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District News – 21 November 2023

news 4myrrhgetting started online socialnpnp november gatheringamostrustchristmasa4tourpchristmas praise

This Week's News

Myrrh The Mystery

The Advent story told as a "who-done-it?"

Will you be able to help crack the case in Myrrh The Mystery?
Central Methodist Church in Chesterfield is reaching out in a new way to share the Advent story with a meal and a warm welcome. Revd. Mark Carrick explains more....

Climate Justice Coalition – Day of Action

There will be a rally and march in Sheffield on 9 December as part of the Climate Justice Coalition's Day of Action linked to COP28. Gather with Banners and the Samba Band at Devonshire Green at noon for speeches and songs then march via Fitzwiliam Street and Charter Row to City Hall for further speeches and music. Inderjit Bhogal is one of the invited speakers. Please come and join our Sheffield Methodists for Justice and Peace flag.
Both King Charles and Pope Francis will be putting in an appearance at COP 28 which opens on 28 November in Dubai. Please pray that significant progress will be made in reducing fossil fuel extraction and use and that realistic contributions will be forthcoming to the Loss and Damage Fund set up at COP27. A recent report revealed that the richest 1% of the world's population has carbon emissions equivalent to the total emissions of the poorest 60%. Another says that on present evidence we are heading for a 3 degree temperature rise before the end of the century which means catastrophe.
Jenny Carpenter

Getting Started Online – District Digital Training Day

You are invited to Getting Started Online, our District Digital Training Day, Saturday 27th January 2024, 10am until 4pm.
Your hosts for the day are Samantha Roberts, District Communications Officer, Fiona Fidgin, Digital Communications Training Officer (Connexional Team) and Ali Johnson, Digital Evangelist (Cliff College).
We will be exploring Digital Evangelism, developing a digital strategy, encouraging engagement online, branding and visual identity, how to build a content plan and roles and responsibilities.
We are offering interactive, hands on training so please bring with you a laptop or iPad/tablet or mobile phone fully charged, which ever you usually use to get online.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided on the day.
Book your place today

New Christian communities gathering

Leaders from new Christian communities across our district met recently for a time of fellowship and learning, hosted by Gleadless Valley Methodists. Rev Anthony Clowes, our guest speaker, shared lessons from his wide experience of leading and coaching new places for new people, and of the mistakes he had made along the way. Key lessons included starting small, investing lots of time in your team, being willing to stop doing some things to create time for others, taking risks, and being part of a learning community.
Explore more about starting new Christian communities and how your District can support you in this on our website

Whole Hearted – more tickets available

This free residential weekend conference on 12 – 14 January aims to help us all 'see the wood for the trees' by having some time away from our local contexts, opening us (we pray) to the bigger picture of the Missio Dei. It is time carved out for the 'important non-urgent' work of seeking God, discerning vision, engaging in strategic planning and workshopping knotty problems. It is for people seeking Spirit-led transformation in your church, circuit or NPNP, to gather together with other Methodists to seek God, share stories, inspire one another and get unstuck. The event had sold out, but some more tickets had been made available – get yours before they all go!

District Grants

Transforming mission grant – Facilities and Community Manager

At its recent meeting the District Leading Team approved a grant of £20,000 towards this new role in Trinity Circuit, working initially across two key sites, The Crossing (Worksop) and The Grove (Retford). The Facilities and Community Manager will release church leaders and members from many day-to-day operational matters to focus on mission, discipleship and growth. They will work to increase usage of both sites in line with the ethos of each church's mission plan and in proactive response to the needs of the local community, with resulting partnerships underpinning a new sustainable operational and financial model. This multisite approach is grounded in multi-agency expertise at The Crossing, recent premises redevelopment of The Grove, and collaborative working across the circuit.

Christian Aid Christmas Appeal

This Christmas, it is time to help young women shine

Every woman deserves the chance to break out of poverty...
Christian Aid is highlighting the women of Kurigram, Bangladesh, a disaster prone area, where your generosity has helped light up lives through business training and education.
Find out more about how you can help here:

District Safeguarding Update

God Welcomes All – Films and transcripts.

The Connexional Safeguarding Team are delighted to announce the launch of the Theology of Safeguarding study materials.
God Welcomes All is a four-part study guide containing new short films with activities and questions for discussion and reflection. The four films are 1) All are Welcome, 2) Language Listening and Hearing 3) Power and 4) the Impact of Abuse.
The study guide is based in the Methodist Church's report on the Theology of Safeguarding 2021 and is accompanied by an 8-page facilitators guide an a 6-page readers guide. The new study guides encourage all members of the Methodist Church to look at our Christian calling that offers a welcome to all, whilst ensuring that our worship and wider church life is safe for everyone.
All the materials can be found on the Theology of Safeguarding and Spiritual Abuse ( webpage

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill -District Safeguarding Officer


Night Prayer – Whirlow Spirituality Centre

17 November / 17 December

A quick reminder that Night Prayer starts this Sunday: A chance to take some time out ahead of the week to come or to reflect on the week that has passed. Join us at 7pm for a hot drink (plenty of de-caff options are available!) and quiet fellowship before moving into the chapel at 7.30pm for a time of prayer and reflection until 8pm.

Places of Peace – A Christmas Event for Gaza

Tuesday 5 December – 11:30 to 2pm – St Aidan's Church, S2 1UF

An opportunity to hear up to date information about life in Palestine now, from Amos Trust's partners and we're hoping to welcome visitors from Bethlehem.
Join us for a light lunch and to hear about Amos Trust's work in Gaza and the West Bank featuring films and special guests from Palestine.

Christmas Praise in the City

7pm on 7th December at Victoria Hall in Sheffield

Join Cliff College, The Foundry, Victoria Hall and the Methodist Church in Sheffield for an evening of Christmas carols, a short message and refreshments. We'll come together at 7pm on Thursday 7 December at Victoria Hall in Sheffield, in the heart of the city, to worship and hear the Christmas message again. Admission is free but it will help us with numbers for refreshments if you can register in advance using this link:

And finally ...

From the Methodist Prayer Handbook "Hidden Treasures"

I wonder...

Why you, Lord, choose to hide your treasures and to invite us to join in the divine 'hide and seek'?
Why you, Jesus, choose darkness as the place where the richness of your light shines most strongly, most resolutely?
Why you, Spirit, choose to summon us by name – speaking into our lives with such intimacy and love?

Perhaps, Three-in-One,
you delight to find us seeking;
you enjoy the powerful impact of even the smallest of lights, piercing the deepest darkness;
you intend for us to know your voice, follow your promptings and to bear witness to your name.

Thank you for revealing your hiddenness, illuminating our darkness, and enabling us to know how much you have treasured us.
Philip Gough, District Chair, Lancashire District

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District