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District News – 23 April 2024

This Week's News

District Gathering

Thank you to all who came to the District Gathering on Saturday – whether as a contributor or an attendee. The day was live-streamed, and you can watch again (or for the first time) here:
There are links in the description box to jump to different sections.
We are collecting feedback on the day, via this Google-form
The Synod Planning group do read them and where possible try to take them into consideration when planning the next gathering. It is not easy to find a venue in Sheffield which is big enough to accommodate all those who could attend, including have spaces for the workshops. Victoria Hall does fit most of our requirements, and we do know that they have more plans to improve the building. If you have a suggestion of a better venue in Sheffield for the Spring Gathering, do let us know (via the feedback form!)

District Chair of Sheffield from September 2025

Following the recommendation of the Chairs Nomination Panel and the DLT, the Synod of the Sheffield Methodist District has agreed to nominate to the Conference that the Revd Victoria (Vicky) Atkins be designated to be the Chair of the Sheffield District from 1st September 2025. This will be for an initial period of 6 years, subject to the annual stationing of the Conference. Vicky Atkins is currently serving as Superintendent Minister of the Calderdale Circuit, in the Yorkshire West District.
This recommendation was agreed and resulted from following the relevant processes under Standing Order 423A.

The Reasoned Statement behind this nomination can be found here: Reasoned Statement

Please pray for all who are involved in this discernment and those who would be impacted by this nomination, as they discern God's calling upon their lives and ministry in the coming months.
Rev'd Margaret Mwailu,
Convenor of the Chairs Nomination Committee on behalf of the Sheffield Methodist District Synod

Sad News

We were very sorry to learn of the death of the Revd Drummond Gillespie, a supernumerary minister in the Sheffield Circuit, at the weekend. We hold Yvonne and the family in our prayers at this time.

Community Building Workshop

Protection Approaches, a charity working to prevent identity-based violence, are running a one-day (6-hour) course in Sheffield on Friday 24th May, at the Conference Suite @The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane, Sheffield S1 4FW.
The training is aimed at anyone passionate about creating positive change in their communities. It will help them build their knowledge and skills on what really works to bring people together and increase community cohesion. The expert-led sessions see participants guided through a series of interactive activities and discussions to explore how they can contribute to building strong, inclusive, connected, and equitable communities.
You can register for the session and find out more info here.

Methodist Council

The final meeting of the Methodist Council was held at Woodland Grange in Leamington Spa from 13 – 15 April. Topics for discussion included the stationing review, Action for Hope and the policy for electing the President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference.
You can read the full report here:

District Office News

Gill on Tour

Read all about Gill Newton's latest Presidential visits in her blog:

One Opportunity Programme

The ONE Opportunity scheme runs from September to August and applications are welcome from anyone aged 16-23 in the Sheffield District.

The scheme is designed to encourage, recognise and reward the participation of young people within the District in the Church's life and mission. It gives them the opportunity to be involved on a part-time basis in the development of the mission and ministry of their churches at a local level.
Up to ten interns will be funded across the district and you can find out more, including how to apply, here:

GDPR Annual Checklist

A reminder that the deadline to complete the annual GDPR checklist is 31 May. Thanks to those churches who have completed this online, or who have sent in the Word form. It would help me if the online form could be used, otherwise I have to transfer the information you send in. It can be found here :
This check is part of the process by which the Methodist Church shows that it takes Data Protection seriously and is complying with the regulations as far as it is able.
If you need any help understanding what is required, please do get in touch. There have been several "drop-in" training sessions and if there is sufficient need, I can organise more on-line. If you would prefer a face-to-face session, please request this via your Circuit office to ensure that there are sufficient to make such a session viable.
Don't forget that there is also guidance on the District Website:


'The Bible doesn't tell us so' – Small Group Study Videos

As you may be aware, in an average year, 5.5% of adults in the UK experience domestic abuse. Sadly, the figures are almost identical within the UK churches (in every denomination). In churches, as in the general population, financial, psychological, and family factors may combine to trap people in abusive situations. However, when domestic abuse occurs in a church setting, there are additional complexities which can prevent resolution of the situation. Some abusers use the Bible to manipulate their partners into complying or submitting.
The Small Group Study Videos – A 6-Part Group Study Series
There is a resource that may be helpful to our churches and is aimed at equipping churches to recognise and challenge domestic abuse and coercive control. It is made up of six video sessions for group study, and is called 'The Bible Doesn't Tell Us So', funded by the MB Reckitt Trust, and based on the book by Revd Dr Helen Paynter, Director of the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence (CSBV) titled ' The Bible Doesn't Tell Me So '.

