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District News – 14 February 2023

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This Week's News

Card Resource

The Methodist Church has developed a range of cards to help churches and individuals encourage those in education. From teachers to students, show them you care through a prayerful message and encouraging Bible verse. Available now from Methodist Publishing. Find out more at

Sheffield Firth Almshouses – "Firth's Homes"

We presently have a vacancy at Firth's Homes


We have 28 Flats and 4 bungalows designed for independent living, in private grounds. They have a double bedroom and are suitable for single or couple occupancy. There is a guest flat available for resident's visitors, laundry room and communal room.


Applicants must be over 60 years, able to live independently and have an identifiable need that merits the support of the almshouses. Typically, existing housing may be inadequate or inappropriate or applicants may feel vulnerable or isolated in their present location and have limited financial means. Preference may be given to people who are living or have lived in Sheffield.


We do not have a waiting list. When there is a vacancy we consider everyone who has submitted an application form, according to need. If you would be interested in knowing more about us please contact us for a Fact Sheet or to arrange a visit.

Contact Details

Helen Sweet or Tel: 0114 2301 252

Church Planting Intensive Course

The next Church Planting Intensive (CPI) takes place on 17 to 19 March. CPI begins with a residential at Cliff College and then meets monthly on the 1st Thursday between 7-9pm. CPI is a fully funded year-long hybrid course for those who are planting NPNPs, designed for those who actively shaping a vision, about to launch or in an existing project. It mixes teaching and reflection, prayer and deepening our calls.
Places limited to 30, so get in quick if you are interested.
Booking here

The course will run again on 3 to 5 November, 2023.

District Office News

District Safeguarding Update

Obscene and Offensive Video/Phone Calls

We have been alerted to the following situation from the Southampton District. Please circulate this to appropriate people.
The purpose of this alert is to ensure the safety and protection of those who work for or are employed by the Methodist Church; members of the Methodist Church; those who engage in Church activities; and the general public.

There have been reports, raised initially by the Anglicans, of someone with a fetish targeting female church members using sexual language or sending sexualised videos: During the months of November and December 2022, female church officers have received obscene, malicious, and offensive phone/video calls. Where appropriate the necessary reports have been made to the respective police force.
If any person should receive a similar phone/video call it is advised that the following course of action is taken:

  • Do not engage in any conversation as soon as it is evident, or you recognise the call is obscene, and offensive.
  • Do not agree to meet the caller if this is requested.
  • Note and record the time, date and any details of the caller's number.
  • Note any distinctive accent or description if it is a video call, and, if safe, consider taking a screen shot. Look for any identifying marks or items (ie. tattoo's, emblems on clothing; distinctive jewellery, etc)
  • Report the incident to police and obtain an incident/crime number.
  • Refer the matter to the DSO.
  • Consider calling your phone company and asking for their nuisance or malicious calls team. If the number is withheld, ask the company to identify the callers number.
  • Consider obtaining an itemised bill from your service provider/phone company.

Jane Fisher, Southampton District Safeguarding Officer

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill -District Safeguarding Officer.

Lent 2023 Resources

Beginning on Ash Wednesday and running until Easter Sunday, we've created a series of reflections and bible verses to help guide us through Lent thanks to the help of our District Worship Officer, Claire Rawlinson.
We will be sharing the images on social media and you can download them here ( ) if you'd like to upload them to your social media channels or share them in your newsletters.

Follow us on social media

  • Facebook @SheffieldMethodist
  • Instagram @SheffieldMethodist
  • Twitter @Sheffmethodist

Thank you
Sam Roberts – District Communications Officer

GDPR Annual Checklist

If you subscribe to the TMCP (Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes) news updates you will be aware that the 2023 Checklist is now available for completing (the deadline is 31 May). I will be sending more detailed information to the GDPR contact in the churches and circuits shortly and will hold some drop-in sessions on Zoom to answer any questions you may have about the process.
Katrin Hackett – District Data Champion


City Of Sanctuary Art Exhibition by John Wilsher

Launch Friday 24th February 7-8pm

Meet the artist and some of the individuals who inspired him
Free entry – refreshments
Raising funds for Assist & City of Sanctuary

An art exhibition shining a light on the perilous journeys asylum seekers undertake before they find a home in Sheffield, the first City of Sanctuary
Available for viewing 24th Feb – 17th March on the following days between 10.30 – 3pm

  • Sundays 26th Feb, 5th & 12th March
  • Tuesdays 28th Feb, 7th & 14th March
  • Wednesdays,1st, 8th & 15th March
  • Thursdays 2nd, 9th & 16th March

Church at the Margins Community of Practice

The Church at the Margins Community of Practice (CaM COP) is aimed at individuals ministering alongside financially marginalised people.It meets four times each year and seeks to be a safe space to share joys, concerns and learning. It is a place to consider and promote good practice and provide opportunity to raise awareness and conversation around pertinent issues.Next meeting on Tuesday 14 March from 7:30pm via Zoom. It will be looking at "Sharing food justly".Book your place via EventBrite:

Rural Ministry Course

25-26th April or 17-18th Oct at King's Park, Northampton.

