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District News – 13 August 2024

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This Week's News

Revd Gill Newton invites you to the District Gathering

Spending my last year looking for "hidden treasures" around the Methodist Connexion was certainly not a disappointment! There were plenty to be found and I'm very much looking forward to sharing some of the stories of my experiences with you all at the District Gathering on September 14th!
If you haven't already booked your place for the District Gathering, I would really encourage you to do so. Hearing about "hidden treasure" from around the Connexion will only be part of what the day holds. There is plenty of "hidden treasure" in this district too!
So, why not come along to The Crossing Church and Centre in Worksop and hear more about the amazing things that God is doing across this district, meet old friends, make new friends, share good food, find resources in the Marketplace and return to your church and circuit encouraged and enthused by what you have experienced. You may even find that the District Gathering itself is a "hidden treasure" that you haven't yet discovered!

Methodist Conference 2025

Within the District Gathering we will hold the life of Methodism across our district in prayer, renew our relationship with our wider Connexional church, and make any formal decisions required of us as a district – the work of the representative synod.
An important part of the business is electing representatives to the Methodist Conference 2024 This year we need to elect two lay persons; one to serve for one year and one to serve for three. Each member of Synod may nominate one lay person, whose consent must be obtained prior to nomination and who must be a member of a Methodist church within the Sheffield District. The nomination must be supported by two Synod members.
The form can be downloaded here: 2025 Conference Representative

Indoor Bowls set

The Indoor Bowls Club which meets at Banner Cross Methodist Church is no longer meeting. They have a bowls mat and bowls looking for a new home. Contact Tim Wilson ( if you are interested

See the Love

In this time of uncertainty, the Methodist Church encourages us to continue to see the love. We've all witnessed what happens when hate comes before love. That's why we're encouraging everyone to #SeeTheLove with this video that can be downloaded for use in services.

Urban Theology Union

New Doctoral Seminar

Tuesday, 24 September 202411.15am -12.40pm

It has been decided to institute a new Doctoral Seminar on the Tuesday morning of the Seminar Group dates. All welcome to this first 'taster' Seminar on the 24 September 2024. RSVP would be helpful but not essential.
The programme will be:
11.15am Coffee
11.30am Input/Talk/Presentation/Discussion 1 -Dr Neil Johnson will present a paper on Keir Hardie's Christology
12.05 Input/Talk/Presentation/Discussion 2 -Dr Rob Hoch will introduce his soon-to-be-published book Living with the Sermon
12.40 Close
Contributors for future sessions are welcome: papers, book reviews, 'bees-in-the bonnet'

Mission 3vangelical for a Post-Christian World

We'll be looking at the upside-down world of the Kin-dom of God in the Gospel of Mark – and listening for the voices of those long silenced by the majority traditions. We will draw on the experiences of people living on the margins, thinking in those margins. We'll try to hear and see Mark's Jesus through intersectional approaches to theology, including Queer, Disability, Indigenous, Womanist and Feminist perspectives.
Please contact Jill in the UTU office for a registration form:

Action for Children news

Boycott your Bed

Boycott your Bed is an opportunity for corporate teams to come together to raise money, by spending the night sleeping outside with only a sleeping mat and bag to protect them from the elements.
It's that simple – just one night without your bed to help the children who face every night without a safe place to sleep. Learn more about Boycott your Bed 2024.

Sky of Stars

Recently, we launched our incredible new tribute site – Sky of Stars. When someone leaves a gift to Action for Children in their will, the course of a child's life could change.
That's why, when we receive a gift from someone's will, a star is added to our Sky of Stars in their name. A star to remember the difference made to vulnerable children and young people. A star that will shine as a lasting light to help give children a brighter future. Explore our Sky of Stars.
Want to hear more from Action for Children? Sign up for regular updates from us.
Best wishes,
Karis -Faith Partnerships Lead

District Office News

Join us in shaping a greener future for the Sheffield Methodist District!

We're looking for passionate individuals to help develop and implement our District Environmental Policy, driving sustainable change across our communities, churches and sites. By working together, we can promote renewable energy, reduce waste, and inspire others to care for our planet. Whether you have experience in sustainability or simply a strong desire to make a difference, we welcome your fresh ideas and enthusiasm. Email us at admin@sheffieldmethodist to get involved and help us build a brighter, more sustainable future.

