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District News – 21 January 2025

news 1dreams homecomingcliff festival 2025

This Week's News

Tribute to the work of churches in Barnsley by MP Dan Jarvis

As we welcome the new year, it is worth recognising that the end of the festive season can often bring hardship for folk – and supporting people through these difficult times are our local churches.
Over the past few months, I've had the privilege of visiting a number of exceptional churches here in Barnsley, including in Grimethorpe, Wilthorpe and the town centre.
These visits highlighted to me the incredible work being done for local people and the sense of community and togetherness our churches foster.
Emmanuel Church is a good example of this, serving as a community hub and providing a warm space for those in need, and hosting a wide range of events including exercise classes for beginners wanting to get fit.
They hosted the extraordinary Grimethorpe Colliery Band's festive concert last month. It was great to be there to see the band, and we have the team at Emmanuel Church to thank for helping put on such a great show.
Since their doors opened, they have supported countless residents and have become a place people can reliably go to in time of need.
This item appeared in the local paper in January '25. It is great to see churches recognised in this way

Digital Network – Facebook Group

Calling everyone who updates circuit and church websites, social media and shares stories in newsletters. You may find it useful to join this Facebook group created by the Connexion Communications Team
It's for anyone who is interested in all things digital – from novice to experienced, it's a place to gather and learn, share and resource each other.

District Office News/Updates

Safeguarding Training – Advanced module

Safeguarding training is mandatory for those in the roles identified in the following link: Advanced Module Required Attendance . This includes all ministers, local preachers & worship leaders, lay workers with children and vulnerable adults, District Policy Committee members and circuit safeguarding co-ordinators.
The District Safeguarding Officer is responsible for organising this training. We currently work closely with the other Districts in our region to give as wide a choice of dates and times as possible. There does need to be a minimum number attending, so there have been times when dates have been cancelled before the advertised deadline.
There are still plenty of places left on the remaining dates – so if you know you are due to renew soon, please do consider booking on soon. Full details can be found here: Advanced Online

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

A reminder that GDPR is everyone's responsibility, that we have a duty to keep the data we hold safe and secure and that we only share information with those who have a legitimate interest or where consent has been obtained.
There is an annual checklist to complete so that churches and circuits (and districts) can show that they are following the guidelines. More information will be available soon, but a starting point can be found on the District Website here: GDPR guidance
I will be again offering some drop-in training sessions to help with this, so watch this space...


Dreams and Realities – homecoming

Sheffield Cathedral – Tuesday 4 February
Evensong at 5:30pm; Reception at 6:15pm
Welcome home this powerful and moving portrait exhibition by Sheffield artist Stephen Martin as it finishes its UK tour.
Find out more and book your place at

Admin networking

Tuesday 4 Feb from 9am

Join the UCAN group for a a time of prayer, resource-sharing, and encouragement in your ministry. Whether you're a UCAN member or not, you're welcome to connect with fellow church administrators in your area. Light refreshments will be provided.
Venue: The Vine, St Bart's Church, Primrose Hill S6 2UW (next to Langsett Road tram stop)
This session will have a focus on PowerPoint, in particularly looking at how using slide masters and layouts can help with presentations.
Book your place here:

Church of Sanctuary award service

Sunday 9 Feb at 6pm – Victoria Hall, Sheffield

All are invited to a service to celebrate the awarding of Church of Sanctuary status for Victoria Hall Methodist Church on Sunday 9th February 2025 at 6pm, followed by food provided by the City of Sanctuary. The President of the Methodist Conference will take part in the service, along with Rev Inderjit Bhogal.
It would help with the planning/catering if you can RSVP to Jonathan Haigh,, stating your name and office and how many people will be attending with you.

Cliff Festival 2025:

23-26 May at Cliff College in Derbyshire

We're looking forward to gathering at Cliff Festival 2025 for a weekend of worship, learning, prayer and fellowship.
This year our Bible studies will be taught by Ben Pugh, and we're excited to welcome evening preachers including Andy Fyall, James Alaradin and Rachael Heffer.
Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more – and, as always, entry to Cliff Festival is free for under-18s.
Read more on the Cliff College website.


Project Manager – Property

Barnsley Methodist Circuit are seeking to appoint a Project Manage to support the Circuit with a number of Property matters on a short-term, part-time, fixed term contract. The successful applicant will alleviate the current burden of property issues by streamlining the processes to support timely resolutions and help move outstanding property matters toward completion.
The contract is of 8 hours per week for 6 months, to be worked flexibly to fit around any existing commitments that an applicant might have.
They welcome enquiries and applications for this post on an employed or contractor basis.
For more information, contact the Circuit Office –
Closing date: 24 January

And finally...

A prayer for Warm Welcome Week

Warm Welcome Week runs from Monday 20 to Sunday 26 January. It aims to highlight the importance of creating spaces for all in our communities.

God of goodness and grace,
We thank you for the Warm Welcome initiative, and all those spaces that open their doors to people in the community.
In the week that includes Blue Monday, what is considered to be the most depressing point in the year, we pray that the light of your love will radiate not just warmth, but hope, through all those who offer food, friendship and hospitality.
May Warm Welcome Week be an opportunity to highlight and celebrate all those places where we come together, find fun things to do and enjoy company and support,
so no one has to feel isolated and bear their struggles alone.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an international ecumenical celebration observed from 18 to 25 January.

Almighty God,
accept our praise and thanksgiving for what already unites Christians in the confession of and witness to Jesus, the Lord.
Strengthen our hearts in expectation and hope as we work for unity and together seek the harmony of all creation.
Hasten the hour when all churches will recognise each other in the one communion you willed, and for which your Son prayed in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Hear us, you who live and reign now and forever.

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District