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District News – 17 September 2024

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This Week's News

District Gathering

On Saturday we held our District Gathering at The Crossing Church in Worksop. Thank you to everyone who attended and made it possible. We hope everyone took some real inspiration from the stories shared and the conversations had. We were really sorry that the technology didn't work to enable us to live stream the Gathering on Saturday. We had hoped that some footage may have been recorded to upload later, but that also didn't work.
However, you can read Gill Newton's key note address here and read the accompany slides:
Join in our Hidden Treasures conversation on social media as we pose the questions Gill asked during her address.

The next edition of our district magazine is out now, you'll find copies in your churches and you can read a digital copy on our website:

How to Pioneer Book Club – sign up now to get your free book

This book is written for people who recognise that some people they know are unlikely to join traditional forms of church, want to do something about this, but don't feel qualified. Further details and registration at We still have a few more free copies of the book if you sign up quickly.

MWiB (Sheffield District) Events

Oct 5th Fun and Games afternoon for all ages at Bents Green Methodist Church 2pmto 4pm including tea and cakes,Carpet Bowls, Thimble game, Jigsaws and more..
Time to catch up with friends.
Come along and help support our Projects Roundabout and Street Pastors. Donations welcomed.
October 25th MWiB Dedication Service at Whittington Moor Methodist Church 11am Led by Deacon Jackie Wright.
Bring your own lunch drinks provided, followed by talks about the work of Roundabout and Street Pastors
Watch this space about an Advent Quiet Day date yet to be arranged.
December 6th at Frecheville Methodist Church -Carols 11am followed by alternative Christmas lunch Fish and Chips followed by Trifle
£12 tickets will be available at the Dedication Service.

Urban Theology Union

Not too late to enrol!

Mission 3vangelical for a Post-Christian World
Certificate Course
In downtown Baltimore, someone spray painted these words on a boarded-up storefront: "Be the change you want to see." Is that the message of Jesus' kin-dom in Mark? With inspiration from complicated people, including Jesus and those around him, we learn how to make changes in our real contexts (personal, social, and political) that set us on the path of a kin-dom alternative.
For more information:
Please contact Jill in the UTU office for a registration form:

FREE Webinars from the Charity Commission!

Why join these Webinars?

As charity trustees, it is important that Managing Trustees keep updated on the latest guidance, as well as the expectations, legal duties, and best practices placed upon you. The Legal and Constitutional Practice Team (LCP) have asked us to let you know that the Charity Commission are hosting some free online webinars for you to attend. So, why not make the most of these sessions! They are free to join and hosted by industry professionals, ready to share their knowledge.
More details here:

Action for Children

Introducing our new campaign: A Place to Call Home

Every 15 minutes, a child goes into care in the UK.
They've already faced huge challenges in their young lives. Challenges no child deserves. Over half will have suffered neglect and abuse. And many will have experienced trauma. This is unacceptable. That just isn't right.
Because they're a child, like any other. A child with a favourite TV show. A favourite food. A child that deserves to feel safe and loved. And to thrive as they grow up.
Sadly, there aren't enough good, loving homes out there for children in care. Children are too often moved from place to place – or into homes that aren't right for them. Some are split up from their siblings. Many feel isolated and unsettled.
This is unacceptable. Children in care have already been through so much. They need a place they can truly call home.
This is why we're campaigning for the reform of the children's social care system, so that children in care get the high-quality homes they need to thrive.
Add your name to the campaign and support children in care:
Find out more about A Place to Call Home here:


Whirlow Spirituality Centre

Whirlow Spirituality Centre is a Christian day retreat centre. A safe place of quiet and peace for reflection, where all are welcome.
A new addition to the Autumn programme is'A letter from Autumn' on the 22nd September:
"This afternoon, nut tree leaves blow acrossas if autumn had written us a long letter" Don Thompson
Join us for a time of reflective worship leading into a simple communion as we turn from summer into autumn. What might be written in a letter from autumn to you?
Visit their website to find out what is on offer.

'Entering the Round Zion of the Water Bead'
5th October 2024| 9:30-4pm | £20 | Whirlow Spirituality Centre
A day of poetic exploration with Adrian Scott exploring the spiritual and lyrical vision of the poet Dylan Thomas. As the year moves towards its ending, we will do what Dylan did in his famous Poem in October and take stock: to look back down the paths of our past and appreciate who we have become in the present and how we can move into the future with honesty and appreciation.
Full details here:

Bread and Breath

Monday 23 September 10:00 am

Location: Upper Wincobank Undenominational Chapel, Wincobank Avenue, Sheffield. S5 6BB
A quiet day led by Inderjit Bhogul, exploring the spirituality of Holy Communion. Please bring your own lunch. Hot drinks provided, donations welcome to help cover the cost of the room.
Please contact Deacon Annabel Terry on to book your place.

