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District News – 28 November 2023

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This Week's News

Shoebox Appeals

Shoeboxes have been filled with presents and essential items for those who may not otherwise receive a Christmas present this year.
Find out how Trinity and Barnsley Circuits have been showing their care and kindness to strangers by teaming up with charities to support people in need.

Out of the Ordinary

TThis Advent the Methodist Church is asking us to scratch beneath the surface and see how God's extraordinary love can transform ordinary lives.
A short film is now available to watch and share. A well know supermarket may have got Michael Bauble in their Christmas advert this year but we have the greatest story ever told and a powerful message for all.
See it for yourself:

Have you signed up for the Advent Reflections yet? Each reflection gives you a chance to pause as you begin your day.
You can sign up to these emails for free here:

Mental Health First Aid Training 2024

Sheffield Methodist Circuit are pleased to advertise the Mental Health First Aid courses for Spring 2024.
If you would like to learn more about mental health, and want to learn how to support others around their mental health, then MHFA is the right course for you. The course will teach you how to recognise, respond and signpost, will equip you with a 'tool kit' and give you the confidence needed for this important role.
These are some of the comments from the last two courses held in the Sheffield Circuit;
'Excellent course' 'Excellent presenter' 'Excellent course material' 'Would strongly advise at least 1 person in every workplace, community, charity, church, should do this course' 'The need is out there!' 'Excellent course' 'Informative and helpful workbook with group exercises that were challenging but useful in putting theory into practice.'

Full 2 days attendance are mandatory. Booking is essential and is via Eventbrite, please find dates and links below.

MHFA England charges £300 pp for this course. However, Sheffield Methodist Circuit now offers the course at a subsidy:

  • £99 pp
  • £50 for Methodist members.
  • Free for Sheffield based Methodist members or staff.

If finance is a problem, please speak to Tim Jansen.
For questions, please contact Tim, Email:

Line Managers

Line managing someone is an incredible privilege. Good line management enables employees to flourish in their vocation. The support, guidance and encouragement of line managers is key to someone being able to fulfil their job well. The Methodist Church provides training and learning for line managers as well as a Line Managers' Handbook to support them in their role.
Find out more here:

Encounter 2024

Encounter is an exploration of personal vocation and discipleship, shared with a small group of participants. Each month we offer a different perspective on these questions. Ideas are offered from experience and tradition. We share together in conversation and activities as we seek to uncover where God is calling us at this moment in time.
Join us in a taster session on 10 January to consider whether you would value being part of the Encounter 2024 group:

Pay it forward

Freedom last year provided over 4000 food parcels to individuals and families. We supported 2575 people struggling. with debt, benefit related issues, housing problems or mental health issues.
Why not support our work by buying services for people struggling in poverty. You could buy the item as a donation from yourself or as a gift for a loved one.
Full details can be found here: Pay It Forward

District Safeguarding Update

Child Sexual Abuse Disclosures

NSPCC Learning has published a report on child sexual abuse (CSA) disclosure ahead of the proposed mandatory reporting duty in England and Wales. The report reviews evidence around children and young people's views and experiences of disclosing CSA. A review of 43 papers and reports from international research found: -there are a variety of internal and external barriers to disclosure, including developmental factors, isolation and a lack of trusted and open relationships;

  • professionals need to create safe spaces for children to disclose CSA; and
  • ineffective or insensitive responses to a disclosure can impact on the likelihood of children and young people seeking help in the future.

The report identifies key insights to inform thinking on the proposed mandatory reporting duty and highlights gaps in current research.
Read the report: Disclosing child sexual abuse: children and young people's experiences

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill
District Safeguarding Officer


Seasonal retreats at Cliff College

Join Cliff College for guided day retreats, at the start of Advent and just before the beginning of Lent, to pray and reflect. Retreat spaces available on Saturday 9 December and Saturday 10 February: book now on the Cliff College website.

