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District News – 26 March 2024

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This Week's News

Award Winner!

Freedom Community Project CEO Mark North, received a National Award today – MPs Constituency Champion of the Year. Voted by MPs in Parliament!
Congratulations Mark!

Sad News

We were very sorry to hear of the recent death of George, father of Alison Hill, the District Safeguarding Officer. We will be holding her and her mother in our prayers at this time.

We also send our deepest condolences to Revds Gill and Leslie Newton, following the death of his mother, Vi.

BBC Radio Sheffield

On Sunday we heard from two familiar voices on BBC Radio Sheffield.
You can listen again to Debbie Evans from the Barnsley Circuit sharing her Journey of Faith
Also you can listen again to Revd. Jonathan Haigh from the Sheffield Circuit sharing A Two Minute Time Out for Palm Sunday.

Vocations Sunday

Vocations Sunday is Sunday 5th May. It's a great opportunity to celebrate all those who serve faithfully in the life of the Church.
If you are leading worship on that day, you may wish to use the liturgy for 2024, which you can download here.
You could incorporate into the service an act of appreciation and thanksgiving for particular people in the life of the church, such as Stewards, Pastoral Visitors, Property Team etc. etc. as well as Local Preachers and Worship Leaders. It would be appropriate to advertise in advance so that those who are to be recognised know in advance!


ArtServe seeks to explore and share creativity, develop ideas about how the arts can be used in worship, and to worship together. Its roots go back to 1935 as a fellowship of Methodist organists and choirmasters but in 2010 developed into an organisation with a much wider creative remit for Christians.
ArtServe has many things to offer including an annual festival in October, a magazine published 3-4 times a year, Facebook groups, financial support through the Freeman Trust grants for young people (although adults are not excluded) needing tuition to help with music in worship, a monthly online members chat, a website and a bi-monthly email newsletter.
Please also explore the website if you wish to know more about how ArtServe can support your Christian creativity


Good Friday Vigil

Friday 29 March 12:00 pm atSt Andrew's Psalter Lane Church, Sheffield

A service of meditation, readings, music and silence, featuring local musicians Simon Dumpleton and Emily Bowden. The service will be broken into 30 minute segments – stay for as many as you wish.
This service will be live streamed and can be watched at from 12.00 noon.

South Yorkshire Administrators!

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 16 April on the theme Spreadsheets and Prophecy – being valued
"Administrators. They are the people who get things done. The often-unseen teams of people who turn vision into reality. The gift of administration is also the one that is often overlooked" – Spreadsheets and Prophecy, Sharon J. Clark.
At our April gathering we will be looking at our calling to Church Administration, taking inspiration from the UCAN publication; Spreadsheets and Prophecy. We will share what give us joy about our work and what can sometimes take that joy away.
Our location will be All Saints Church, Ecclesall, S11 7PP

Timings: 9am arrival, 9.15 opening prayers, closed by 10.30-10.45
Sign up here if you would like to come: members and non-members both welcome!

Cliff College Festival

Cliff College's annual Festival, running this year from 24-27 May at Cliff College in Derbyshire, is full of Spirit-filled worship, Bible teaching and activities for people and families of all ages. Together we'll be exploring our theme Rerouted: Making Peace on the Journey, with input from Bible teachers including Matt Miofsky and Heather Morris, worship led by Matt Beckingham.
Book your tickets, accommodation and camping plots now!

Festivals-a tool for rural mission

Tuesday 16 April – 1pm

Building confidence around being a Christian presence at rural festivals through hearing experiences and sharing stories.
A panel of speakers will share their experiences of attending rural festivals and offering their top tips.

  • Carollyn McDonald is a retired priest whose ministry was in suburban and rural contexts in Derbyshire. She has experience in well dressing festivals as well as village and country festivals. Carollyn is now living in rural Northumberland supporting Churches Together, and everyday Spirituality.
  • Andrew Webb is rural lead for the Yorkshire West Methodist District and lives and works on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales national Park. He is part of the Church on Show Committee which organises the churches presence at the Great Yorkshire Show.
  • Alison Fletcher is part of the Derbyshire Rural Chaplaincy team and has a wealth of experience of being present at rural festivals.
  • Bridget Down is a Learning & Development Officer based in the Plymouth and Exeter District.

There will also be opportunities to share experiences in smaller break-out groups.
Book your place here:
The session will be held on Zoom and the link emailed out to those who have registered nearer the start time.
Positively Rural is an online community hosted by the Methodist Learning Network, but open to anyone of any denomination involved in rural ministry, including volunteers, lay workers and clergy.

And finally ...

Pray with us today.

Gracious and loving God,
we thank you for those treasures we have from you
- the gifts of different resources, wisdom, understanding and compassion.
Encourage us to be willing to share those gifts and not to hide them away.
As we journey through this connexional year
help us to be truly present in the light and dark of our own lives
so that we can encounter your presence with us.
Through our personal experiences and discipleship
may we also be willing to share the light and darkness
of those we are called to serve in our different communities.
We pray in the name of Christ.

Andrew de Ville, District Chair, Southampton
Find more ways to pray at

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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© 2024 – Sheffield Methodist District