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District News 15 March 2022

This Week's News

World Methodist Peace Award

Friday 18th March, 2022 at 17.00.

There will be a service of commendation and celebration at Victoria Hall for Reverend Dr. Inderjit Bhogal OBE as he receives the Council's prestigious Peace Award.
For those who are unable to attend, the service will be live-streamed to YouTube: This will start broadcasting a few minutes before the service starts.
Should this link fail, there is a back-up which will be on this web-page:

Bible Study with Emily

Monday 28 March 2022 at 11am / Tuesday 29 March at 7:30pm / Wednesday 30 March at 2pm

In your role as a Children, Family or Youth volunteer/worker lets explore together in a safe place you personal views on theGod in Love Unites Us through a bible study. Join Emily Hoe-Crook Deacon in Trinity Circuit as we start to think through your personally views in a session that works for you.
Book your place here: Bible Study with Emily

Sharing Stories to Bring Wellbeing

17th June 2022, 10am--1pm

People make meaning and find connection through stories. We also find wellbeing through relationship and play. In this interactive webinar we will offer ideas of multi-sensory approaches and techniques that make sharing stories accessible to people living with dementia. We will consider ways of building community and using stories as a springboard for creativity.

Download a poster with more information : Sharing Stories

To book your place:

Worship: Leading and Preaching Summer School

1 – 5 August 2022

This intensive week course gives those already training to be worship leaders and local preachers in the Methodist Church the opportunity to do the 'Explore' sessions from the course together as part of an encouraging and supportive community from around the country. There will also be opportunities for discussion about building portfolios and other aspects of the course, and we will share worship and fellowship together.
Find out more and book your place now at

Keeping the District Informed

We are more than happy to help publicise events from around the District. To make this really easy for you, there is now an on-line form you can fill in: Submit an event
We also welcome other news stories as well – what is happening in your church or circuit that you can share with others? Please do email them in!!

District Safeguarding Update

District Safeguarding Officers Availability – weeks beginning Monday 14th March 2022

I am on holiday for the week beginning Monday 14th March. If you have an urgent issues, that can't wait until my return, please contact Carolyn Godfrey, DSO for the Newcastle and Darlington region is covering for me. You can contact Carolyn by emailing: or call 07534 346374.

Webinar Report: 'The Church's Response to Survivors: From Stumbling Block to Stepping Stone'

In the second webinar in the series (on 23 February), 'The Church's Response to Survivors: From Stumbling Block to Stepping Stone', we were introduced to a consideration of the theology of safeguarding and how erroneous interpretations of scripture have been used to justify suffering or to force survivors to forgive. We learned how childhood abuse affects future faith and the survivor's understanding of God and church. The webinar looked at aspects of traditional church, including language, which can be harmful to survivors. We heard from survivors about their experiences, including alternative modes of church which they have found helpful. We looked at the Methodist Church's work, both to make our churches safer spaces and to respond better to survivors of abuse within our congregations.

You can watch the webinar recording on the series webpage at 2022 ' Speaking Truth: Voices of Survivors of Child Abuse' Webinar Series ( , Kate Little, Survivors Lead


Church, communities and the cost of living crisis

Wednesday 6 April at 7pm

A conversation with Eunice Attwood (Church at the Margins Officer) and Paul Morrison (Joint Public Issue Team Policy Advisor).

Communities who have struggled for the last decade have been hit by the pandemic and now face rising costs. This session aims to look at how communities are being affected, who is likely to need support and what we as churches and Christians can do to be part of positive change.

Many churches across Sheffield District already relate to economical disadvantaged communities, often stretching back decades, and this could be an important conversation as we consider transforming mission for such a time as this.

Register your place:

Creating Welcoming Churches for those Leaving Prison

11 May – 1pm

In partnership with 'The Welcome Directory', Learning Network Yorkshire Plus is offering the opportunity to learn more about how we might welcome into our church those leaving prison. Jesus spent a lot of time hanging about with people who are on the margins of society and He asks us specifically to love those we find difficult. How might we be able to do that, and to do it safely? What do people leaving prison need? How might we offer not only support, but a loving faith community they can be welcomed into? What safeguarding do we need to be aware of?Register here:

Chaplaincy Everywhere Online

11 May – 25 June

Have you ever wondered how best you and your church can serve your community? Have you ever looked outside your church door and wondered how you could walk with people there who have not yet met Christ? Well, we might just have the answer: community chaplaincy for mission.

There are many models of chaplaincy, and many ways in which we can 'do' mission. With this course, 'Chaplaincy Everywhere Online' we're combining the two.

If you and your church think mission based on the community chaplaincy model might work in your context, why not join us? There are six webinars over six weeks, culminating in a physical day of Active Listening Training. It's all free, but you must have the support/sponsorship of your faith community, commit to all seven sessions, and you must have completed (or booked onto) Foundation Safeguarding. .

Register your interest here: Chaplaincy Everywhere
or contact Siggy Parratt-Halbert for more information

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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