Mini Broomhill Community Fun Day

Saturday 16 December from 10am

Join us at Broomhill Methodist Centre for an opportunity to meet other families over a warm drink and plenty of imaginative play and activities for all the family
At this event, we are eager to meet local community, understand your needs, and listen to your ideas. Your insights are invaluable to us as we shape this creative play space to serve you best.
Imagine a place where imaginations run wild, friendships blossom, and knowledge is gained through joyful exploration. We want you to be an integral part of this journey.
Join us on the 16th of December for a day filled with fun, laughter, and the opportunity to envision the limitless possibilities of this new community venue.
Let's come together to play, learn, and create memories. Together, we can make our community vibrant and supportive. We look forward to meeting you at the test launch event and starting this exciting adventure together.
Broomhill Methodist Centre, Fulwood Road S10 3BD

Reflect Quiet Mornings

26/27 January 2024
Exploring life with Brigid of Kildare
The Quiet Morning 'Exploring Life' is running twice -- same time on 27th January 2024 -- 9.30-12.15
Revd Judith Jessop is leading the morning on St Brigid
Full details on the poster

Lay Employees Retreat -- Yorkshire Plus and North East Districts

10-12 April 2024 -Wydale Hall, near Scarborough

The theme for this year's Lay Employees Retreat is "Hidden Treasures"
Finding and celebrating the hidden treasures and riches in ourselves and our surroundings. A range of sessions are planned to help rediscover a sense of hope about what lies ahead and find a renewed calling to see where God is at work in and with us.
Cost: £240 A subsidy of £120 may be available from your District towards this. If this has been confirmed, it will be automatically deducted from your invoice. A deposit is required to confirm your registration
Book early via EventBrite by 7 February.


Buildings Management Coordinator

Barnsley Methodist Circuit

The Building Management Coordinator will be active in the efficient and appropriate allocation and letting of rooms, liaising proactively with community groups, external organisations, and other hirers in relation to their booking.
Working hours will be 14 per week to be worked flexibly and agreed in advance with the Line
Manager. To fulfil the role, it is recognised that there will be the necessity for an irregular working
pattern including evening and weekend working.
The rate of pay for this post is £12.62 per hour. (£9187 per annum actual salary)
More information here:

Community Pioneer

Doncaster Methodist Circuit

The successful applicant will have the aspiration for everyone to access a fulfilling life in Christ through growing and developing communities across Rossington, spreading the Gospel to new people who don't go to a traditional church.
It is envisaged the post will develop and evolve with the successful applicant, considering their skills and gifts, and in response wo where they feel they are being called, whilst working closely with Ministers, staff , the wider leadership team, and people within Rossington.
The post holder will be responsible and accountable for growing and developing various communities with key project areas of focus being New Housing chaplaincy, Youth hub, and Christian mindfulness.
For an informal conversation about the role please email Jack Key at

Synod Secretary

Sheffield Methodist District invites expressions of interest for the role of Synod Secretary

The main responsibility involves planning and organising the annual Presbyteral Synod and twice-yearly Representative Synod (District Gathering). This is done with support of the Synod Planning Group.
The role can be split between a lay volunteer/deacon and a presbyter. In that situation the presbyter would only be responsible for the Presbyteral Synod.
The Synod Secretary is also a member of the District Leading Team and some District committees and is one of our representatives to Methodist Conference each year.

We are looking for a person:

  • with good people skills
  • who can hold an overview of the life of the District and is able to focus on specific tasks whilst holding the bigger picture in mind.

The ability to work methodically with a high level of organisational skills is also desirable.

Closing Date: Wednesday 17 January 2024
Interviews will be held online at a mutually convenient time.
Email the District Office ( for more information or to request an Expression of Interest form.

And finally ...

From the Methodist Prayer Handbook "Hidden Treasures"

Hidden God,
you are known to me as absence
more than presence yet
just occasionally the
point of a needle breaks
through the fabric of my life,
makes one perfect golden stitch
and disappears again
into the depths.

It's not much, but
enough to know that
the thread is unbroken
and for that
I thank you.

Rachel Parkinson, District Chair, Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2024 – Sheffield Methodist District