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District News – 1 October 2024

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This Week's News

Sad News

We were very sorry to learn of the death of Rita Hunter, wife of Revd David Hunter, last Thursday at St Luke's Hospice. Rita was a member of the District Probationers Panel, and also a supervisor within the District, as well as a member at Totley Rise Methodist Church. Our thoughts and prayers are will David and the family at this time.

Messy / Vintage Church

Thanks to a New Beginnings Grant, Bolsover Church has created a Messy Church for families and a Vintage Messy Church as part of the Ladies Fellowship.
The journey began as the result of one woman sharing her vision for Messy Church at Bolsover during a Sunday Service. Eleven people responded to this call and began to explore the Messy Church model. A pilot session was created for church families involving 4 families with 11 children between them.
Great fun was had by all and it created an even bigger desire from everyone involved to have more.
Full story here:

Vote in the 3Gen Elections

This year those children and young people who are not attending 3Generate can now vote in the 3Gen elections!
Those aged 8-18, who are connected with a Methodist Church, can vote for the Methodist Youth President and Methodist Conference Youth Rep.Gen, one of our Interns from last year, a member of Barnsley Methodist Community and student at Cliff College is one of the nominees for the next Youth President, so do support them!
Details of how to vote if you are not attending the event are available on the website.
Voting closes on 6 October!

Fund for Human Need – news update

The team were at the Methodist Conference as usual, and also the Greenbelt Festival, giving them the opportunity to share with a wider audience about their work. Because they give cash awards, they cannot access sources of funding normally available to other charities. This makes the efforts of all our supporters even more special.
Read all about this in their newsletter here: FHN 3/24

Hosting at Whirlow

Might you be interested in joining our pool of host volunteers for events? In exchange for a free place on an event, hosts are the wonderful people who are responsible for keeping tea and coffee going throughout the day, keeping everyone safe; sharing the "housekeeping" at the start of sessions (fire alarm procedure, location of toilets etc), putting out materials, and assisting the leader if required. If you might be interested in a further conversation about this, please do be in touch – we'd love to hear from you!

Journalling with recycled materials

10th November 2024| 1:30-4pm | £12 | Whirlow Spirituality Centre
We will be creating simple journals / journal cards, pockets and tags – all using recycled materials, which can then be used as cards/gifts or as an aid to bible journaling. All materials provided.Full details here:

Ebor Lecture – Chine McDonald

Wed 4 Dec at 5pm online and onsite

The next Ebor Lecture will be held on Wednesday 4 December 2024 at 5.00pm. This is a free event and can be accessed online and onsite. Booking details are below, with a brief resume of the speaker, Chine McDonald:
The booking link for Chine McDonald is now live!
Chine McDonald is Director of Theos, religion and society think tank. Previously Head of Public Engagement at Christian Aid, with two decades of experience in journalism, Chine is author of 'God is not a White Man: & other revelations' (2021) and the forthcoming 'Unmaking Mary: Shattering the Myth of Perfect Motherhood' (2025). She studied Theology & Religious Studies at Cambridge University, and is a Canon Theologian at Chester Cathedral.

District Office Updates

Spam and phishing emails

We are aware that some people have been receiving suspect emails which appear to be from Revd Gill Newton. If you have received one, please do not reply. This would show that your email address is valid and is likely to be sold on to other data harvesters.
Another scam that is doing the rounds is the offer of a piano, particularly a baby grand. If an offer seems too good to be true, it usually is.
If you are not sure if something is genuine, feel free to forward the email on to me to check out for you.
Katrin – District Administrator


Baby Loss Awareness Week

Sunday 13 October at 6pm

There will be a Wave of Light service at Bolsover Methodist Church. Light a candle in memory of all babies gone too soon.

