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District News – 23 January 2024

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This Week's News

Life on the Breadline – COMING SOON

We are delighted to be bringing the Life on the Breadline Photographic Exhibition to Sheffield and Barnsley this Lent. From cutting edge research and grassroots voices, our aim is to start conversations: to hear and amplify voices of people with lived experience of poverty, to create space for people to tell their own stories, and to reflect on how we should personally and collectively respond to what we are hearing. The exhibition will be in Highfield Trinity (Sheffield) from 10 – 22 February and Staincross (Barnsley) from 11 – 22 March.
Details of opening hours and special events coming soon at
Even if you can't attend the exhibition, we highly recommend the six week Life on the Breadline course as a resource for small groups – during lent or at any time

Happy 110th birthday to the Diocese of Sheffield!

On this day in 1914, the Diocese of Sheffield was created under King George V. It was formed by the division from the Diocese of York (along with that part of the Diocese of Southwell in the city of Sheffield).
The first Diocesan Bishop of Sheffield was The Rt Revd Leonard Hedley Burrows, the former Suffragan Bishop of Lewes.
You can read the full story here: /

Creating the World in Eight Million Stitches

From 19 January, Sheffield Cathedral is hosting 'Threads Through Creation', a stunning exhibition of twelve embroidered silk panels that explore the story of creation. The scale of the panels and the skill and artistry on display is extraordinary.
Touring twenty cathedrals, the exhibition has already inspired hundreds of thousands of people. The panels are huge – 1.5m/8ft high by as much as 4m/13ft wide, each individually crafted using layers of silk, hand-dyed materials, metallic leathers and gold leaf, miles of thread – and more than eight million stitches!
Threads Through Creation runs until 3 March. Admission is free.
Full details here:

Funding available for Yorkshire's Churches

The Yorkshire Historic Churches Trust is welcoming funding applications from places of worship across the county for repair, restoration and maintenance work. Due to the generous donations and legacies received last year, the Trust is actively encouraging churches to apply for the next round of funding.
The application deadlines for 2024 are Friday 8 March for consideration at the April grants committee and Friday 23 August for consideration at the October grants committee. For guidance and how to apply please go to:
In summary:
What you can apply for: Grants are available for repairs to the church fabric, the walls, roofs, floors, tower, bell frames, windows, stonework, repointing and rainwater goods. Grants are also available for the conservation of fixture and fittings, such as monuments, furniture and stained glass and repairs to bells, clocks and organs.
Applications are also welcome for investigatory work, eg where a cherry picker may be required to assess what repairs may be required. You can apply for this type of grant at any time of the year. Do contact Jonathan Stamp by email at if you would like to discuss this.
The YHCT have no set funding amounts, but common grants range from £2000 – £10,000, depending on the size of the works. The Grant Committee looks at how much the total project is and how much effort has gone into fund raising locally, and which other funders have been approached or confirmed their grants. The YHCT ideally likes to be able to help a church or chapel who have neared the end of their fund raising and only have a shortfall of say £10 – £15,000 to be able to start their project.

Sheffield Christian Aid

The Sheffield CA committee have arranged an in-person 'Watch party' to watch the online Christian Aid Changemakers conference on Saturday March 2nd. Anyone is welcome – even if you aren't a CA church rep!
The morning will actually be starting with coffee and cake at 10.00 am (the on-line conference starts at 10.30am) and there will be a bring and share lunch if people want to stay on to chat afterwards.
Please contact the Chair of CA – Alison Trezise ( if you want to come along so we have some idea of numbers.

All We Can Lent resources

This year, All We Can invites you to think about 'what is mine to do', which feels like an important question for each of us as disciples – and for the whole church – to be asking ourselves at the moment. With postcards, reflection questions, creative colouring ideas and suggestions for a Lent group outline, you can pre-order your resources here:

District Safeguarding Update

Touchstone Counselling Service

The service is based n Yorkshire, however many sessions are held over zoom so where a potential user might live does not exclude them from using this service.