80 years of 7th Doncaster BBGA

Saturday 2 November 12:00 pm

On the 2nd and 3rd November 7th Doncaster Boys Brigade and Girls association will be celebrating 80 years since it's founding. We would love to invite you to the following events

Saturday 2nd November12noon-5pm at St James's Church St Sepulchre Gate – Archive Exhibition
A Free event showcasing the history of 7th Doncaster over the last 80 years. Light refreshments will be available throughout the day.
Saturday 2nd November 6:30pm at St James' Church Hall – Old Boys Reunion
A chance for Ex- members of Boys Brigade to come together, reminisce and celebrate. This is a Ticketed event and tickets are £10 a head. Please purchase your tickets from or email
Sunday 3rd November 10am at St James's Church – Parade Service and Childrens Party
A special service thanking God for 80 years of faithful service, This will be followed by an 80th "Birthday Party" with music, games and fun. All are welcome to attend.

New Christian Community Gathering

Our next gathering will be on the morning of Saturday 23 NovemberatCentral Methodist Church, Lodge Lane, Aston
Our guest speaker will be Deacon Eunice Attwood, Methodism's national Church at the Margins Officer. If you have ever met Eunice you will already know of her passion for being church with new people who have been marginalised by wider society, through poverty or for other reasons. And her highly engaging teaching style.
Rotherham & Dearne Valley's Family Fun Church will be our hosts. They will share their testimony of being church for families with young children and will lead us in worship. You can hear more about their story in episode 4 of our podcast Faith, Hope and the Journey.
Book your place here:


Assistant Children & Families Worker

Aire & Calder Circuit are seeking to appoint a part time Assistant Children a7 Families worker to support churches across the Circuit.
See the poster for more details, or contact the Circuit Administrator, Heather Turner:
Closing date: 20 September at 12 noon

Epworth Old Rectory Trust

Trustee vacancy

Epworth Old Rectory, in North Lincolnshire, the home of the Wesleys and now an accredited museum, is seeking a Trustee to serve on its Board.
The key role of the trustees is to manage the affairs of Epworth Old Rectory, in particular developing its strategy and vision and overseeing the property, finances and staffing. The Trust is made up of an equal number of trustees drawn from the British Methodist Church and the World Methodist Council.
Due to the retirement of a trustee, a vacancy has arisen. Expressions of interest are sought in particular from individuals with experience in either governance, legal, HR or architecture. A knowledge of the heritage or museum sector would be an advantage.
Further information can be found here
This is a voluntary role, with expectation of attending two meetings per year (one in person, one online). Trustees are appointed annually by the British Methodist Conference and may serve for a term of up to six years.
Expressions of interest should be sent to the Chair of Trustees, Sarah Friswell, on by 18 October 2024.

CIO Directors

Epworth Old Rectory, in North Lincolnshire, the home of the Wesleys and now an accredited museum, is seeking two directors to serve on the board of the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).
The key role of a CIO Director is to support and contribute to the work of the CIO in developing the life of the Rectory as a museum and place of pilgrimage. This role supports the operations of the museum and works closely with the Trust which oversees the strategy and vision of Epworth Old Rectory.
In order to strengthen the CIO and to plan for the succession of directors, expressions of interest are sought in particular from individuals with experience in either administration, finance or buildings maintenance. A knowledge of the heritage or museum sector would be an advantage.
Further information can be found here
This is a voluntary role, with expectation of attending five meetings per year (ideally in person at the Old Rectory, though all meetings are hybrid and joining on online is possible). CIO Director appointments are approved by the Epworth Old Rectory Trust annually. Directors may serve for a term of up to six years.
Expressions of interest should be sent to the Chair of Trustees, Sarah Friswell, on by 11 October 2024.

And finally...

A prayer of thanks that God is our faithful shepherd

I'm looking at the sheep God. Are you really a shepherd?
I can't see the shepherd. Is the shepherd really there?
The sheep seem to be happy, content.
They don't seem to be lacking at all. But I can't see the shepherd.
Some are lying down, but most are standing up, but they seem happy.
They are safe, they are fed, they are free from danger, but I can't see the shepherd.
Even though I can't see the shepherd, they must be there.
Feeding the sheep, caring for them, looking after them.
Does the shepherd spend much time with the sheep? I don't know.
What about me God? Are you there? I can't see you at the moment. Are you there?
I'm fed, I'm watered. I have plenty to eat, but are you there?
I can't see you.
You must be there. If you weren't there, what difference would it make?
Would I be fed? Would I be warm? Would I be safe? Probably not.
You are there, God. Just because I can't see you doesn't mean you are not there.
Thank you for being my shepherd.
Luke Smith, Lincolnshire District

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District