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District News – 12 December 2023

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This Week's News

Christian Healing at Bakewell

For about ten years the Methodist Church in Bakewell has opened its doors on the first Monday of each month, for anyone who wished to do so, to come and receive prayers for healing. This ministry has now grown and a team will be on the streets on the first Sunday of every month.
The inaugural session took place at the same time as the visit to the Circuit of the Secretary of Conference the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Hustler.
Read the full story here: Healing at Bakewell

Is poverty inevitable in the UK?

A Justice Seekers conversation

7:30pm Monday 15 January on Zoom

14.4 million people in the UK are currently experiencing poverty, and 3.8 million people are now living in destitution, without the basics to keep warm, dry, clean and fed. Despite many committed thoughtful people having devoted their lives to tackling poverty and economic marginalisation in one of the world's most prosperous countries. Is there actually another way, or must we learn to live with Jesus warning that "the poor will always be with you"
Join us for a conversation – whether you consider yourself to be a lonely prophet, committed activist, qualified by experience, or don't know what to say. Just come ready for honest questions and respectful listening.
With Mark North (Founder and CEO Freedom Community Project) and Hannah Freemont Brown from Let's End Poverty.
Get your free Zoom link here

District Office update

The District Office will be closed from Friday 22 December until Monday 1 January. Urgent emails will be responded to, but there will be no District Newsletter that week. Any items for inclusion to cover this period should be sent in by 12 noon next Tuesday, 19 December.

Gill on Tour

The latest update on Gill's travels around the country can be found on the District Website. November was a busy month with a visit to the Action for Children project in Chesterfield, Cliff College graduations, a celebration of Chaplaincy and many other events, including the Remembrance Parade in Whitehall.
Read all about it here: Gill on Tour

Advent Reflections

This week Neil Harland shares a reflection on "Changing your mind" the theme for the second week in Advent as part of the Out of the Ordinary Advent series.
You can read it here: Advent 2023

Life on the Breadline Exhibition 9 Feb – 23 March

Life on the Breadline is a challenging exhibition first premiered in Coventry Cathedral in July 2021. The exhibition features photographs from the Life on the Breadline grassroot case studies in Birmingham, London, and Manchester which challenge the way we think about people's experience of poverty in the UK and how Christians have responded to poverty during the 'age of austerity'. The photographs have been taken by the research team and by local residents, volunteers, and staff at the six case study projects.
Sheffield District, in collaboration with the ESRC funded Life on the Breadline project, Coventry University, and the Justice Seekers group have arranged for the exhibition to be on display in three circuits during Lent 2024: Sheffield; Derbyshire North East; and Barnsley. We will be asking for volunteers to help steward this event in the new year.
In addition to the exhibition itself, there will be a launch event on Friday 9 February and a closing event on 23 March. Churches are also encouraged to consider using the Life on the Breadline Lent course
Watch this space for more information!


Mini Broomhill Community Fun Day

Saturday 16 December from 10am

Join us at Broomhill Methodist Centre for an opportunity to meet other families over a warm drink and plenty of imaginative play and activities for all the family
At this event, we are eager to meet local community, understand your needs, and listen to your ideas. Your insights are invaluable to us as we shape this creative play space to serve you best.
Imagine a place where imaginations run wild, friendships blossom, and knowledge is gained through joyful exploration. We want you to be an integral part of this journey.
Let's come together to play, learn, and create memories. Together, we can make our community vibrant and supportive. We look forward to meeting you at the test launch event and starting this exciting adventure together.
Broomhill Methodist Centre, Fulwood Road S10 3BD

Lay Employee Community of practice zoom gathering

Wednesday 31 January from 10:30-11:15
This is a more informal "drop-in" basis rather than having a focused theme. A chance to catch up with each other over coffee. Smaller work-based break-out groups can be facilitated if wanted. No registration is necessary, just follow the link to join in:

Lay Employees Retreat -- Yorkshire Plus and North East Districts

10-12 April 2024 -Wydale Hall, near Scarborough

"Hidden Treasures"
Finding and celebrating the hidden treasures and riches in ourselves and our surroundings. A range of sessions are planned to help rediscover a sense of hope about what lies ahead and find a renewed calling to see where God is at work in and with us.
As with last year's retreat, there will be a variety of options from quiet reflective to more active sessions, as well as space for one-to-one conversations, personal reflection and crafting!
Cost: £240 A subsidy of £120 may be available from your District towards this. If this has been confirmed, it will be automatically deducted from your invoice. A deposit is required to confirm your registration
Book early via EventBrite by 7 February.


Synod Secretary (volunteer role))

Sheffield Methodist District invites expressions of interest for the role of Synod Secretary
The main responsibility involves planning and organising the annual Presbyteral Synod and twice-yearly Representative Synod (District Gathering). This is done with support of the Synod Planning Group.
The role can be split between a lay volunteer/deacon and a presbyter. In that situation the presbyter would only be responsible for the Presbyteral Synod.
The Synod Secretary is also a member of the District Leading Team and some District committees and is one of our representatives to Methodist Conference each year.
Full details here:

And finally...

From the Methodist Prayer Handbook

When darkness fills our horizons, help us to remember what Jesus taught about the hidden treasures of God's love – how a traveller to Jericho, left beaten unconscious by the roadside, was unexpectedly rescued by a marginalised stranger; how a son who had ruined his life was welcomed home through a parent's unconditional love; and how a sheep, lost on a lonely hillside, was brought to safety by the faithful care of the shepherd. So may we, whatever our needs, find help and support – sometimes where we least expect – and when human resources fail, discover the riches of God's grace and the depth of his love, holding us safe forever.
Rachel Larkinson, supernumerary presbyter, Kennet and Test Valley Circuit

Come, Holy Spirit, inspiration of prophets and strength of apostles. Come, Holy Spirit, power of the Father and wisdom of the Son. Come, Holy Spirit, source of all joy and rest of the weary. Come, treasure of Majesty and mercy of the Most High. Come, Holy Spirit, come. Amen.
Acts of Thomas, Syrian (3rd century)

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2024 – Sheffield Methodist District