Derbyshire North East Circuit are encouraging us to read three chapters of the bible every day as part of your daily devotions. They started on 1 January, and Revd Sean Adair has recorded a daily devotion for each day to accompany this, and you can catch up here: Derbyshire North East YouTube Channel
Why not give it a go?
Space to Be – a weekly opportunity to mediate in silence every Sunday from 8:30am in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit
Reflective Communion – every Tuesday at 9:45am and led by Revd Joy Adams. This is also broadcast live on Facebook and available to watch again on YouTube.
Gardening at Whirlow resumes on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, after Reflective Communion
Simple Quiet Days- Space to be before God; to relax, reflect and pray and so to renew your spiritual resources. These days are limited to six people onsite but will often be blended (online and onsite.) See their website for details on how to book a place: Quiet Days
Praying with Words- Every 3rd Thursday of the month. Many are drawn to silent prayer, meditation, centering prayer, contemplation ... for that purpose, we run Praying Without Words via Zoom each month
Contemplative Dialogue- designed to facilitate a non-threatening, 'safe place' for open sharing and discussion. The focus is on listening to ourselves and others, rather than formulating a response to what is being said. It can help participants notice their own thinking in periods of silence, and hear others' thinking as they speak. It is held every 4th Sunday, following from the Space to Be meeting.
Full details on all their events can be found on their website:
This will be helpful to those who wish to develop skills in coaching others. It is organised by the Evangelism and Growth Team and will be led by Elaine Lindridge
Book here:
If you are doing, starting, thinking or praying about New Places for New People (NPNP) join us for one of our NPNP Hubs. They are open to everyone, be it individuals sensing a call to pioneer or circuit leaders who want new Christian communities to become part of their mission planning.
The following policies have been updated following the recent meeting of the Methodist Council and can be found on the Safeguarding Policies and guidance webpage:
1) The Safer Recruitment Policy
2) The Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Guidance
Page 20; Section 3.2; Update:District safeguarding group standards and criteria included.
Page 85; Section 6.3.4; Update to include the anti-bullying policy
As ever, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill -District Safeguarding Officer.
Have you ever considered becoming a Mental Health First Aider? We are delighted to be able to offer the opportunity for you to complete the 2 day MHFA adult training course online. At the end of the course you will be a Mental Health First Aider, equipped to listen to and to be better able to signpost people to the help they need for their recovery. For more information about the course visit: Become a Mental Health First Aider MHFA England
Course dates: 24th January, 25th January, 31st January and 1st February 2022
Time: 7pm – 9.30pm
Cost: £50 (RRP £300 – the course is subsidised by the Methodist Church)
Registration deadline: 14th January 2022
Please note that by booking you are committing to paying for a place, attending all sessions and completing pre-course learning. We are limited to 16 places for each course and anticipate it being booked quickly.
For further information please contact the Revd Carla Quenet: / 07772 979670
This session will be looking at technology and how we can use best use it in our work.
As usual, we will start at 10am with coffee and general chat.
A panel of experts will answer questions (use the registration form to raise any query) and offer support and encouragement.
The session will end by 1pm, but do feel free to bob in and out as your time allows!
Register to attend here:
Our next webinar will be:
1 – 2:30pm Wednesday 16 February
Your community no doubt has many needs, each as important and pressing as the other, but what should you actually do as you minister with older people? What will you not do? What if the things you have always done are not the most important now? How to generate, discern and implement new plans for ministry with older people? Without falling out in the process! This continues with our theme that fruitful ministry with older people doesn't happen by accident, is no less important than reaching out to any other demographic, and needs prayerful planning and discernment
Book your place by 11 February here:
This short course is designed to develop coaching skills and will be especially useful for anyone who is coaching leaders. The skills you will learn will also help in everyday conversations and in the way that you work with teams or in meetings. This short course focuses on pioneer church planters and fresh expressions leaders, so the course is deliberately biased towards that setting. It will also be useful for anyone in Christian leadership.
Cost £450 including all materials, accommodation and food (grants may be available from the District Learning and Development fund )
Places can be booked by visiting:
Congratulations to all who took part in the Advent Carols fund-raiser on YouTube Over £1000 has been raised so far.
Sign up from January 2022 via:
Last year nearly 800 people joined us for an incredible week of online sessions to help them prepare for Christian Aid Week.
Join us again this February to....
Registered Charity no. 1129363
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255
Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB