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District News – 18 January 2022

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This Week's News

A Prayer for the District Candidates Committee

The District Candidates Committee is meeting this week.
Revd. Debora Marschner, District Candidates Secretary, shares a prayer for candidates called to ministry and for those who will be meeting and conducting interviews with them.
You can watch it on our YouTube channel :
(You can read the full prayer at the end of this newsletter)

Statistics for Mission

Well done to those churches/circuits who have already completed their submissions. (I think Millhouses Church was the first – gold star duly awarded !)
Please can you check that your church/circuit has updated and checked their records, including the office holders and also Local Preacher details.
If you are having difficulty with this, please get in touch with Katrin in the District Office.

Walk 10 million footsteps for MHA

Methodist Homes for the Aged (MHA) are asking people to walk 10 million footsteps together in January to raise money to create the Famileo Gazette.
This personalised publication for MHA residents to read and keep and is ideal for those who struggle to keep in touch through new technology such as Zoom.
You are invited to join in this campaign and walk, 100 steps, 10,000, steps, 100,000 steps whatever you can manage and help keep residents in the 90 care homes connected with family and friends.
Find out more here

All We Can's 2022 Lent

Resources 'Let Wisdom Speak'

All We Can's 2022 Lent Resources 'Let Wisdom Speak' are now available. This year's resources centre on the voices of women across All We Can's partners as well as Methodist Women in Britain. You can find out more here.

Retreats at Cliff College

If you're looking for an opportunity to pray, reflect and spend time with God this Lent, why not book a retreat at Cliff College?

We have two retreats in March 2022 – Holy Habits, led by Andrew Roberts, andCreative Arts, led by Samantha Tredwell.

Both retreats include time for personal reflection and prayer alongside opportunities to learn and grow together as a group, all in the beautiful Peak District surroundings of Cliff College. Find out more and book at

Lent Course on Cry for Hope: A Call to Decisive Action

The Methodist Conference 2021 commended the document Cry for Hope : A Call to Decisive Action for prayer and study by the Methodist people. This course has been prepared to resource such study and provide a format for use by Lent groups or at other times of the year. It is suitable for either live or Zoom meetings. Each week includes two speakers and written course materials with questions for discussion, a prayer, and suggestions for action. Full details are available on the website:

District Safeguarding Update

Domestic Abuse policies and procedures

The Domestic Abuse policy and procedures 2021 is now available from the Domestic Abuse ( webpage.

The Methodist Church holds that domestic abuse in all its forms is unacceptable and incompatible with the Christian faith and a Christian way of living. It is committed to being a safer space for all. This means ensuring that members of the Methodist Church have an awareness and understanding of domestic abuse, and know how to respond appropriately and effectively.

When victims disclose abuse, they can expect to be listened to, taken seriously, supported and referred to local professional services, as appropriate. Local churches should receive advice and support from their Church/Circuit Safeguarding Officer and the District Safeguarding Officer. This Domestic Abuse Policy and Procedures document includes recent legislative changes, contained in the Domestic Abuse Act, England (2021)4 and legislation in other jurisdictions. It also highlights useful resources available to local churches, victims and survivors.

Report on 'Domestic Abuse' Webinar

The Methodist Church held a second domestic abuse webinar on 25 November. We had a full programme which included prominent speakers including Bekah Legg who is Chief Executive Officer of the Christian domestic abuse charity Restored. The webinar also had contributions from two victims/survivors. There was input from the President of Conference and Chair of the Safeguarding Committee Revd Henry Lewis.

The webinar recording will be available to view at: Domestic Abuse Webinar: Thursday 25 November 2021 (


Safeguarding Conference – The Theology of Safeguarding

1 – 3 February

Organised by the Yorkshire North and East, Yorkshire West, Sheffield, Darlington, and Newcastle Districts, this will look at how safeguarding influences who we are as God's people?

Three sessions reflecting on the theology of safeguarding

  • All are Welcome – 1 Feb from 11:30 am with Tim Carter, Director of Safeguarding
  • Power in the Church – 2 Feb from 7pm with Helen Cameron, Chair of Northampton District
  • Forgiveness – 3 Feb from 1:30pm with Leslie Newton, Chair of Yorkshire North & East District

Full details including how to register can be found here: 2022 Safeguarding Conference

Women's World Day of Prayer

Join us for conversations with women from England and Germany around the topics raised by the WWDP 2022 material which has been prepared by the ecumenical committed in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The first meeting was held on 13 December on the theme of "Women".
The next will be on Wednesday 26 January on "Climate Crisis" and the final session will be on Tuesday 8 February on "Ecumenical Links"

Register your interest via this form: (Women only)

Cooking with Hope for Palestine

6-8pm Friday 4 February via Zoom

6-7pmCook along with Phoebe Rison and her mama Nadia. Bring your own ingredients (you'll be told in advance what you need) and listen to their first hand stories while you make some Palestinian snacks.
7-8pm Rev. John Howard , former Methodist Mission Partner in Bethlehem, will introduce Cry for Hope: A Call to Decisive Action. Learn more about this important call for action from Palestinian churches which Conference commended for prayer and study.

