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District News – 22 February 2022

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This Week's News

World Methodist Peace Award

Friday 18th March, 2022 at 17.00.

There will be a service of commendation and celebration for Reverend Dr. Inderjit Bhogal as he receives the Council's prestigious Peace Award. The ceremony will be held at Victoria Hall, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JB, on Friday 18th March, 2022 at 17.00.
Refreshments will be provided following the ceremony.

RSVP for catering: 1 March 2022 to

Church, communities and the cost of living crisis

Wednesday 6 April at 7pm

A conversation with Eunice Attwood (Church at the Margins Officer) and Paul Morrison (Joint Public Issue Team Policy Advisor).

Communities who have struggled for the last decade have been hit by the pandemic and now face rising costs. This session aims to look at how communities are being affected, who is likely to need support and what we as churches and Christians can do to be part of positive change.

Many churches across Sheffield District already relate to economical disadvantaged communities, often stretching back decades, and this could be an important conversation as we consider transforming mission for such a time as this.

Register your place:

District Safeguarding Update

Free mental health courses

We received an enquiry from someone who runs drop in lunch clubs for a local Methodist church who was enquiring about Mental Health training to help their volunteers to understand the needs of people with mental health problems.

Jane Gay, East Anglia DSO, managed to find free online mental health courses available at the Mental Health Courses website

They are funded by the Government to offer 5 separate free courses:
1) Counselling Skills
2) Self-Harm and Suicide Awareness and Prevention
3) Awareness of Mental Health Problems
4) Children and Young People's Mental Health
5) Behaviours that Challenge in Children
Kate Little, Vulnerable adults lead

Virtual Safeguarding Conference update

A big thank you to everyone who managed to attend the safeguarding conference. I've received very positive feedback. All the session recordings, notes, booklists etc can be found following this link:

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at

Many thanks
Alison Hill -District Safeguarding Officer.


Circuit Steward Training

Wednesdays 7-9pm, 9th-30th March

These four sessions, on consecutive Wednesday evenings, introduce new local Circuit Stewards to expectations and responsibilities of serving in this area of circuit leadership and will refresh existing Circuit Steward in their ongoing learning and development.

  • The Calling and Role of the Circuit Steward
  • Being Distinctively Methodist
  • Positive Working Together
  • Continuing to Learn

To learn more, visit the link:

Hospitality and Sanctuary for All

Wednesday 23 March from 9:30 to 4:30

For those who may find it difficult to take time away from the home, the Learning Network are putting on another one-day Regional Retreat.
Together with Interjit Bhogal we will explore the joys and challenges of working with refugees using biblical themes such as hospitality, welcome and sanctuary.
Registration now open:
Deadline for registration: 16 March

Cliff College Trek

11th-14th April 2022

Join Cliff College as they retrace the route of the last Cliff Trek from 1960. In partnership with the Lancashire Methodist District, the Trek will start in Leyland and finish in Morecambe, visiting 10 churches in total.

To join us for some or any of the Trek, visit

Regional Retreats

Coming to Rest: Going in Peace" with Nick Helm -17-19 May 2022

In this retreat we'll take time to move from active ministry to a 'quiet place' to stop, rest, reflect. From this place we will reflect on our experience of ministry in the light of Luke 10 – Jesus' sending out of the seventy-two. Seeking in this to recognise the life-giving affirmations of Christ, draw upon his peace that we are able to go from the retreat with greater peace in our soul.
Nick Helm is the Advisor in Spirituality in Hereford Diocese. He has held roles with responsibility for Spirituality and spiritual development in the Sheffield and Hereford Dioceses.
Cost: £220. Those in the Yorkshire Plus Region who have not attended a retreat previously in this connectional year will receive a £110 subsidy from their District. You are also free to seek further funding locally from your Circuit or local church.
Register for a place here:
Registration closes on 10 March 2022

Mental Health Conference

14 May 2022

A first of its kind. We're so excited to see this event come to life in May 2022! It will be a day full of reflection, inspiration and networking.
This day will be filled workshops and a keynote address by Dr Tasia Scrutton, associate professor of philosophy of Religion and writer of Christianity and depression. Tickets are £12, concessions are available, this includes lunch and refreshments. The event will take place at Wesley Hall Crookes, Sheffield, S10 1UD from 9:30am till 3:30pm. As part of our commitment on inclusivity and reaching as many as we can, as well as our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint, we will be livestreaming the keynote speaker.
This event is organised by

And partnered with

  • Sheffield Methodist Circuit
  • Sheffield Methodist District
  • Yorkshire Synod of the United Reformed Church
  • Diocese of Sheffield (Church of England)

For more information including how to register, follow this link: Mental Health & Christianity

Job Vacancies

Firth Park Methodist Church Community Worker, (part-time Soft Play Assistant.)

Flexible 40 hours per month working days Tues-day to Saturdays time-table to be agreed with the manager.

Firth Park Methodist Church is at an exciting moment in its development and is seeking to employ an enthusiastic person to join the team to operate its Soft Play facility. The purpose of the facility is to provide an essential service to the local community and develop Fresh Expressions of church. One person to be appoint-ed as soon as possible.

Viewing the scheme at work is highly encouraged, but by appointment please. Please contact the manager Mrs Jade Ketton 07399781317

The starting salary will be £9.50 an hour contracted to 40 hours per month (with pension provision).

For applications packs please contact:Firth Park Methodist Church, 8 Stubbin Lane, Sheffield, S5 6QL, tel. 07885907991, email

For further information contact: Rev Mark Goodhand 07885907991

Closing date is 19th March 2022

After consideration of their application, interviews will be arranged on an individual basis as soon as possible.
A satisfactory Enhanced Disclosure from the DBS is required for this post. We are an equal opportunities employer but seek an individual sympathetic to the Christian faith.

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District