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District News – 27 August 2024

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This Week's News

Pitsmoor Methodist Church

Friends of PMC are invited to a short service at Pitsmoor on Sunday 15th September at 3.00 pm. This will be a service of thanks for the 52 years of faith we have shared here together. It will be the final service here, as the church is closing under the new "fewer than 12 members" rule.
The short half hour service will include a simple Holy Communion, and be followed by tea and coffee for friends to meet and remember. We don't feel it is a time for celebration, but it is a time to give thanks for the journeys of faith we shared here, and its place in our lives. So all the friends of PMC will be very welcome.

Methodist Women in Britain

Methodist Women in Britain (MWiB) is a self-financing volunteer-run charity within the Methodist Church in Britain.
As Christian women we are open to working with all and welcome women of all denominations and none to participate in our activities. At many events men are also welcome to join us. We work ecumenically but value our identity and place as Methodist women within the wider sisterhood of the World Federation of Methodist & Uniting Church Women, of which MWiB forms the British Unit.
Our aims are three-fold:- to bring women together, encouraging one another to know Christ and to make him known, as Methodist women and as part of the wider Church in the world;

  • to encourage, resource and train women members of the Methodist Church, equipping them to participate more fully in the wider church and in society;
  • to connect women in Britain with women overseas, working in partnership with others to raise awareness of and act upon issues of social justice around the world.

We do this by:

  • providing fellowship and training events, including the annual residential conference, pilgrimage opportunities, and one-day events;
  • producing print and online resources and publications, for worship and spiritual growth, and for advocating and providing information on issues of social concern;
  • highlighting areas of need and raising funds or providing other goods or services to support partners and agencies working to alleviate poverty and injustice.

Commissioning Service for the new CoChair – Leonora Wassell

Saturday 28 September, 3pm at Wesley Methodist Church, Harrogate
God Sees, God Hears, God Cares
Preacher: Revd Gill Newton, Past President of Conference (and our District Chair)
Come and support Leonora as she is commissioned as the new CoChair, and stay afterwards for fellowship and refreshments.

Read their latest Newsletter here: MWiB Autumn 2024

Urban Theology Union

New Doctoral Seminar

Tuesday, 24 September 202411.15am -12.40pm
Lower Hall, Victoria Hall, Sheffield S1 2JB
It has been decided to institute a new Doctoral Seminar on the Tuesday morning of the Seminar Group dates. All welcome to this first 'taster' Seminar on the 24 September 2024.
The programme will be:
11.15am Coffee
11.30am Input/Talk/Presentation/Discussion 1 -Dr Neil Johnson will present a paper on Keir Hardie's Christology
12.05 Input/Talk/Presentation/Discussion 2 -Dr Rob Hoch will introduce his soon-to-be-published book Living with the Sermon
12.40 Close

Contributors for future sessions are welcome: papers, book reviews, 'bees-in-the bonnet'.
RSVP ( or to Ian or Rob) would be helpful but not essential.

Mental Health Day – 5 October 2024

Listening to Ourselves & Listening to Others
Central United Reform Church, Norfolk Street, Sheffield S1 2JB
10am – 3pm
Speakers & Discussion/Reflection Leaders:

  • Rich Andrews
  • Zadie Orr
  • Ruth Weston
  • Jackie Wright

If you enjoy being creative, come and spend some time with artist, Naomi Gordon McKibbin in a friendly, informal setting.
All welcome!

Mission 3vangelical for a Post-Christian World

Certificate Course
When we read Mark, we detect a pattern: encounter, misunderstanding, deeper insight, and reorientation. We will use this pattern to "map" our personal narratives as we seek to unpack the way of Jesus in our complicated journey with the Spirit and message of the gospel. How has that pattern of encounter-misunderstanding-deeper insight-and reorientation with Jesus awakened us to the kin-dom of God erupting in margins within and beyond our human condition?
For more information:

Learning Network

Reflective Line Management for Lay Employees in the Methodist Church

Reflective Line Management training is designed for any new or existing line managers. It offers a holistic approach and an exploration of good practice.
This course comprises two parts. Both will be delivered on the same day.
Part 1 (3 hours) will enable participants to:- identify the key skills/qualities needed to manage lay employees.

