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District News – 19 April 2022

This Week's News

Children, Youth & Families workers: Community of Practice – Focus on Toddlers

Join Victoria Loveday, the Children & Youth Co-ordinator on one or all of these sessions:

  • Wednesday 20 April @ 7.30pm or
  • Thursday 21 April @ 2pm.

Meeting ID: 943 2570 6650
Passcode: 812474

GDPR update

A reminder that all churches and circuits need to continue to ensure that they are complying with the GDPR regulations. TMCP (the Data Controllers for the Methodist Church) have produced a checklist to review the personal information that your Managing Trustee body i.e. the Local Church, Circuit or District holds. The Checklist should be completed by those responsible for keeping information relating to other people safe.
There is a shortened on-line version of the form here, which will be sent automatically to the District Office:

If you have any questions about this, or would like training in what is involved, please contact Katrin ( the District Data Champion.

"Community engagement made simple" webinar

26 & 27 May 2022

Are you seeing lots of need in your community, but you're not sure how to respond? Maybe you're wondering whether you have the skills, volunteer time and money to offer effective help. In this national webinar, which is offered twice for your convenience, local Methodist pioneer and social activist, Mark North, explains how the Freedom Community Project makes community engagement simple. With just a laptop, a smartphone and an internet connection, you can connect desperate people in your community with people who have the training to help.
More information, including how to register, HERE

Contemporary Exploration

Sunday 15 May at 6pm – Central Methodist Church, Chesterfield, S40 2UH

Derbyshire North East Circuit are delighted to launch a new venture exploring forms of contemporary worship!

They will meet once a month as a fellowship to discover how music, story-telling, art, drama, poetry, dance and many other forms of artistic expression can be used in worship.

The first session is on Sunday 15 May at 6pm will look at music and be led by Tim Rossell

Future sessions

  • Story-telling, led by Gill Ashton on Sunday, June 19th
  • Wisdom and Wonder led by Judith Gilbert on Sunday 19 July

Why not to join them on this exciting journey?

Edward Burroughs' funeral details

There will be a private (family only) cremation on Friday 29 April, followed by a Service of Thanksgiving, at 3.00pm in Bawtry Methodist Church.
The family have requested no flowers, and no mourning clothes.

School Chaplaincy & School Ministry Training Course

Chaplaincy does life with people where they are. Life is often messy, rough edged, conflicted. Chaplaincy is where Christians need to be, sharing the journeys people are on. It is particularly valid when it comes to serving young people. Over 95% of young people are not in church. They are, however, in school, so to 'do life' with this generation, to serve, help or invest in them we need to be where they are -- in schools. School chaplaincy does life with young people in schools.

Christians & Sheffield Schools, The Diocese of Sheffield and The Methodist Church run a training course for those interested in school chaplaincy. The programme will include topics such as: understanding chaplaincy; school expectations and boundaries; children & spirituality (SMSC); characteristics of Generation Z; chaplaincy in a multi-faith setting; safeguarding; mental health; loss and bereavement; identity matters and more.

The 2022 course will be taking place in person on 22nd-23rd and 29th-30th June, from 10am to 3pm, venue to be confirmed.

Full details including how to book can be found here:

Lay Employees Retreat – 8 Pillars of Wellness

13-15 June – Wydale Hall

What is Wellness?

Wellness is an active process of living a fully engaged life at every level of being. It is becoming aware of, and making healthy choices toward a healthier state of life.

A 48 hour retreat open to all Lay Employees within the Methodist Church in the Yorkshire Plus and North East Learning Regions (Sheffield, Yorkshire West, Yorkshire North & East, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Darlington Districts)
Download the full programme here: Lay Employees Retreat
Register here: (deadline – 2 June)

District Safeguarding Update

Vivien Almond Interview with Premier Radio

As part of the publicity around the recent Survivors' webinars, Vivien Almond, from the Methodist Survivors' Advisory Group (MSAG) and member of the Safeguarding Committee, was interviewed by Premier Radio:

"It was like crying in the wilderness, because that's what all those guys felt like, we were there. We were talking, but nobody was listening. We were totally on our own. Suddenly someone was saying, 'Ok, I'll listen and we want to make it different.' They listened, they believed us. They wanted to make it different and wanted to make change."