For lay & ordained leaders new to a rural context, entering a rural appointment for the first time, or in need of a 'rural refresher'.
"Really helpful – practical, inspiring & encouraging!"- Oct 22 RMC participant.
Come and explore mission, evangelism & leadership with a rural lens.

We're currently offering a 50% bursary for lay or ordained Methodist participants, whilst funds last.
If further information would be useful, please contact Sarah Hulme, rural mission & ministry officer via

Cliff College Festival 2023

Cliff Festival 2023 runs from 26-29 May at Cliff College in Derbyshire. Our theme this year is 'Eden Restored', and we're excited to explore significant garden encounters in Scripture together, from the garden of Eden at the very start of the Bible to the tree of life and the restoration of all things in the book of Revelation. Our partners the Methodist Church, All We Can and The Archer Project, along with A Rocha UK and Green Christian, will be helping us reflect on our Christian witness and stewardship responsibilities in this messy world, which God will one day fully restore to its created glory. Come and encounter the Spirit of God at Cliff Festival – visit to find out more and book now.

Job Vacancies and Volunteer Opportunities

Administrative Assistant

Chapeltown Methodist Church seeks to appoint an administrative assistant to support the minister with the day-to-day administration of running the church.

The successful applicant will work closely with the minister in pastoral charge, the Rev Jill Pullan, where there will be real opportunity to contribute to the ongoing development of the life of the church within Chapeltown and the wider community as we continue to assess modernised ways of working.

Hours of work: 10 hours per week, including evening and weekend working
Rate of pay:£12 per hour

Next steps:For an application pack please contact Andrew Crawford via email at or for an informal conversation about the role please contact Rev Jill Pullan on

Closing date: 24 February
Interview date: 4 March
Start date: April 2023

Youth and Children's Outreach Worker,

Emmanuel Church Waterthorpe

A 18 month post is available at Emmanuel LEP Church, Waterthorpe, Sheffield, for someone to support and develop the current youth and children's work through outreach into the local school and wider community.
The position is for 22 hours per week, and the rate of pay is £12.30 per hour.

The main focus of the job is develop work in the on-site schools alongside working with and supporting our volunteers in our mid-week Junior and Senior Youth Clubs. The core hours are on Tuesdays and Thursdays (school day and fortnightly evenings) and Sunday mornings (twice a month).
The person appointed will demonstrate Christian beliefs, and be qualified and experienced, with understanding of the needs of children and young people as well as those who lead this work. There will be regular reporting to management team meetings that will include the Methodist Circuit and URC Synod Youth Workers, and a named church Line Manager.
The post is subject to an enhanced DBS check.

Application packs are available from
Heather Rotherham, Methodist Circuit Office
Phone Number: 0114 272 6561

The closing date will be Tuesday 28th February at 12.00 noon,with interviews on Thursday 9th March 2023 in the evening

Sam's Space – Volunteers Wanted

Sam's Space soft play is a purpose-built soft play facility at Firth Park Methodist Church that opened in February 2020. As a not-for-profit organisation any and all profits made are reinvested into further facilities and projects to help bring added value to the space and to the wider community.
Facilities currently include a soft play area and a café for soft play users and their carers which serves hot and cold drinks and food.

Sam's Space is a Christian community that values each person as a unique individual and it is available to the whole community, welcoming people of all faiths and none. With a specific Christian-based group called 'Church Space' for children and their families as well as 'Space For All' sessions for anyone to attend the team are passionate about making a positive impact in the community by providing a safe and fun-filled place where creativity, life, and fun can be enjoyed together.

Open Tuesday to Friday 10am to 2pm, and for private parties on Saturday's, they are looking to increase their committed team of volunteers to facilitate and develop events and sessions within the space during these times. Check out their facebook page by clicking here >> Sam's Space – Soft Play, Firth Park Methodist Church and visit their website by clicking the following link where you can complete a volunteer enquiry form, or read more about their work:

And finally ...

from Christian Aid

The 24th of February will be the one year anniversary of the war in Ukraine. We have seen how the invasion by Russian forces is destroying the homes and the freedom of Ukrainian people to lead their own lives.

We are inviting churches across Britain and Ireland to join together in an act of witness to pray for Ukraine on Sunday 26th of February, for an end to the conflict and for all those affected by the terrible impact of war.

This act of witness will stand in solidarity with national services being organised with Churches Together in Britain & Ireland, Churches Together in England and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church on the 24th of February. This ecumenical service will have voices from across the UK, including our Ukrainian community.

I would like to invite your churches and community of Sheffield Methodist District to take part in a moment of prayer either in your Sunday worship or in your community. Please do work with other churches and folk in your community where possible to demonstrate support.

Linked  is a prayer we are sharing across our sponsoring churches that we would invite you to use on the 24th of February.

Also  linked  is a placard which you can use to share your moment of solidarity on social media. You can also use the hashtag: #WePrayForUkraine in any social media posts.

Together as Christians in these islands and with our sisters and brothers in the churches of Ukraine, we pray for an end to the conflict and for peace in our world.

Thank you for your support

Sarah Jane Meyers 
Christian Aid Church Engagement and Fundraising Officer

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2024 – Sheffield Methodist District