Read more on our website about the resource and the content of the 6 sessions: The Bible Doesn't Tell Us So – Small Group Study Videos (

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill
District Safeguarding Officer.


An Evening with Ellie & Wayne

Friday 17 May 7:00 pm at Emmanuel Methodist Church, Barnsley

You are guaranteed a night of laughter, fun, music & so much more!
What a great night we had at Hoyland & Birdwell Methodist Church at the "An evening with Ellie & Wayne", so by popular demand they have kindly offered to do it all again on Friday 17th May at Emmanuel Methodist Church, S75 1DT, in aid of Barnsley Circuit Youth who are fund raising for their 3GENERATE weekend away in October.
The event starts at 7pm & tickets are only £5 each (& will include refreshments).
If you require any more information or tickets please email Alison (
Many thanks from the Barnsley Circuit Youth team (we really do appreciate your support)

Ebor Lecture: Earth Hope with Professor Rupert Read

Wednesday 8 May 2024 at 5.00pm

Through the coming climate chaos we will find common cause in a spiritual orientation to our planetary home.
Rupert Read is a Green Party campaigner, a former spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion, and the current director of the Climate Majority Project. He is an associate professor of philosophy at the University of East Anglia.
This event is hosted by the Centre for Religion in Society at York St John University and jointly sponsored by York Minster, The Methodist Church (Yorkshire North and East District), The C. & J. B. Morrell Trust and the York Area Society of Friends (Quakers).
Register here to attend


Finance Manager

Cliff College is hiring!

Cliff College, situated in Calver in Derbyshire, is a busy College with students living onsite and others studying remotely. The College also houses a conference centre, with bedrooms and meeting rooms available for hire, and is the home of the annual Cliff College Festival. They are now seeking to appoint a full-time Finance Manager to oversee and manage the finances of the College. More information can be found on the Cliff College website ( ), and the closing date for applications is midday on Tuesday 30 April.

Finance Manager – Girls Brigade Ministries

We seek to appoint a proactive finance professional to oversee and manage the finance function at Girls' Brigade Ministries.
Click here for a message from our Chief Executive Officer.
Purpose and objectives

  • To provide professional leadership of Girls' Brigade Ministries finance, ensuring financial management is optimised for efficiency and robust financial controls and appropriate reporting processes are in place.
  • To contribute financial expertise to Girls' Brigade Ministries, developing trusted professional relationships with the Chief Executive Officer, Trustee Board, budget holders and wider staff team

Full details can be found in the recruitment pack here
Closing Date: 29 April

Community Evangelist

The Grantham & Vale of Belvoir Circuit is looking to recruit an enthusiastic Community Evangelist. The post holder be attached to Harrowby Lane Methodist Church in Grantham.
The successful applicant will bring fresh vision and further develop work across all age groups within and outside the church and develop ways of sharing faith with a range of people.
This is a full-time position – 37.5 hours per week (Fixed term contract – 2 years)
Salary range: £23,400 – £27,354. The exact salary to be based on the skills and experience of the successful applicant.
This is an exciting job opportunity to embed evangelistic initiatives into the life of the church and inspire, encourage and motivate the church family to share faith.
In accordance with the Equality Act 2010 (schedule 9) it is an occupational requirement that the position is filled by a committed Christian who is active in church life.
An enhanced DBS check is required.
A job description, person specification and application form are available from the Circuit administrator at
A completed form, with a covering letter (maximum 2 sides of A4) explaining why you feel you are the right person for this role, should be sent to
Closing date: Friday 17 May 2024.
Interviews for shortlisted applicants will be held in the week beginning 17 June 2024.

And finally ...

A prayer that we will seek for God

Holy God, you are our greatest treasure,
may we search you out in the darkness of our pain
and in our light-filled joy,
and in the everyday ordinariness of our lives.

When we do not, or cannot, or do so without enthusiasm,
touch us again with the flame of your love and enliven us.

You made us to be like you,
to bear your love and to be your faithful witnesses,
may all that we are, and do and long to be,
give you glory and praise.
Helen Cameron, District Chair, Northampton District

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District