Read the full article: Abuse survivors help Methodist Church improve safeguarding resources ( Kate Little, Survivors Lead

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at

Many thanks
Alison Hill -District Safeguarding Officer.


People Seeking Sanctuary: Reflections for faith and Life

Date: 27/04/22 20:00

Location: Totley Rise Methodist Church, 1 Grove Rd, Totley, Sheffield S17 4DJ
Description: Join us for our 2nd refugee event on the theme of "People Seeking Sanctuary: Reflections for faith and Life", 8pm, Wed 27th April 2022, Speaker: Dr Casey Strine (Bishop of Sheffield's Adviser for Inter-Faith Affairs)

Admission is free | Everyone welcome | No need to book

Further information:

Church at the Margins: Community of Practice

Monday 9th May 2022, 7.30pm-9pm.

What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (NRSV)

  • Are you passionate about working amongst people who are economically marginalised?
  • Do you seek to enable and encourage people who are economically marginalised to grow and thrive in their discipleship and leadership?
  • Are you part of a church community which serves an economically marginalised community?

If you have ever thought that you would appreciate support, value a place to share ideas and good practice in this area then the new Yorkshire Plus Church at the Margins Community of Practice (CAM COP) is for you!
We are planning to gather practitioners, lay and ordained, from across the Yorkshire Plus region whose ministry is amongst CAM. We will meet termly, online, for 90 minutes. We hope that this community of practice would be a place that provides mutual support, a space to share good practice and give opportunity to reflect on issues relating to CAM ministry. Our first meeting will be on Monday 9th May 2022, 7.30pm-9pm. Book your place via Eventbrite:

For more information about CAM, including its vision, values and theological foundations, please read the introductory leaflet: church-at-the-margins-leaflet.pdf (

Lay Employees: Community of Practice

Tuesday 10 May from 10am

David Goodall, the Missional Communities Enabler in the Leeds Circuit, will be exploring the Methodist Way of Life and how it can help in our daily work.

There will be the usual gathering over coffee from 10, then a short time of worship before his session from 10:30. There will also be a chance to meet in your specific role groups to socialise and chat at the end.

The session will end by 1pm, but do feel free to bob in and out as your time allows!

Register to attend here: (please note registration will close on 6 May)

Leading your Church into Growth conference

24-26 June on Zoom

Bookings are now open for the Leading your Church into Growth (LyCiG) Methodist conference. LyCiG are an ecumenical group of practitioners who have been offering very practical, down-to-earth, theologically broad training in the principles and practices of church growth for 25 years. This is the second year this training has been made available for Methodist church and circuit leadership teams who are longing for growth and wanting to take action, with very positive feedback from last year.
Further details at


Engagement Support Worker (OPL)

Freedom Community Project/Derbyshire North East Circuit

ONE Programme: Leadership
Leadership is investing in young adults giving them opportunities to grow in leadership and flourish in exciting faith-sharing projects. The roles are for ages 18-30 in churches and projects across Britain.

The Engagement Support worker will be responsible for:

  • Encouraging local Churches to engage with their community through the Freedom Project
  • Involved in the development of additional projects to help support community need
  • Working with the local Church to share the love of Jesus
  • Promoting volunteering across Churches and the centres they are based in
  • Maintaining professional boundaries with clients at all times

For an informal discussion with a member of the team:
Margaret Rowley on 0300 302 0334 ext. 210 or

Closing Date for applications: 4th May 2022

More information can be found here

Methodist News

Government plan for asylum seekers

The Presidency of the Methodist Church have released a prayer and statement following the Prime Minister's announcement.

WThe Government's plans to offshore asylum seekers in Rwanda gives yet another insight into its hostile, uncompassionate and ineffective response to asylum seekers and refugees."

Read the full statement here.

A Prayer for our lawmakers

O God, who holds the nations in loving hands,
we pray for British Parliamentarians as they hold the futures of asylum seekers and refugees in their hands.
We pray O God, for new laws to be just and fair, to be compassionate and life enhancing.
We pray for those who will debate, table amendments and vote on the Nationality and Borders Bill.

May your love, O God, reign in their hearts.
May they see beyond short term populism and grasp the common humanity that we all possess.
May your Holy Spirit inspire us as we campaign against any government initiative which seeks to override the fact that we are all made in Your image.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray.

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2024 – Sheffield Methodist District