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District News – 14 March 2023

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This Week's News

Small churches: what's our future story?

16 March at 7:30pm

Each small church has a gift to offer its community; a part to play in God's mission; a future with hope. Sometimes living into this hopeful future will mean joining with another church to share resources. Sometimes it will mean letting go of a cherished building in order to worship in people's homes or in a community centre. Whatever the end result, each small church gets there by starting with its mission: its particular part of God's calling to share the love of Christ with the world.
Book here:
In this 90-minute Zoom gathering you will hear stories of small churches that have make big steps in discerning God's call and making changes for the sake of mission. You'll also have an opportunity to network with others and to receive input to help you in your own discernment where you are. All members of small churches are welcome, both lay and ordained.

Sad news

We were very sorry to learn of the death of the Revd Peter Howard, a supernumerary minister in the Peak Circuit. We hold his daughter Mary in our prayers at this time.

Stations of Lament

"Lament offers to God the reality of life as we experience it." Rev Louise Carr
A prayer and reflection space will be created in the Chapel at Tabor from 23rd to 26th March with the theme of Lament. It features an exhibition of tapestries by Methodist minister Rev Louise Carr as well as various prayer stations.

Quiet Space will be available at various times for details:

On Saturday 25th March at 4pm there will also be chance to listen to music and reflections on the same theme featuring our good friends from Steel City Choristers
Here is the link to the FREE tickets for the concert on 25th March available on Eventbrite


We know that the planners of Eco-fest were very disappointed to have to take the decision to postpone it due to the weather. Hopefully a new date will be fixed soon. Watch this space...

Reimagining Paul Exhibition at Doncaster Minster

'Reimagining Paul' is an exhibition consisting of two newly commissioned artworks created to spark conversation about the themes of faith, bodies, and identity, and the interpretation of Paul's letters in contemporary society.
The exhibit features an oil painting by Elizabeth Tooth and a neon text piece by Bettina Furnée.
'Reimagining Paul' is currently on display at Doncaster Minster until 30 March.

The "Illegal Migration Bill"

"We are appalled by the proposals in the government's 'Illegal Migration Bill' to detain, punish and reject thousands of people seeking safety. They are completely incompatible with our Christian conviction that all human beings are made in the image of God, and are therefore inherently worthy of treatment which honours their dignity."

Church Leaders from the Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church and the Baptist Union have signed a joint statement expressing opposition to the government's new 'Illegal Migration Bill'.
You can read the whole statement, as well as a link with advice on writing to your MP, here.

3Generate Needs You

Applications have opened for an amazing volunteering experience supporting 3Generate 2023!

We are looking for new people to join the incredible team of staff and volunteers working to make 3Generate the amazing event it is.

There are loads of ways you can get involved, from supporting children and young people in the venues to admin support at the event, or even just helping with set-up and pack-down during the weekend.

There's something for everyone, and we can practically guarantee a memorable time whatever you end up doing!

If you'd like more information, you can click here to find out more and apply.

District Office News


It is good to see that some churches have already completed their annual checklist.
A few people attended the drop-in sessions held earlier this month. I will hold some more sessions on Thursday 30 March, at 10am, 12:30pm and 7pm.
As before, you don't need to book – but do turn up on time. If you have not used Zoom for a while, you may be required to update the client software, so allow time for that.
The link to join is

District Gathering

It is encouraging to see people already starting to book to attend our District Gathering on the theme "How to be a Just Church in an Unjust World". Full information can be found here.
This event is free and open to all to attend, but we do need you to register to ensure all goes smoothly.
Please don't leave it to the last minute!


Churches and the Energy Crisis

Thursday 16 March at 7pm -Hathersage Methodist Church, S32 1BB

Are you wondering how to deal with rising energy costs in a large hard-to-heat building? How to keep your church warm and welcoming? How to support people in our community who are struggling with energy bills?

Use of energy derived from fossil fuels is one of the most significant aspects of the climate crisis. It is also now a significant financial burden.

Come along on 16 March 2023 to Hathersage Methodist Church from 7.00 -- 8.15 pm to discuss how use of church buildings might change in response. There will be opportunities to hear local examples of action being taken, and a chance to discuss and share ideas in small groups.

No need to book -- just turn up. (If you can't make this event but would like to be informed about future Faith and Climate Network events contact Gill on

Screening and discussion of the documentary film, "Boycott"

March 19th, 4.00 pm, the Broomhall Centre,Broomspring Lane, Broomhall, Sheffield S10 2FD.

Free entry, tea, coffee and cakes provided. Donations welcome to cover room hire.

Dreaming Beyond...

Thursday 23 March from 7:30 online

"He did what no minister could get away with..."
How well does your church know its local community?
Might a better understanding lead to a change of approach?
Come and hear about St James' Church, Bourton, which was on the verge of closing before an extraordinary public meeting.
We'll also be hearing from Danny Miller, Southampton District's New Places for New People Community Researcher.

The Eventbrite link to register your interest is:

And finally ...

Dear Father God,
Your endless love flows over all the world.

Open hearts and minds to receive the blessings of your grace,
and lead us through the light to everlasting life,
when we accept salvation through the death of your only son Jesus Christ.

May our love for you be reflected in the way we live our lives,
ever following in his way.

May all your people be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit,
to seek to live in harmony and service,
through a knowledge of your love.

Focus our lives to look outwards,
so that your Church continues to grow your mission of love,
ever trusting in your strength.

In Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District