Domestic Abuse Funding

From 31 January 2024, victims and survivors of domestic abuse in England and Wales who do not have the financial means to leave their abusers will be able to apply for a one-off payment of up to £500 via one of over 470 support services. The payment will help then to purchase essential items such as groceries, nappies or support with new accommodation to help them and their children flee to safety. Victims and survivors can also apply for a further one-off payment of up to £2,500 to help secure a sustainable independent future, such as putting down a deposit for rental accommodation.
The fund will be delivered via referrals from a network of local frontline services in England and Wales including organisations, helplines and caseworkers who have a specialist understanding of domestic abuse. Lack of financial means has frequently been a contributory factor for victims and survivors remaining with the perpetrator, so the availability of this funding is welcomed by domestic abuse support services.
There is a link with further information here:

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill – District Safeguarding Officer.


Pilgrimage – Walking Men Memorial

Wednesday 14 February at 11am

The walk, commemorating the loss of 106 lives in disasters in the Markham Colliery, consists of numerous 'walking figures walking to and from the pit ... all with identity tags.
Parking is available at the Environment Centre, where the walk begins. A route 90 Stagecoach bus leaves Beetwell St (stop B1)in Chesterfield at 0953 and arrives on site just in time. The return buses at 11 54 and 12 23

Joined Up Conference

Bookings are live for our next Joined Up Conference on Saturday 2nd March 2024! Just £15 a ticket for workshops, worship, marketplace stalls, lunch and more! It's going to be a great day. Book your place now:

Youth Day – Hesley Woods

Saturday 16 March

Join us at our Annual Youth Event at Hesley Woods Scout Activity centre. Our theme this year is 'Hidden Treasures' where do we find hidden treasures in our normal day. The morning will be filled with worship and workshops. Then followed by a subway lunch. The afternoon we'll join in with the onsite activities including zip line archery, climbing tower, peddle karts and the cube. The cost is £10 per person (leaders also pay) which covers some of the costs for the day. Bookings close on mid-day on Wednesday 13th March.

Cliff College

What skills and knowledge do you need to gain this year? Maybe how to support families in faith development, or how to help your church respond to issues like climate justice and health & wellbeing? Maybe you're exploring pioneer work or wanting to better navigate change and conflict in your congregations and communities.
Whatever your context and challenge, Cliff College can develop your theology and practice and help you respond to God's call to mission and ministry in 2024. Find out more on our website or contact us at

Lay Employee Community of practice zoom gathering

Wednesday 31 January from 10:30-11:15
This is a more informal "drop-in" basis rather than having a focused theme. A chance to catch up with each other over coffee. Smaller work-based break-out groups can be facilitated if wanted. No registration is necessary, just follow the link to join in:

Lay Employees Retreat -- Yorkshire Plus and North East Districts

10-12 April 2024 -Wydale Hall, near Scarborough

"Hidden Treasures"
Finding and celebrating the hidden treasures and riches in ourselves and our surroundings. A range of sessions are planned to help rediscover a sense of hope about what lies ahead and find a renewed calling to see where God is at work in and with us.
As with last year's retreat, there will be a variety of options from quiet reflective to more active sessions, as well as space for one-to-one conversations, personal reflection and crafting!
Cost: £240 A subsidy of £120 may be available from your District towards this. If this has been confirmed, it will be automatically deducted from your invoice. A deposit is required to confirm your registration
Book early via EventBrite (spaces are limited) by 7 February.


Volunteer Chaplains needed!

South Yorkshire Chaplaincy & Listening Service (SYCLS):
Join us in our mission to support & serve communities across South Yorkshire.
Are you able to volunteer on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis? We're recruiting:

  • South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Chaplains
  • School Staff Chaplains
  • *Hospice Chaplains (positions limited)

Full training is given – ordination is not necessary. Please contact or call 07903 899751 for a Volunteer Application Form.

Connexional Vacancies

There are a number of roles seeking volunteers. The links will take you to the relevant page for more information:

We have also been asked by Methodist Homes Association if we would advertise two Head of Chaplaincy roles:
Head of Chaplaincy x2. North and South of England.
Closing Date: 4th February 2024

And finally ...

From the Methodist Prayer Handbook

Holy God,
you are our greatest treasure,
may we search you out in the darkness of our pain and in our light-filled joy,
and in the everyday ordinariness of our lives.

When we do not, or cannot, or do so without enthusiasm,
touch us again with the flame of your love and enliven us.

You made us to be like you, to bear your love and to be your faithful witnesses,
may all that we are, and do and long to be, give you glory and praise.


Helen Cameron, District Chair, Northampton District

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District