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District News – 14 December 2021

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This Week's News

Advent Prayers

The children and young people from around the District are creating digital Advent resources.
This week Isabella from SMC in the Doncaster Circuit shares a prayer for Joy:

Sad News

We were very sorry to hear of the death of Maisie Bowes, wife of the Revd Harold Bowes (a supernumerary minister in the Barnsley Circut), at the end of last week. Our thoughts and prayers are with Harold and all the family at this time.
The family have decided to hold a Thanksgiving Service for Maisie at Hoyland and Birdwell (Barnsley) on Wednesday 22 December at 2:30pm. Donations in memory of Maisie will go to the Whitechapel Mission.

COVID Guidance

The Methodist Church has updated their guidance following the latest announcements. There has been some confusion around whether face coverings must be worn when singing. The advice from the Methodist Church is that those singing in specific settings such as choirs or worship groups can remove their face covering to sing, as it is for those leading a service or preaching for example. In other situations though, particularly in a setting of communal singing, we would strongly advise that face coverings are kept on.
you can read the full guidance here:

Little Amal

Representing millions of refugees forced to leave their homes, in 2021 Little Amal walked 8,000 miles from the Turkey-Syria border to Manchester with a simple message: "don't forget about us."
Her penultimate stop was in Sheffield, the first ever City of Sanctuary. This is the story of the people who helped to welcome her, and the experiences she had visiting Sheffield.

Derbyshire Rural Chaplaincy

The third "Thought for Advent" is provided by their lead Rural Chaplain – Revd Alan Griggs. May you take a few moments to pause during this busy time and enjoy reading his reflection. Thought for Advent3

For those of you who missed the Derbyshire Farmers' Carol Service which took place last Sunday in the Agricultural Business Center in Bakewell, or for those of you who would like to watch parts of the service once more, here's the link :Derbyshire Farmers' Carol Service 5th December 2021

Cliff Festival 2022 – tickets now on sale!

After two years of celebrating Cliff Festival online, we can't wait to welcome you back to the Cliff College site for Cliff Festival 2022 (1-5 June). Our theme is Jubilee: Rule and Reign and we're excited to explore what it means to live under the rule and reign of the King of kings, Jesus Christ, who calls us to proclaim his gospel of salvation and to work together for justice and righteousness. Tickets are available via our website – but hurry, our prices will go up at the end of January! Book now.

GDPR update

Once again, thanks to all those churches and circuits who sent in their Checklist audit for 2021. However, there were still many churches where no checklist had been submitted.
Data Protection is not a choice, but the law and all churches need to be showing that they are complying with the regulations. Support in understanding the requirements is available and Katrin ( the District Data Champion) will be offering sessions on Zoom, or in person (if requested) next year.
The 2022 Checklist will be circulated in the New Year, to be returned by the end of May 2022.


Candlelit Christingle

Sunday 19 December – 6:30pm
Come and join a special Candlelit Christingle Carol Service in the car park of St Andrew's Psalter Lane church, Psalter Lane, Sheffield.
Wrap up warm, bring a hot drink, and join us for a dramatic re-telling of the Christmas story with carols from the Sheffield Folk Chorale, mince pies, twinkling lights and Christingles to take away!

Christmas Day Communion Service

Whirlow Spirituality Centre will be open for a reflective service on Christmas morning at 9:45am.
Book your place here:

Hark! a Nativity Story

For Christmas 2020, Saltmine Theatre Company released Hark! A Nativity Story online as a production to be streamed into churches and congregation homes.

This innovative take on the story of Christmas featuring an angel looking for a lost message, a shepherd looking for a sheep and King Herod looking for an evil laugh proved popular with all ages. Now this production with a message is available to rent, watch and enjoy at home.
More information can be found here:

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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