Whirlow Spirituality Centre at 3pm
There will be a short, reflective, service of remembrance led by palliative care Chaplain Jo Hird

MWiB (Sheffield District) Events

Oct 5th Fun and Games afternoon for all ages at Bents Green Methodist Church 2pmto 4pm including tea and cakes, Carpet Bowls, Thimble game, Jigsaws and more..
Time to catch up with friends.
Come along and help support our Projects Roundabout and Street Pastors. Donations welcomed.
October 25th MWiB Dedication Service at Whittington Moor Methodist Church 11am Led by Deacon Jackie Wright.
Bring your own lunch drinks provided, followed by talks about the work of Roundabout and Street Pastors
November 15 Quiet Day at Gleadless Methodist Church, 10am for 10:30 start
December 6th at Frecheville Methodist Church -Carols 11am followed by alternative Christmas lunch Fish and Chips followed by Trifle
£12 tickets will be available at the Dedication Service.

New Christian Community Gathering

Saturday 23 November

Our next gathering will be on the morning of Saturday 23 November at Central Methodist Church, Lodge Lane, Aston
Our guest speaker will be Deacon Eunice Attwood, Methodism's national Church at the Margins Officer. If you have ever met Eunice you will already know of her passion for being church with new people who have been marginalised by wider society, through poverty or for other reasons. And her highly engaging teaching style.
Rotherham & Dearne Valley's Family Fun Church will be our hosts. They will share their testimony of being church for families with young children and will lead us in worship. You can hear more about their story in episode 4 of our podcast Faith, Hope and the Journey.
Book your place here:


Development Worker – "Metal Methodists"

'Metal Methodists' seek to appoint a Development Worker via a part-time twelve-month fixed term
contract, at a rate of pay of £15 per hour.

About Metal Methodists:

'Metal Methodists' grew out of a Methodist presbyter's sabbatical in 2020 which included time in Whitby learning more about St Hild, Abbess of Whitby, and Caedmon.
Metal Methodists is an online, and a developing onsite, Christian community located in the Sheffield Methodist Circuit of the Sheffield Methodist District.
The community is open to everyone, but it may primarily appeal to people from alternative music subcultures (punk, grunge, hard rock, metal, and associated subgenres) and/or those who may feel on the margins of mainstream culture and inherited church.
This feeling may be because of how others preconceive and respond to how a person chooses to present and express themselves for example through their outward appearance.
Click here to learn more about Metal Methodist.
Full details can be found here: Development Worker – Metal Methodists

Visits and Collections Manager

Epworth Old Rectory

We are recruiting for a new Visits and Collections Manager.
25 hours per week
£29,899 per annum pro rata (£20,202 per annum) (2024 rate)
With experience in management of museum collections and public engagement through a range of media, you will be responsible for the visitor experience on site and online, collections care, marketing and volunteer management for Epworth Old Rectory. It is a multi-faceted role suitable for someone who excels in delivering an outstanding visitor experience.
To apply:
Download and read the Background document and Job Description & Person Specification which can be found on our website Vacancies & Volunteering at Epworth Old Rectory – Epworth Old Rectory

Email with your CV and a covering letter which details how your skills and experience meet the requirements of the role.
If you have any enquiries or would like to arrange an informal conversation about the roles with the Chair of Trustees, contact

Application deadline:Thursday 24 October at 12 noon
Interviews: Tuesday 5 November

And finally ...

A prayer for Black History Month

To mark the start of Black History Month, Revd Dr Inderjit Bhogal, Former President of the Methodist Conference, shares this prayer :

God of justice and righteousness,
in whom is the home and hope of all nations, all people
We uphold before you the history and heritage of black people, made in your image as are all people.

We light a candle before you in remembrance of all black people who have been and are denied their humanity just because of the colour of their skin.
We hold before you the hurt of black people.

We light a candle before you in thanks giving for all black people who have stood up to and resisted racist structures, attitudes and actions.
We hold before you the hopes of black people.

We light a candle before you in celebration of all black people like Mary Seacole, Martin Luther King, and Sybil Phoenix who have set up and lit up pathways of freedom and justice for all to walk, to bring us where you want us to be.
We hold before you all the heroes of black people.

We light before you a candle for us all that we all be symbol of your light and life and love in our time and place.
We hold ourselves before you that we may be delivered from our distress and find our strength in you.

In the Name of Christ.

Get In Touch
0114 270 9990 / 0114 430 0255

Sheffield District Office
Room 47, Victoria Hall Methodist Church
Norfolk Street
S1 2JB

District Map

© 2025 – Sheffield Methodist District