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District News – 26 July 2022

This Week's News

District Representative Synod

10 September – High Street Centre, Rawmarsh

Synod will next meet on Saturday 10th September from 9.30am to 1.30pm, followed by a free lunch, at The High Street Centre, Rawmarsh. Invitations have already gone out to all the Synod representatives.

Our theme will be Nurturing Leaders. This is not about "filling jobs" but instead enabling people to use latent gifts and inhabit vocations. Contributors will include Matt Beckingham and Revd Dr Christine Dutton, Tutor in Evangelism and Leadership at The Queen's Foundation, Birmingham.

Leadership comes in many forms and ur synod will include a visual display of unattributed quotes about nurturing leaders to which we would welcome your contributions. The registration form therefore contains two additional questions you may wish to reflect on:

  • I am still growing as a leader because of...
  • I became a leader because...

Synod is an open gathering, and we aim to make each one an inspiring and informative event for members and non-members.
Please complete the online registration at by 3 August This will give us enough time to arrange catering and make any necessary accessibility adjustments.

Leading into Change webinars

10:30am 14 September and 7:30pm 20 October

Great change requires great leaders. Great leaders are transformational: they long to see their churches and communities flourish and start to look more like the Kingdom of God. They can see beyond all the demands of 'right now' in order to see God's Kingdom come. Transformational leadership is about healthy, Christ-shaped use of power and influence in Christian communities to welcome in God's preferred future.

In these regular webinars, Emma and Nigel from the Transformational Leadership Learning Community (TLLC) explore ideas and skills that have the potential to help us lead better, for the good of our communities and churches. Anyone interested in exploring or developing leadership is welcome. Click here for further details

Cliff College Foundations for Mission and Ministry programme

The Foundations for Mission and Ministry is a two-year, part-time programme which will prepare and equip people to serve God inside and outside the church. Offered either entirely online or in a hybrid model, students will take six units including Integrating Theology and Practice, Pastoral Practice and Growing in Leadership. Cliff College is offering a discount to students supported by their local Methodist church or circuit. Individual units, usually costing £360 each, are available for £200 each; and the two-year programme which would normally cost £2,000 can be taken at a reduced cost of £1,200. Grants may be available from the District Learning and Development Fund: For more information visit the Cliff College website.

Yorkshire Churches Day

20 September

The vision for Yorkshire Churches Day is to have one day a year when all places of worship in the region open up and showcase the history and heritage found inside their buildings. This is a wonderful opportunity to show off the value of the many historic religious buildings in Yorkshire both as places of worship and important centres for the local community.
To take part, a church needs to register on the HOD website by 31st July, open up on 10th September and explore fundraising events to hold on the day. Full details of the signing up process and help and ideas about publicity and fundraising can be found at

Certificate in Theology & Discipleship for Mission

October 2022 – July 2023

The Certificate in Theology & Discipleship for Mission helps you to develop your understanding of God's call in your life. Through in-depth study of the Gospel of Mark, theological reflection, and personal engagement with the materials, guests, and teachers, you will gain deeper knowledge of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, how others have made that journey in mission, and how the Spirit is leading you in the Way of Christ.
Work is not marked. Feedback from other students as well as the course leaders, is given about the ideas presented, and further reading or points that might help you develop your own understanding.
More information here: CTDM 22-23 Course Information

Learning and Development Opportunities

The Methodist Church Learning Network run a wide range of events, such as Line Management, Mental Health First Aid, Lay orientation and coaching as well as retreats and community gatherings to share experiences.
Details are sent out as more details are known, and you can download the current list of opportunities here: Learning & Develpment

Line Management Training (online)

Ideal for all those who manage employees or volunteers, this session will be repeated during the year.
When: 15 September, 10 – 3.30
Booking: here

Lay employee orientation (online)

All new employees should attend this training to meet, explore their role, understand Methodism and get to grips with key employment practices and much more!. Others are welcome.
When: 28 September, 10 – 3.30
Booking: here

Unlock Training

Our life experience matters; our stories; our joys and sorrows. The Bible has plenty to say – more than we'll ever know – about our lives if we know how to read it and apply it; to 'Unlock' it. For many people, especially those in urban communities, hearing about Unlock's approach to Bible engagement brings a eureka moment as they discover a way forward with a fringe group that doesn't relate to traditional Bible studies or formal church meetings.
Unlock training will give you and your team the knowledge and confidence to apply this approach to your own local context and to share it with others.
More information can be found on the flyer here: Unlock Training

District Office update

GDPR Checklist

A reminder to Churches and Circuits that the deadline for completing the checklist which shows you are complying with the General Data Protection Regulations is 31 July.
This is a legal obligation for the managing trustees to complete.If your church is struggling to understand what is required, please do get in touch with Katrin in the District Office.