District Office closed

A reminder that the office will be closed next week (19-26 August) as I will be volunteering at the Greenbelt Festival. Do come and say "Hi" at the Festival Reception desk on Thursday!, or I may bump into a few of you over the Bank Holiday Weekend


New Christian Community Gathering

Our next gathering will be on the morning of Saturday 23 Novemberat
Central Methodist Church, Lodge Lane, Aston
Our guest speaker will be Deacon Eunice Attwood, Methodism's national Church at the Margins Officer. If you have ever met Eunice you will already know of her passion for being church with new people who have been marginalised by wider society, through poverty or for other reasons. And her highly engaging teaching style.
Rotherham & Dearne Valley's Family Fun Church will be our hosts. They will share their testimony of being church for families with young children and will lead us in worship. You can hear more about their story in episode 4 of our podcast Faith, Hope and the Journey.
Book your place here:

Neurodiverse services at Resurrection Doncaster

Resurrection Doncaster are starting a church service for neurodiverse people and their families/support workers. The first service will be held on Wednesday 28th August 4.30 pm at St Aidan's Church Wheatley Hills.

How to Pioneer (even if you haven't a clue) Book Club

Join Neil Harland (District Mission Enabler) and Rev Carla Quenet (Learning Network) on Zoom over four evenings to explore this easily readable book. Written by David Male, National Advisor for Pioneer Development for the Church of England, the book succeeds in doing what it says on the tin: explaining how and why to start a New Christian Community in practical simple language.
This Book Club is for you if recognise that some of the people you know are very unlikely join your church, no matter how good it is, but may engage with a different expression of Christian community, tailored to the form and and time that works for them. Especially if you feel you haven't much by way of time, money or theological qualifications to devote to this task.
We will meet 7:30 – 9:00pm on Tuesdays 1, 8, 15, 22 October on Zoom. The first 10 people to sign up get a free copy of the book

A Celebration of the 350th Anniversary of the birth of Isaac Watts

The year 2024 is the 350th anniversary of the birth of Isaac Watts, known worldwide as the "father of English hymnody". To mark his connections to this region, the East Midlands Synod is holding A Celebration of Isaac Watts, on Saturday 21 September from 2.30-4.00pm, with gathering praise from 2.00pm.
Melton Mowbray URC will host the event, commemorating his links with the Melton district. The event is free of charge but capacity is limited, so you are advised to book early by visiting (alternatively, call the Synod Office: 0115 960 9241).

There will be prayer stations, quiet spaces, noise reducing headphones, drinks and cakes. This meeting will be for people to come and get to know the team so they can develop the service to make it inclusive.


Church Community Development Worker

Brightholmlee Methodist Church

We seek to appoint a Church Community Development Worker at Brightholmlee Methodist Church on a part-time 3-year Fixed Term Contract.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Consult and collaborate with organisations and people in the Brightholmlee and Wharncliffe side village area to foster community building within the area to foster a vibrant community ethos within the village
  • Identify how the church and the community centre could develop sustainable activities, in partnership with individuals and groups in the community, which would support and enhance the continued existence of these two community assets as focal points for the village.
  • Identify specific regular community activity, events, needs or support that would make a difference, and draw together volunteers to establish such activities where agreed with the relevant stakeholders.
  • Support such developments with support for planning, grant applications, local fund-raising, training and governance to ensure their effective operation. Such support, for example training, would include bought-in services as necessary.
  • Report in writing to the Church Council and Community Centre Management on initial research findings, and thereafter report to and consult with them on development activity, on a regular basis, including attendance at formal church council meetings four times a year.

We encourage enquiries and conversations about the post to the Rev Ian Lucraft. Please, in the first instance, direct these by email to
For an application form, please email Mrs Gill Adams at
Closing Date: 21 August 2024

And finally ...

A prayer for faith, hope and love

Gracious God,
lamp to my feet,
light on my path.

Where the path before me is unclear, my perception falters, your purpose is obscure and your good will concealed,

Grant me...
Faith to trust that what is currently concealed will, through your grace, one day be revealed.
Hope and confidence that you will be my companion, guide and confidant on the way.
Love enough to know that one day I shall gaze upon you fully, face-to-face.

O God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who lives in eternal and perfect light, may your will and way be known in me and through me, in your community and in your world.
Richard Andrew, District Chair, Darlington District

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2024 – Sheffield Methodist District