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District News – 25 April 2023

news 22023 spring synodleadership flyerrecord 50community garden partycnx mission planning conferenceficc flyer may 2023

This Week's News

District Gathering/Synod

We were delighted that so many people were able to attend the District Gathering on Saturday. Photos from the day can be found on our Facebook page. The day was live-streamed to YouTube and you can watch it again here:
The video has time-stamps to help you find a particular section. We are aware that some of the sound was not good in some parts of the hall, but it is very clear on the video.
As usual a collection was taken for the work of the Methodist Ministers' Children's Relief Association. This gives out grants in respect of ministers' children because of incapacity or disability, including those who are adult but continue to be dependent. This raised just over £168 and we thank all for their donations towards this.

We do look for feedback on how we can improve these events and you can give your comments via this online form:
Please do try to make this feedback as constructive as possible, bearing in mind that some things (like the weather) are beyond our control.

Curious about Leadership?

On May 11th, there will be leadership learning day for anyone who is curious to know a bit more about leadership in the Church and reflect with others. The event will be held onsite at Cliff College (£30 including lunch and refreshments) but you can join by zoom and engage with others online in breakout groups following the keynotes and panels (£15).

More details, including booking, can be found on the EventBrite page here:

Fellowship of Reconciliation Annual Council and Afternoon Talk

The Fellowship of Reconciliation is a member-led movement of Christians committed to peace, justice and nonviolence. We provide education, campaign and solidarity opportunities that help more people explore their understanding of peace and take action to build a more peaceful world.
Their Annual Council will be taking place on 20 May from 10:30am to 3:00pm at the Quaker Meeting House in Leeds.
The afternoon talk is entitled Countering Strongman Politics – Learning from Women Peacebuilders with Anthea Sully.
Countering 'strong man' politics. The culture of the 'strong man' has been a feature of war and violence and social injustice for centuries. Today we see it in Putin, Trump and Netanyahu. We will be considering the challenging question of how we counter these dangerous and violent dynamics. Anthea will speak from her own Christian and secular experience of speaking into this space and will draw on all our perspectives to see if we can find hope within our current troubled times.
Full details can be found here:

District Officers' News

District Magazine April 2023 – How to be a Just Church in and Unjust World
Following the success of A Story of the Year 2022 we've made the decision to create two printed publications a year based on the themes of our District Gatherings.

Our new edition How to be a Just Church in an Unjust World was released on Saturday 22nd April and is full of stories from around the District as well as articles from our key note speaker from Synod and details about the How To... sessions people attended.

Copies have been sent to circuits for distribution to churches so please do watch out for a copy or you can also download it from here if you'd like to read it online:

The next edition will be available in September.

New Christian Communities Film Series

On Friday night it's time to watch our the final movie in our first series of video's showing how new Christian Communities are being created in the District.
We are visiting Sheffield in this week's film, so join us at 5pm on Friday 28th April on our YouTube channel or Facebook page to hear about the ongoing work in Parson Cross.
We hope you have enjoyed our Friday night movie nights.
You can watch all three video's in the series here

Samantha Roberts -Communications Officer

District Safeguarding Update:

Supporting children with mental health issues

It can be hard for adults to recognise when a child needs support with mental health issues. And it can be difficult for young people to speak out about the challenges they're facing.
Mental health is as important to a child's safety and wellbeing as their physical health. It can impact on all aspects of their life, including their educational attainment, relationships and physical wellbeing. Mental health can also change over time, to varying degrees of seriousness, and for different reasons.
So, it's crucial that anyone who works or volunteers with children is able to recognise the signs that a child may be struggling with their mental health. And that they know how to take appropriate action to support children and young people in getting the help they need.
The Children's Society has published a blog post on children and stress which provides tips and suggestions on recognising the signs of stress and listening to children.
Read the news story: Boiling point: talking to children about stress

Church Safeguarding Officer's Handbook

We are delighted to finally get the printed version of this out. Each circuit has been given enough copies for each church to have two – one for the Church Safeguarding Officer and one for the Church Council to refer to. The handbooks were collect at the Synod on Saturday. It may take a while for them to be distributed on to the churches, but hopefully this will happen soon. Please contact your Circuit Office to ask about these.