  • describe their role and responsibilities in managing lay employees in the Methodist Church
  • clarify the different functions of line management
  • understand their role in managing the employment cycle

Part 2 (3 hours) will enable participants to:

  • understand their own operational preferences
  • have confidence in making interventions
  • enable lay employees to reflect on their practice
  • support lay employee development and vocation

Find a date and book your place here: Line Management

New to Reflective Supervision?

Training for first-time supervisees
Just started a role where you're expected to receive reflective supervision? Unsure what it is? Never fear; this course is for you.
During our time together, we'll explore what Supervision is, why it matters and how to get the most out of it so you're fully prepared for your first session.
This event is highly practical, offering you a chance to experience skills used in supervision, and to see a live demonstration.
Book here:

The Community for Spiritual Formation

Registration is now open for the next Five-Day Community for Spiritual Formation which will be held at the beautiful Drumalis Retreat Centre in Larne, Northern Ireland from 6-11 April 2025. The theme is Living Hope: Being hopeful communities in anxious times and the speakers will be Ruth Harvey and Roger Walton. The programme follows a Benedictine-style rhythm, incorporating teaching, silence, worship and small group sharing. For more information, visit our website to download the flier and booking form or email the Registrar (

Introduction to Sight Loss Friendly Church

September 14 | Online | 2 – 2.45PM

This session covers a brief overview of what it means to be a sight loss friendly church. There is an interactive element in the form of an informal quiz, personal stories and videos about sight loss and an overview of our services. Come along if you're thinking of signing up your church or if you'd like to refresh old knowledge.
Register here

Christian Aid Harvest resources

For anyone leading worship over the Harvest period Christian Aid have produced some Harvest resources – here is the link.

Sarah Jane Meyers is hosting a Zoom meeting to introduce these materials on Tuesday 3rd September. You can join the meeting using this link: Harvest Zoom

Who let the Dad's out?

Who Let The Dads Out? groups are for fathers, father figures and their children – places where you can have fun, form friendships and find support.
Recently the group meeting in Bolsover Methodist Church received this letter of encouragement:
Hi Victoria,
I just wanted to drop you a quick line to say how very encouraging your update has been for "Who Let the Dads Out' group at Bolsover. I'm delighted that things are going well for you. What an incredible number of dads and children you're supporting. Thank you also for engaging with our social media and sharing stuff; which brings lots of energy to the Facebook group, it's great that people are responding.
Please do keep letting us know how things are going at Bolsover for you and, of course, give us a shout if we can be of any help.
thanks again, Victoria.
Mark Chester
Men's Support Manager, Care for the Family

You can see what he is refering to on their Facebook page here:

District Office News

We are almost at the start of the Connexional year. A time for new beginnings and changes, as ministers start in new appointments, children and young people start new schools, colleges and universities, those in education may be starting new jobs ...
For all undergoing changes, we hold you in our prayers.

District Induction Day

Thursday 19 September

The District Induction Day is an opportunity to meet some of the District Staff and officers and find out a bit more of about the District and where you might fit in. It is open to all lay employees of churches and circuits in our District, as well as any ministers or supernumeraries who have moved here.
We will be meeting in in Victoria Hall Methodist Church, Sheffield at 10am. If you would like to attend this, please get in touch as soon as possible so that I can send you more details.