Staff News

Val Higgins, the Safeguarding Administrator, will be retiring at the end of the month. Val has been a valued member of our staff team for a long time and will be missed, but we wish her well for the future. Katrin will take over the administration work for the time being, including monitoring Val's email account.

Please note that the District Office will be closed from Monday 22 August to Wednesday 31 August for staff holidays!

Hagg Farm Retreat

19 – 23 October 2022

This is for any children, families, youth or schools volunteer or worker across the Sheffield District. Come for a day, a couple of nights or the whole thing. Whatever you can manage.
At just £15pppn (donation for day visits) it's too good to miss!
Contact Victoria Loveday on for more information


Parish Nursing Ministries UK – Explore Online

30 August and 23 November

Join on Zoom to find out about parish nursing, what it is and how it works with no strings attached. Hosted by our Regional Nurse Coordinator Dawn Stephens with input from parish nursing services around the country, explore what parish nursing could offer to your local community. Further details here: Parish Nursing
You can also hear more about Parish Nursing and other approaches to whole person healthcare on this recording from our ministry with older people community of practice.

Great Big Green Week:

24 September – 2 October

The Great Big Green Week is the UK's biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. Their resources page has some excellent practical suggestions for activities that churches could use to engage with people from their neighbourhoods. Plus transferable tips on how to get local politicians and others on board and tools to easily create good quality publicity materials.
Could this be an easy way for your church to start conversations about what matters most with new people?

Green Christians: Finding our way and walking gently together

Saturday 3 September 2022 at Dronfield Baptist Church.

Spend the day with Green Christians as we seek ways to care for creation and to make the necessary lifestyle changes both as individuals and as nations. The day will include sessions on Joy in Enough and The Green Christian Way of Life. Further details at

Christians on Ageing conference

Wednesday 21 September

"Older people need the best: supporting faith and care"
Christians on Ageing are holding their annual national conference on at Central URC in the heart of Sheffield. Open to anyone engaged in or considering work with older people, speakers will include Rev Dr Keith Albans, Pastoral Director at Methodist Homes. Details of other speakers and how to book at

Samuel Chadwick Lecture

Monday 17 October – online

Cliff College are privileged to have as their keynote speaker Dr James Pedlar, who holds the Chair of Wesley Studies at Tyndale University, Toronto. He will be joining remotely to address the subject of Christian unity and church union in the light of the thinking of Samuel Chadwick. There will be a formal response from Rev'd Dr George Bailey. Like other figures of his time, Samuel Chadwick, can easily become an object of sepia-tinted nostalgia today. This event will be the product of unsentimental in-depth research, which could prove to be of profound relevance to church life today. As with all the Samuel Chadwick Lectures, the tone of the event will straddle the academic and the devotional. It will allow you to go in deep without getting lost.

The event is free to attend and will take place wholly online via Zoom. Please register here if you want to tune in: The Samuel Chadwick Centre – Cliff College.

Job Vacancies


at Wesley Hall, Crookes, Sheffield

Wesley Hall is a dynamic welcoming community-focused Methodist Church. We are looking for someone with the passion and expertise to work with us in developing our mission and ministry to young people aged 11-18, building on the success of existing children and youth programmes and providing the necessary specialist expertise not currently available within the congregation.

As our pre-teen and youth worker you will:

  • Bring expertise to the church leadership as we develop our pre-teen and youth programme and team
  • Lead and organise a programme of activities including community-building, faith-sharing and Christian nurture
  • Walk alongside young people journeying from attendance at church-run events into discipleship
  • Work in partnership with the families and community co-ordinator, centre manager, minister and congregation

Part time: 14 hours per week
Salary: Up to £9,036 per annum (£25,810 full time equivalent) at £12.41 per hour,
plus option to join contributory pension scheme

Applications by 12noon on Monday 5th September with interviews on Tuesday 13th September (subject to candidate availability) and a start date to be agreed with the successful candidate.

For information and applications, please contact Matt Irons 07582 855 409 or

There is a genuine occupational requirement that the post-holder be a practising Christian.

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District