Register and find out more at:

Supporting Lonely and Isolated BAME Older People

SCCCC are delighted to be hosting another virtual event to continue to highlight how loneliness and isolation impacts BAME older people as well as the impact Covid-19 has had on them.Register your interest here: Supporting BAME Older People

Lay Leadership Skills

1 March 2022

Join the Learning Network Yorkshire Plus Team for a day exploring leadership for lay people working in the Methodist Church:.

Suitable for: youth, children & family workers, community leaders, class leaders, lay missioners, local pastors etc.
They will be exploring the themes of:

  • Leadership styles
  • Leadership skills
  • Leading meetings
  • Managing volunteers
  • Encouraging participation
  • Team and group dynamics
  • Conflict styles

Register in advance here:
Numbers are limited, so book early!

Joined Up Conference 2022

On Saturday 5th March, we invite you to join us in Sheffield for our annual conference for Schools, Children's, Families, Youth and Chaplaincy Workers!

Covid-allowing, we will be meeting together at St Thomas Crookes (STC) to bring you ideas and resources, a chance to worship and pray together and to be inspired to serve God and those we work with. Tickets cost £15, which includes a delegate pack and lunch provided.
Find out more here

Evangelism in an Interfaith Context webinar

7:30pm Thursday 10 March

Jesus tells us to 'go out and make disciples', but what kind of evangelism, if any, is appropriate in an inter-faith context? Is our ultimate aim to convert our siblings of other faiths to Christianity, or can we be confident Christian witnesses while learning from and celebrating the differences in one another's religions?

In this webinar, co-hosted by St Philip's Centre in Leicester, the Evangelism and Growth team of the Methodist Church will tackle these questions and more. There will be an interfaith panel, a theological reflection, a chance to discuss, and some practical guidance.

Important questions given the diverse contexts in which many people across our district live and work.
Register here:

Cliff Festival 2022

The theme for Cliff Festival 2022 is Jubilee: Rule and Reign. We want to focus on what it means to live under the rule and reign of the King of kings, and to explore the call of God to evangelism and justice. Worship leaders for the weekend include Philippa Hanna, Noel Robinson and Tom Smith with Soul Survivor. Tickets, camping and accommodation are on sale now – and did we mention that Festival is completely free for under-18s?
Book now at

Job Vacancies

Project Cook

Little Fishes Soft Play Centre

Supported by The Methodist Church Barnsley North East and the Barnsley Methodist Circuit the Methodist Chapel in Hemsworth is to be refurbished with the upper area of the premises equipped to host a Soft Play Centre for children.
In an area of high deprivation with limited social facilities the centre will provide a safe place for play and social interaction alongside opportunities for outreach in the work of the church.

This is an exciting opportunity for someone with the right skills and passion to be in at the beginning of a project that will make a difference to the lives of many people in the local community.

The Centre is due to open in February 2022 and it is hoped that the appointee will be able to take up the post during December to allow them to be fully engaged in the setting up and development of the project by providing healthy and appetising food in the centre

The salary will be £15,600per annum for a part time position of 30 hours per week.
Additional hours may be agreed from time to time to deliver particular activities

Evening and weekend work will be required.

For further information or an application pack,
please email:
By telephone, please call the Circuit Administrator, Jayne Wragg on 01226 321522 and leave your contact details

Closing date for applications: 31st January 2022
Interview date: Friday 4th February 2022

Fundraising and Media Officer

The King's Cross Church, Hexthorpe, Doncaster

The Role
To enable growth and development of the community hub by raising funds, creating networking opportunities and optimising the media presence of "The Junction, Church and Crossing."

9 hours/week at £11.50/hour
Initial contract is for 2 years pending additional funding
Application packs available by email from

Closing date for applications: 10 February 2022

Other News

The Well – Children, Youth & Family work


We are currently shaping our team's strategy for supporting and resourcing the local church in its ministry with children, young people and families. We want this to be based on what you think you need with regards to resources, training, inspiration and encouragement.

You maybe looking for ideas to help you develop a vision and infrastructure to start new work with children, young people and families, or you may be looking to develop and grow your existing ministry.

Tell us what is happening for you, so that we can better resource and support. The survey takes just a few minutes to complete so please do grab a cuppa and complete our questionnaire.

and finally

The Prayer for District Candidates Committee

Loving God,

Each day of our lives comes out of your hands.
We are promised that you walk with us. Wherever we go, you are already there.
We thank you for the call you put on our hearts:
The call to a specific service in your name.
The call to stand up for justice and fairness.
The call to discipleship and following in the footsteps of your son Jesus Christ.
The call to speak out for truth and reconciliation.
The call to enter a specific profession.
Some are called to be teachers or nurses, others to work with the very young or the very old. Some are great musicians, some are more academic and others more creative. Some are called to preach your word, to baptise and share bread and wine with others.

We especially think and pray for those who feel called into the ministry of your church. Those women and men called by you to be deacons or presbyters. Many of our church's districts meet these weeks to listen to those candidates for ministry.

May you fill them all with your Holy Spirit when they present themselves to selection committees and interview panels. May they speak of your grace and love. And may they spark enthusiasm and interest in those who listen to them.

Loving and gracious God,
We pray for good listeners, for fruitful conversations, for potential spotted and encouraging outcomes for candidates and committees alike.

May we all get a sense of your presence with us, of your Spirit moving amongst us and Jesus Christ sitting beside us.

May we all follow the calling you have for each of us to your glory.
In Jesus' name we pray.


Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District