Safeguarding Training

The Creating Safer Space Advance Module training is a requirement for all involved in leadership within the Methodist Church, either paid, stipends or voluntary. The full list for whom this is a requirement can be found on the District website here: l
The District Safeguarding Officers across 4 Districts (Sheffield, Yorkshire North and East, Newcastle, and Darlington) with the Learning Network have set up online training sessions for the next year. The dates, and the link to book, can be found here: Advanced Module Online
The 2016 Conference decided that the frequency of undertaking Creating Safer Space training should change from five to four years from September 2017 in order to make sure that training content can keep pace with changes in legislation and safeguarding practices. Those who are due to renew their training this year, or who may be overdue on renewing, should have received an email inviting them to register for one of the online sessions.
Alison is planning to run some face-to-face sessions in addition to the online version. This will depend on the demand – there needs to be at least 15 people attending to make this viable. If this is something you would prefer to attend, please let Katrin in the District Office know as soon as possible (


District Gathering (and Synod) – Hidden Treasures

Have you got your ticket yet??
Everyone is welcome to this free event, whether you are coming for the first time, have attended previous District Gatherings, or are a member of our synod.
Join us for a day of learning, sharing and worship with a buffet lunch provided. Hidden Treasures offers an opportunity for to renew existing connections across our District and meet new people.
It would be really great if every church could encourage at least one person to attend, to be inspired by possibilities...
Find out more here: Hidden Treasures

Attention all Fairtrade churches!

Fairtrade Fortnight has changed and will take place from Monday 9 September – Sunday 22 September 2024.
This year, the Fairtrade foundation is launching their 'Be The Change' challenge to newly elected MPs. They invite supporters to not only encourage people choose Fairtrade products, but also to ask their MP to step up and stand with Fairtrade farmers and lead the way in building a fairer future.
Check out the Fairtrade Fortnight 2024 digital campaign pack for tools to support you in getting involved, and click on the link below for all the details of this year's Fairtrade festivities!

Bread and Breath

Monday 23 September 10:00 am

Location: Upper Wincobank Undenominational Chapel, Wincobank Avenue, Sheffield. S5 6BB
A quiet day led by Inderjit Bhogul, exploring the spirituality of Holy Communion. Please bring your own lunch. Hot drinks provided, donations welcome to help cover the cost of the room.
Please contact Deacon Annabel Terry on to book your place.

New Christian Community Gathering

Our next gathering will be on the morning of Saturday 23 Novemberat
Central Methodist Church, Lodge Lane, Aston
Our guest speaker will be Deacon Eunice Attwood, Methodism's national Church at the Margins Officer. If you have ever met Eunice you will already know of her passion for being church with new people who have been marginalised by wider society, through poverty or for other reasons. And her highly engaging teaching style.
Rotherham & Dearne Valley's Family Fun Church will be our hosts. They will share their testimony of being church for families with young children and will lead us in worship. You can hear more about their story in episode 4 of our podcast Faith, Hope and the Journey.
Book your place here:


Chair of Methodist Academies and Schools Trust (MAST)

The Methodist Academies and Schools Trust (MAST) is seeking a new Chair of Trustees from October 2024 to lead its next period of life.
MAST is a highly effective body which sits under the Methodist Council. As the delegated body, it is responsible for the standards and ethos of 66 state funded Methodist primary schools in England; 26 of these are sole Methodist schools and 40 ecumenical, many in partnership with the Church of England.
As one part of the Methodist Education family, MAST works closely with our two Methodist Multi Academy Trusts, Methodist Independent Schools Trust (MIST) and Southlands Methodist Trust. Outside of this we have a strong and important role to play with the DfE and other statutory bodies.
MAST is seeking a Chair with experience in education and who is not averse to facing challenges. The new Chair will bring enthusiasm to guide the Trust through a period of change as we watch over our schools with love so that they flourish within their communities.
Closing date for applications Sunday 15th September 2024
Full details, including how to apply, here:

And finally ...

A prayer that we may reflect the goodness of God

Holy God,
creation is your gift of grace,
pregnant with your presence.
You have adorned it with goodness,
with jewels of kindness
that shimmer and cast light into life.
The radiance of your Spirit refracts
through the lives of your people
and illuminates the darkness,
disturbing it with hope.
As your hand unveils what is hidden,
may we reflect what you reveal
for the good of all you have made.
Kerry Tankard, District Chair, Yorkshire West District

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2024 – Sheffield Methodist District