can decide on what checks are appropriate. It would not normally be deemed necessary to require checks from the all trustees'. This minimum is no longer stated in the policy as it is for local churches to decide how many checks are necessary based on their individual circumstances. It still remains the case that it is not necessary or proportionate to check all trustees.
Nicola Sylvester, Safeguarding Policy manager

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at

Many thanks
Alison Hill -District Safeguarding Officer

Missional Property News

Fire inspection

We are aware that several places of worship are being audited and inspected by South Yorkshire fire and rescue. They are responsible for enforcing the act that governs fire safety in buildings. They are actively giving out notices and improvements orders, which is an important and necessary thing.

Recent events like Grenfell have taught us that we need to be better at fire safety, my attitude to fire is that it's not if it happens but when. This thinking changes thinking towards fire safety and how we should plan for it

Imagine a fire starting in a Sunday morning service, how would you get out? Does everybody know how to get out? Could you get everybody out, a wheelchair user or somebody who has a hearing impediment? Who is looking after the children? Is there lighting if the power goes out? Is the fire system working? Are they extinguishing where they should be or holding a door open?

Having a fire risk assessment, firefighting equipment, having regular fire drills, a way of raising the alarm and ways of managing risk are all part of the job of managing trustees but also the whole church to keep everybody safe.

Please do get in contract with me to talk about this further,
Tom Rattican – Missional Property Enable
Contact number 07483 318 823


Communities of Practice

A Community of Practice is a gathering of people with a similar interest to offer mutual support and encouragement. There are a number of gatherings being set up and full details (including information about previous sessions) can be found on the District Website:

Digital Church

Tuesday 29 March / Thursday 31 March from 7:30pm

The first gathering for people from across our district involved in digital church in any way to gather, take stock, build supportive networks, ask questions, and explore what would help each of us now.
This registration covers both Tuesday 29 and Thursday 31 March – we will run twice to make accessible for as many people as possible, you can come to either or both:

Positively Rural

Wednesday 27 April : 10:00-11:30am

Positively Rural is an online community hosted by the Yorkshire Plus Learning Network, but open to anyone of any denomination involved in rural ministry, including volunteers, lay workers and clergy.
This session will be looking at Wellbeing and Mental Health.
Register here: before 24 April

Lay Employees Network

The Lay Employees network is for all lay employees within the Yorkshire Plus Learning Network region (Sheffield District; Yorkshire North & East District and Yorkshire West District).

Tuesday 10 May from 10am-1pm

David Goodall, the Missional Communities Enabler in the Leeds Circuit, will be exploring the Methodist Way of Life and how it can help in our daily work.

There will be the usual gathering over coffee from 10, then a short time of worship before his session from 10:30. There will also be a chance to meet in your specific role groups to socialise and chat at the end.
The session will end by 1pm, but do feel free to bob in and out as your time allows!

Register to attend here:
please note registration will close on 6 May

Ministry with Older People

A community hosted by Sheffield Methodist District and open to anyone of any denomination involved in ministry with older people, including volunteers, lay workers and clergy.
We meet around four times per year (offering webinars and gathered events) to share experiences, ask questions, and explore new resources and approaches to support you in your ministry in your context.

Working in Partnership

Wednesday 18 May 2022 : 1 – 2:30pm
Working in Partnership with other organisations can enable your ministry with older people to achieve things you could not working alone, but can also bring new challenges. We will explore the pitfalls and positives of partnership working, and how to go about setting up a new partnership or improving an existing one.
Book here by 11 May to register your interest:


SDMMHA Ltd are seeking a Treasurer


  • To ensure effective financial management of the Association, consistent with relevant legal and constitutional requirements and within accepted accounting practice
  • To act as part of the team (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Property Team) managing the Association.

n.b. Although this is a voluntary post agreed expenses will be reimbursedIf anyone is interested, please could they contact Judith Calvert on,

The Sheffield District Methodist Ministers' Housing Association is a small housing association established in 1951 by the Sheffield Methodist District to provide accommodation for retired Methodist Ministers, Deacons, lay Missionaries and their widows or widowers. The Association currently has 9 properties within the Sheffield District.

Other Methodist News

Bible Month

Bible Month is an annual campaign which, each year, celebrates one book of the Bible.

This year, the focus is on the book of the prophet Isaiah. A really helpful introduction has been produced in partnership with the Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust (LWPT), with study notes, timelines, small group session plans and children, youth & all-age worship content.

Typically, churches engage with Bible Month during June and many of the resources and training opportunities are timed accordingly. Training session dates and other materials are available on the Methodist website Bible Month events page

More MWB liturgies available online

In an earlier newsletter we were able to announce the beginning of a project to place digital versions of Methodist Worship Book service orders on to StF+. As more new orders are added, we encourage you to keep checking in on the web page. The most recently added Communion services are for Ordinary Seasons (three liturgies), Ascensiontide, and for Pentecost and Times of Renewal in the Life of the Church.
This is a pilot project from Methodist Publishing and any feedback would be very welcome. Please contact with your thoughts.

Methodist Insurance 150th Celebratory Awards

Our 150th Celebratory Awards, in which we'll be awarding 15 church and community initiatives a £1,500 donation, are now open. We want to support the ideas and initiatives that could really make a difference to your church and community. So, we're asking how you would make the £1,500 donation count. Entries are open until 29 July 2022 and please note, terms and conditions apply.

Learn more about the awards.

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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