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District News – 10 October 2023

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This Week's News

Sad News

We were sorry to learn of the death last week of the Revd Margaret Graham, a supernumerary living in the Doncaster Circuit. Margaret had been a member of the Deaconess Order (1965) before being ordained as a presbyter in 1987. Her funeral has been arranged for Monday 23rd October 1.40pm at Rose Hill Crematorium followed by service at Cantley Methodist Church at 2.30pm.
We hold her family in our prayers at this time.

Gill on Tour

The month of September has been a busy one, as is so often the case when the Connexional year begins again! Having shared in all the Welcome Services in the district, I headed for London where on the first Sunday in the month, I was privileged to preach at Wesley's Chapel and Leysian Mission at their morning worship. The Vice President and I were then able to share in an International Lunch, cooked by members of the culturally diverse congregation and then we had opportunity to look around John Wesley's House and the museum that are on the same site.
Click here to found out what happened next

Let's End Poverty Founding Assembly

Saturday 14 Oct 2023

Let's End Poverty, a new anti-poverty movement led by the Methodist Church with key partners, will be launched on Saturday 14 October at 9 Founding Assemblies across Britain and online. Connect with others in a regional gathering or online to show that taking action to end poverty matters to our communities and we want our political leaders to make it their priority too.
More information and booking can be found at:

A Celebration of Chaplaincy

9th November, 7pm – 8pm

We're in challenging times, and yet people still talk of God at work in our broken world. Chaplains are part of God's mission – living out the love of God in so many different places and discovering hidden treasures as people encounter God. Join us for a celebration of chaplaincy with the president and vice-president of the Methodist Conference as they link their theme of Hidden Treasures to the work of chaplaincy.
Click here to book

Fund for Human Need news

At events whenever I am explaining the Fund for Human Need to someone who has a church background (of any denomination) but who has not heard of us, and if I need to be quick – I often tell them we operate like a national benevolent fund. Our aims are the same as any other benevolence Fund: the relief of poverty and distress, but we work nationally throughout the UK helping those who have no recourse to public funds, the homeless and any in distress.
The Fund for Human Need is small, we make the majority of our grants through organisations on the 'front line,' many of whose staff are volunteers.
Read their newsletter to find out more about their work.

District Safeguarding Update

World Mental Health Day 2023 (

Every year we celebrate World Mental Health Day on 10 October. The theme for 2023, set by the World Foundation of Mental Health, is 'Mental health is a universal human right'.
World Mental Health Day is about raising awareness of mental health and driving positive change for everyone's mental health.
It's also a chance to talk about mental health, how we need to look after it, and how important it is to get help if you are struggling. Talking is good for your mental health. And talking about mental health is important. But starting a conversation isn't always easy. Whether you'd like to talk to someone about how you're feeling, or check-in with someone you care about, here are some tips that can help.

The Methodist Church have written a prayer (see below) and reflection for World Mental Health Day.
Revd Stephen Normanton, writes about the charity he founded and is CEO of, PeerTalk, its Methodist roots and its on-going work encouraging people to talk together about mental health.
(Warning, this blog contains mentions of suicidal thoughts and self-harm, links to find urgent support can be found at the foot of the page.)

As ever, if you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call on 07483 362 735 or email me at
Many thanks
Alison Hill -District Safeguarding Officer.


Book Launch – Pharmanomics: How Big Phasrma Destroys Global Health

14 October – 7pm

Book launch of "Pharmanomics: How Big Pharma Destroys Global Health" with the author, Nick Dearden, CEO of Global Justice Now, at Norfolk Room, Central United Reformed Church, 60 Norfolk Street, S1 2JB
Event hosted by Global Justice Sheffield.
Buy the book on the day at the special event price of £12 (RRP £18.99) and get it signed by the author!
No booking required.

Hathersage Repair Café

21 October from 9:45am at Hathersage Methodist Church, S32 1BB

The Repair Café offers free advice and small repairs for: clothing/textiles, small electricals, furniture, bicycles, knife/ tool sharpening, photo restoration and cleaning.
A team of volunteer experts are on hand to advise and carry out 'on-the-day' repairs where possible. There will also be tea/coffee and breakfast rolls served, so you can sit and have a chat while watching the experts at work.
The Repair Café is one way to help the environment by keeping repairable items out of landfill and encouraging a culture of repairing things rather than throwing away. Repairs and advice are completely free, though we do accept donations towards refreshments and the future running of the project.
Hathersage Repair Cafe is a project of Hathersage Methodist Church and Hathersage Parish Church, and is part of a worldwide movement which started in 2009 and now has over 2,500 Cafes around the world, including many run by churches.
All are welcome to drop in, whether you have an item to repair, or just want to find out more about the Repair Café.

IMAGES OF HOLINESS: A Workshop Exploring Icons – Whirlow Spirituality Centre

Wed 8 Nov 2023 9:30 AM

Led by Chris Ellis, this workshop will explore the theme of icons and holiness, with time for prayer and reflection.

The day will start with refreshments from 9:30, with a prompt 10am start, and will draw to a close at 4pm.

Participants are invited to bring their own packed lunch, though tea and coffee will be available throughout the day.

More details here!

New Christian communities gathering

12:30pm Saturday 11 November

An afternoon for anyone who is involved in leading (in any capacity), or preparing to lead, a new Christian community to spend quality time with others who are following similar callings in other places across or affiliated to Sheffield Methodist District.
We will be joined by Rev Anthony Clowes, Church Planting Officer for Manchester & Stockport District. Anthony will explore with us lessons from the Joshua Centre's starting of 30 new congregations within Liverpool's Church of England Diocese.
Lunch and hospitality provided by Gleadless Valley Methodists.
Contact Neil Harland for more details.
Please register so we know how many to cater for

Administrators/Office based workers Training Day

Thursday 16 November from 9:30am

UCAN not only encourage our local gatherings, but also organise training days and we have been able to arrange for one to take place in Sheffield. (This is replacing the previously advertised gathering on 14 November.)
Amplify Your Impact is a 3 session training day aimed at all those working in church administration and operations. Across the 3 sessions, we will be exploring how administrative functions can be aligned and optimised to have the greatest impact on our church's Wildly Important Goals.
The 3 sessions cover:
1. Amplify Your impact – individual impact
2. Amplify Our impact – team impact
3. Amplify The Impact – task impact

Come to talk about time management, implementation, evaluation, effective workflows, and cohesive team. How can we identify what is the best use of our time, and provide the most administrative value? How can we Amplify our Impact?
The cost is £44 for UCAN members and £59 for non-members.
Full details, including how to register, can be found here:

Come and Sing Messiah

Sunday 26 November

Come and Sing Messiah has been a tradition for over 90 years in this area. This year it will be hosted by Denby Dale Methodist Church and all who love singing and have a passion for Handel's Messiah are invited to be part of the chorus.
Singers are asked to attend a non-compulsory rehearsal on Sunday 19th November 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm at Denby Dale Methodist Church. The choir will be directed by the amazing Jane Hobson and accompanied by a professional chamber orchestra.
Full details here:

And finally ...

A Prayer for World Mental Health Day 2023

On World Mental Health Day,
God grant
To those walking in darkness a light for their path.
To those riven with grief comfort.
To those damaged in relationships a healing love.
To those overwhelmed with busyness a quietened mind.
To those wracked with guilt an assurance of acceptance and peace.
To those anxious of the unknown a calmed spirit.
To those perplexed with a chaotic world a confidence in the future.
And to those thinking, 'I'm not worth it' – hope.
Revd Stephen Normanton

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

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