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at

Many thanks
Alison Hill -District Safeguarding Officer

GDPR Annual Checklist

A reminder that the deadline to complete the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) annual checklist is 31 May. Ideally this should be completed via the online form link: It is also possible to fill in a paper version and post or scan it back to me in the District Office. Please do not send this to the TMCP office (as a couple of churches have done). They will have to send the form back to me to process, which is not a great use of their time.
If you have any questions or concerns about the form – please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
Katrin Hackett – GDPR Data Champion –


Community Garden Party

Monday 8 May at 2pm – held atMercure Kenwood Hall Hotel, Kenwood Road, S7 1NQ

We're having a party!
To celebrate our 25th Anniversary, the successful recent fundraising appeal for our spire and, of course, the Coronation, St Andrew's Psalter Lane Church is hosting a Community Garden Party on Monday 8th May in the grounds of the Mercure Kenwood Hall Hotel, Kenwood Road, S7 1NQ.
There will be lots to enjoy -- bouncy castle, ice cream and pizza stalls, bar and discounted cream teas in the hotel, music, children's crown competition, games...
Everyone is welcome and entrance is free. Not to be missed -- put it in your diary now!

'Faith in Change and Conflict'

9-11 May & 12-15 June

Cliff College, Calver, Hope Valley, Sheffield, S32 3X
Faith in Change and Conflict leads people to develop their understanding, approaches, and responses to situations of change and conflict as well as understand the psychological transitions taking place during these times. Participants reflect critically on the role of the Christian leader and the desired qualities when dealing with potential conflict, heightened relational conflict, and challenging behaviours in a range of church, faith and community settings. During the course, theological, conflict transformational and peacebuilding resources, drawn from a variety of contexts, will help shape and develop participants' own practice, at work and at home.
Full details here:

Dreaming Beyond – for small and rural churches

What is faith rooted organising, and what difference might it make?

Tuesday 16 May from 7:30pm on Zoom

So, you've had an idea for mission, and you've acted on it. But maybe you're wondering what your next step might be: you know it's God's mission that you're joining in with, but how can you tell where God might be leading now?

This time we're going to be joined by Kerry Scarlett to find out more about faith rooted organising practices, as well as hearing from projects on the ground that have been wrestling with these very questions.
Eventbrite link to register:
Dreaming Beyond is hosted by the Southern and Islands Learning Network, but is open to anyone who loves small and rural churches in the Methodist Connexion and beyond.

Administrators Gathering

Thursday 25 May from 8:30am

The South Yorkshire UCAN (UK Church Administrators Network) group are organising a breakfast gathering at All Saints Church, Ecclesall Road, Sheffield. This will be open to anyone who is involved in any type of office work within the church setting. By starting early, it is hoped it won't impact too much on your working day, but will be an opportunity to learn more about the work of UCAN and to offer each other support and encouragement.
Find out more, and book your place here:

Cliff College Festival – Eden Restored

26-29 May 2023

Not long to go now until Cliff Festival 2023 where they will explore significant garden encounters in Scripture – from the garden of Eden at the very start of the Bible to the tree of life and the restoration of all things in the book of Revelation. They'll be considering what it means to live in and witness to the kingdom of God in our messy world which will one day be fully restored to its created glory, and reflecting on the meaning of our stewardship of the earth and how we can honour God as we look after his creation. Come and encounter God in the Cliff garden at Festival 2023.
Book your place here:

Every Church a Growing Church: Mission planning for all

Saturday 8 July

Having a mission plan is essential to the health of every Methodist church. On these pages, you will find everything your church, circuit or district needs to get started with mission planning. A good mission plan puts into words your hopes and dreams and shows how you will start making them a reality.

For inspiration, practical tips and help tailored to your church or circuit context, come along to the online conference Every Church a Growing Church: Mission planning for all on Saturday 8th July 2023. Come as an individual or, better still, bring a few others from your church or circuit so you can get inspired and equipped together.

And finally ...

From the Methodist Prayer Handbook

Gracious God,
forgive us for all that prevents us from showing love to you, our neighbours and ourselves.
May our faith be lived out in acts of love, kindness and justice that enable others to be drawn to you.

Gillian Newton, Sheffield District Chair

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District